
  • 网络Double-Sided Boards;PCB;double side;double sided board
  1. 采用溅射/电镀法制备的Cu薄膜,具有良好的表面平滑性和弯曲特性,膜层结构致密且均匀,容易制作双面板等优点。

    Copper thin films made by sputtering / plating methods have advantages of good smoothing , bending , compact structure and easy to make double panel .

  2. 注意对双面板,板子的两面的上不和底部都须放置热电偶。

    Note : Thermocouples must be placed on top and bottom side of board for double sided boards .

  3. 对于密度较低的单、双面板,采用常用的直流电镀电源即可满足要求。

    To traditional single or double face PCB , which is usually of low density , DC platting power source is satisfying .

  4. 钎料的通孔填充性问题一直是无铅波峰焊工艺在焊接双面板或多层板时一个很大的挑战,特别是遇到大厚板或者存在大吸热元件时填充不良现象尤为严峻。

    Through hole filling is always a big challenge for wave soldering in multilayer PCB assembly , especially when encountering thick boards or components with large thermal dissipation .

  5. 论文首先简述了印制电路板从简单的单面板、双面板到高密度互连板的发展过程,高密度互连板的设计研究现状及本论文需要完成的主要工作。

    Paper first outlines the printed circuit board to the development of high-density interconnect board process , the design of HDI board Research and the paper needs major work done .

  6. 积层板的电路是三维排列的,与传统印制电路板相比极大地节省了空间,因为后者最多只能排布两层电路(即双面板)。

    BUM boards provide circuitry in a three-dimensional array and are therefore advantageously space-saving , relative to conventional printed circuit boards , which provide at most two layers of circuitry on a two-sided board .

  7. 非标准双面印制板自动布线系统

    An automatic routing system for non-standard two-layer printed boards on minicomputers

  8. 大型双面复合板椭圆封头冲压工艺

    Discussion of Large Double-faced Clad Plate Elliptical Head Pressing Procedure

  9. GB/T4588.2-1996有金属化孔单双面印制板分规范

    Sectional specification : single and double sided printed boards with plated-through holes

  10. 不锈钢&碳钢单、双面复合板的爆炸焊接及性能研究

    Explosion welding and properties of stainless steel carbon steel single and double side compound sheets

  11. GB/T4588.10-1995印制板第10部分:有贯穿连接的刚挠双面印制板规范

    Printed boards & Part 10 : Specification for flex-rigid double-sided printed boards with through connections

  12. 推荐使用微带线技术,但这种技术对于双面电路板未必始终可行。

    A microstrip technique is recommended , but not always possible with a double-sided board .

  13. 在双面线路板上安装电容器时,电容器的安装位置应避开多余的基板孔和过孔。

    While mounting capacitors on double-side PC board , the capacitors should be away from those unnecessary base plate holes and connection holes .

  14. 应用本研究绘制的双面印刷板图,经光刻制板,生产出的产品,完全满足生产实际的要求。

    It completely meets the needs of production to make products by using the perfecting plates and graphs researched and plotted in this paper after photoetching plate making .

  15. GB/T14516-1993无贯穿连接的单、双面挠性印制板技术条件

    Specification for single and double sided flexible printed boards without through connections

  16. GB/T15871-1995硬面光掩模基板双面印刷电路板感光机

    Hard surface photomask substrates twin surface print circuit light-sensitizer

  17. 双面印刷线路板电镀废水的控制与治理

    Control and treatment of electroplating waste water from double faced printed circuit board processing

  18. 双面不锈钢复合板冷轧及热处理工艺探讨

    Discussion on the Process of Cold - rolling and Heat Treatment of Double-side Stainless Composite Plate

  19. 针对远红外蔬菜脱水机输送装置存在的双面输送链板翻板率低,甚至脱落等问题,增设了拨板机构和防脱落装置。

    Add dialing mechanism and anti-drop device on the foundation of the available far-infrared dryer for vegetable 's part transposition of chain boards can 't cross the board on schedule and even drop .

  20. 双面超薄不锈钢复合板焊接性的研究

    Study on the Weldability of Clad Plate with Double Ultra-thiu Stainless Steel

  21. 简介:成立于1986年,是生产双面和多层印制板的专业公司。

    Specialize manufactured double sided and multilayer PCB from 1986 .

  22. 高速双面共面结构印刷电路板电特性仿真高解像度双面印刷电路板的穿通孔法制造工艺

    Technique to make high-density double side printed circuit board the method of punching through board