
shuānɡ ɡuānɡ zǐ ɡuò chénɡ
  • two-photon process
  1. 说明红光和绿光发射既有单光子过程,又有双光子过程。

    We can find that both red light and green light upconversion include not only single-photon emission process , but also two-photon process .

  2. 由于组成白光的蓝(主发射)、绿、红三基色发光均为双光子过程,因而该白光对泵浦功率非常不敏感。

    Because the blue ( main emission at 479 nm ), green and red emissions are two-photon process , the white light is not sensitive to the pumping power .

  3. 动态Stark效应对双光子过程中原子和场的动力学行为的影响

    Dynamic Stark effect on the dynamical behaviors of atom and field in two-photon processes

  4. 本文发现了描写双光子过程的Jaynes-Cummings哈密顿量的超对称结构。

    For Jaynes Cummings model which can describe two photon processes , it is found its supersymmetric structure .

  5. 双光子过程中真空态T-C模型场熵的演化

    Evolution of the Field Entropy in the Vacuum state Two Photon Tavis Cummings Model

  6. 相位损耗腔中大失谐J-C模型双光子过程的线性熵特性

    The properties of linear entropy in the J-C model with large detuning inside a phase cavity in the process of double photons

  7. 讨论了初始光场为压缩态、原子光场耦合系数随时间变化情形下双光子过程JC模型的量子统计性质。

    The quantum statistical properties of two photon Jaynes Cummings model with a time dependent atom field coupling coefficient are discussed under the initial squeezing state of the light field .

  8. 采用单模量子化光场和有效二能级的多能级原子组成的模型,研究了动态Stark效应对该系统原子和压缩态光场的双光子过程动力学行为的影响。

    The dynamic Stark effect on the dynamical behaviors of atom and squeezed state field in-two-photon processes is studied by a model consisting of an effective two-level atom with multiple levels and quantized field with single mode .

  9. 本文报导用脉冲光电流效应观察发生在直流放电的商品Na/Ne和Nd/Ne空心阴极放申灯中的Ne和Na的一些双光子过程,指出不少多光子过程都可以用这种方法来探测。

    Some two-photon processes of Ne and Na in Na / Ne and Nd / Ne hollow cathode discharge lamps were probed by using the pulse optogalvanic effect . It is pointed out that a lot of multiphoton processes may be measured by using this method .

  10. 压缩真空态中二能级原子简并双光子过程的广义Bloch-Siegert频移

    Generalized Bloch Siegert Shift for a Two level Atom in a Squeezed Vacuum via Degenerate Two photon Processes

  11. 研究了双光子过程J-C模型场熵的压缩特性,讨论了原子初态和失谐量对场熵压缩特性的影响。

    The field entropy squeezing properties of J-C Model in Two-Photon Processes are studied . The influences of the initial state of atoms and the frequency detuning value on the field entropy squeezing are discussed .

  12. 在980nm红外光激发下,Yb3+和Er3+共掺的NaRe(WO4)2纳米晶体可产生明显的绿色上转换发光,发光机理为双光子过程。

    The strong green upconversion luminescence of Er ~ ( 3 + ) and Yb ~ ( 3 + ) co-doped NaRe ( WO_4 ) _2 nanocrystals under 980 nm excitation could be observed , mechanism of luminescence was also discussed .

  13. 双光子过程μ子对末态的最新测量

    Recent measurements of two photon muon pair process from Mark J

  14. 双光子过程中模场与运动原子相互作用的非经典性质

    With a Moving Atom in the Two - photon processes

  15. 混合态二能级原子双光子过程的量子特性

    Quantum Properties in the Two-photon Process with Two-level Atomic Mixed-state

  16. 开放有序,保护适度;双光子过程的能级图和时序图

    The Energy Level Diagrams and the Time - ordered Graphs for Two-photon Processes

  17. 级联双光子过程中的压缩现象

    Squeezing phenomenon in the cascade two - photon process

  18. 四能级系统中的双光子过程

    Two - photon processes in four levels system

  19. 双光子过程光子统计

    Photon statistics for two - photon processes

  20. 得到简并双光子过程中原子约化密度算符非对角元。

    The non-opposite angle element of two-level atom 's reducible density rectangular array is obtained .

  21. 双光子过程将使光电子能谱和光诱导自电离过程变得非常复杂,单光子和双光子过程所产生的光电子能谱,都具有多极大值结构。

    For example , the photoelectron spectra of one and two-photon process have multi-maxium structure .

  22. 蛋白质中的双光子过程

    Two - Photon Exitation in Proteins

  23. 本文研究了二能级系统一般布居情况下双光子过程的光子统计。

    The photon statistic of two-photon processes is treated for the general case of two-level systems .

  24. 这些上转换红光和绿光都是双光子过程。

    The main upconversion emissions ( blue and red ) were attributed to two photons processes .

  25. 双光子过程诱导的原子相干&从反转激光到无反转激光的转换

    Atomic coherence induced by two photon process transition from lasing with inversion to lasing without inversion

  26. 强场作用下二能级原子双光子过程中辐射场的压缩效应

    Squeezing of the radiation field in a two-photon process under strong coherent field of initial state

  27. 强激发二能级原子双光子过程的粒子数反转

    Atom 's Particle Number Inversion in the Two photon Process Under Strong Exciting of Coherent Field

  28. 当入射激光能量密度较高时,双光子过程将起主要作用。

    For polymethyl methacrylate , two photon processes play an important role at high incident energy density .

  29. 正负电子对撞物理中的双光子过程

    Two-photon Process in Positron-electron collision

  30. 压缩真空场中非简并双光子过程中系统约化密度主方程

    Master Equation for Reduced Density Operator of the System for Non degenerate Two photon Processes in Squeezed Vaccum