
fánɡ hù cénɡ
  • Protective layer;cocoon;inhibitory coating
  1. 两种高温合金渗Al防护层的退化过程

    Deterioration of aluminide coating on nickel-base superalloys

  2. 用于地下管道防护层质量检测的PCM系统

    PCM System for Testing the Protection Coating of Buried Pipelines

  3. 换热器管束表面镀Ni-P防护层的防腐应用

    Application of Ni - P plating on the pipe surface of carbon steel exchanger

  4. 熔融织构YBCO超导体银防护层的研究

    Study of Silver Coating High T_c Melt-Textured YBCO Superconductors

  5. 利用等离子喷涂方法在聚酰亚胺基复合材料表面喷涂金属防护层,涂层材料分别采用Al、Cu、Zn和Ni。

    Metal coating was made on polymer matrix composite substrate by plasma spraying , and coating material was Al , Cu , Zn and Ni .

  6. 小波分析与Kohonen神经网络方法在埋地管道防护层缺陷现场检测中的应用

    Application of wavelet analysis and Kohonen neural networks for fieid detection of spots on underground pipeline coating

  7. 其原因在于存在于合成物表面的PEG链能起到防护层的作用,进而抑制了由于非特异性蛋白质的吸附而引起的聚集反应。

    This was attributed to the PEG chains present on the surface of complexes that could work as a protective shield layer against aggregation caused by non-specific protein adsorption .

  8. 文章介绍了已有的多种管道防护层地面检测技术,着重分析了电化学阻抗谱(EIS)技术对防护层剥离检测的似适用性。

    The monitoring technologies for various existing protecting layer of pipelines were introduced and the applicability of EIS to monitor the spalling of protecting layer was analyzed .

  9. 应用密间隔电位(CIPS)和恒电流瞬态响应技术对埋地管道防护层进行现场测试。

    The close interval pipe-to-soil potential survey ( CIPS ) and the galvanostatic transient response method were used to detect the coating quality of buried pipelines .

  10. 用电弧喷涂在镁合金表面形成铝防护层,为增强铝与基体结合能力,在430℃保温处理2h,使涂层和基体间发生扩散。

    A protecting aluminum coating on the magnesium alloy surface was obtained by electro-arc spraying . In order to enhance the combination between magnesium alloy matrix and aluminum coating , the sample was heat-treated at temperature 430 ℃ for two hours .

  11. 在复合绝缘子芯棒表面涂覆一层鳞片涂料,涂层厚度达0.1mm以上时,可以形成有效的应力腐蚀防护层。

    A layer of flake coating , which can form a valid safeguard to stress corrosion cracking ( SCC ), in thickness of about 0.1 mm is applied to the surface of FRP rods .

  12. 最后,根据试验得到的边坡表层土体的力学参数,采用DP(Drucker-Prager)材料,对不同坡高和坡度的岩质路堑边坡绿色防护层土体进行了有限元分析。

    Finally , according to the project parameter that the test is received , the soil body material adopts DP ( Drucker-Prager ) material , then we analyse different hight and degree of rock slop and road cuttings 's body of top layer soil by the finite element method .

  13. 对加氢热壁反应器堆焊不锈钢防护层出现缺陷的分析

    Analysis of Defects in Stainless Steel Overlay of Hot-wall Hydrogenation Reactor

  14. 埋地管道防护层缺陷现场检测与评价

    On the spot detection and evaluation of underground pipeline coatings defects

  15. 阴极保护下高绝缘性能防护层的电化学阻抗谱特征

    EIS characteristics of perfectly insulated coating systems unded cathodic protection potential

  16. 新型混凝土组合防护层的抗侵彻性能研究

    Research on Anti-Penetrating Performance of New Type Combined Concrete Protective Structure

  17. 长输管道外防护层的选择与应用

    Selection and Application of External Protection Layer for Long-distance Pipeline

  18. 这种防护层甚至可以保护道路交通标志免受天气侵害。

    It could even protect traffic signs from weather damage .

  19. 我们已经没有时间来启动防护层了。

    We have little time to get the shields activated .

  20. 基于阴极保护的埋地管道防护层健康诊断技术研究

    Research on Health Diagnoses of Buried Pipeline Coating Based on Cathodic Voltage

  21. 长输管道防护层缺陷及检测技术

    Defects of Protecting Layer of Long ? distance Pipeline and Monitoring Technology

  22. 复合材料构件喷铝防护层损伤修补工艺

    Damage Reparation on Sprayed Al Protection Layer of Composite Structure

  23. 管道3PE防护层的结构特点与缺陷分析及防范

    Structure characteristics and defect analysis of three layer coating system

  24. 我想我可以激活防护层这样就可以拯救这个城市了。

    I thought I 'd activate the shield and save the day .

  25. 分层防护层对爆炸波的衰减和弥散作用研究机械弥散(对流弥散)

    The Attenuation and Dispersion Effects on Explosive Wave of Layered Protective Engineering ;

  26. 过程工业计算机辅助安全防护层分析技术进展

    The Technology Progress of Computer Aided Analysis of Protective Layers in Process Industry

  27. 锌锅腐蚀机理及耐锌蚀防护层的研究

    Research on the Corrosion Mechanism of Galvanization Vessel and Its Resistent Zinc Coatings

  28. 含泡沫铝防护层钢筋混凝土板的抗爆性能研究

    Investigation on anti-explosion performance of reinforced concrete slab with composite protective aluminum foam

  29. 计算结果给飞行器头罩的热防护层设计提供了有益的参考。

    The conclusions provide helpful reference for the design of heat-proof of craft cap .

  30. 使用该系统环境污染小,所涂敷的防护层性能稳定。

    The system is more environmentally compatible and ensures protective coating with consistent performance .