
  • 网络DTMF;Dual Tone Multi Frequency;dual tone multi-frequency;Dual Tone Multiple Frequency
  1. 介绍了一种计算机通过利用双音多频(DTMF)码进行控制的多媒体数学集中控制系统的工作原理。

    The authors introduce a principle that the computer controls the multimedia teaching centralized monitoring system by using of DTMF .

  2. 对于远程控制模块,作者提出并实现了一种利用双音多频(DTMF)解码进行远程控制的技术和计算机屏幕图像压缩的算法。

    During the design of remote control model , the author put forward new thought in remote control using DTMF technology .

  3. 基于MATLAB的双音多频信号识别

    Detection of DTMF Signals Based on MATLAB

  4. 另一方面是对电话通信的控制和处理,包括双音多频模块和呼叫进程音模块,主要为了产生和检测IP电话通信中一些必须的电话信号。

    The other part includes DTMF and CPT module , which generate and detect some necessary telephony signal in the communication .

  5. 基于CPLD的双音多频信号PCM编码的设计

    The Novel Design of CPLD Application in DTMF Tone PCM Code

  6. 本文介绍了可编程逻辑器件(PLD)在双音多频信号的PCM编码中的应用。

    This paper introduces the application of CPLD in DTMF tone PCM code .

  7. 基于(TI)C6711浮点DSP的双音多频信号检测的实现

    The Detecting of the Signal DTMF Based on DSP ( TI ) C6711

  8. 该控制器以单片机、双音多频解码和语音芯片为核心,通过个人通信终端和PSTN实现远程多路电器遥控。

    It makes use of the personal communication terminal to realize the remote control by PSTN .

  9. 叙述了带有PWM和SRAN的AVR系列微控制器产生双音多频(DTMF)信号的方法。

    This application note describes how DTMF ( Dual-Tone Multiple Frequencies ) signaling can be implemented using any AVR microcontroller with PWM and SRAM .

  10. 采用ADSP-2100系列的双音多频信号接收器

    A Dual Tone Multi frequency Receiver Using ADSP 2100 Family

  11. 介绍了DTMF(双音多频)技术在设计仪器仪表的按键的遥控接口方面的应用。

    A kind of technology based on DTMF has been introduced to realize the remote control interface design on instrument keyboard .

  12. 根据有线载波通信的原理和双音多频DTMF(DualToneMultiFrequency)编码,同时利用单片机实现对目标负载有线遥控的智能控制系统。

    Based on the principle of carrier communication , an intelligent control system is presented , which applies single chip microcomputer and DTMF ( Dual Tone Multi Frequency ) coding technique to realize remote control of objective load .

  13. 给出了利用单片机及MT8880双音多频(DTMF)编、解码电路构成的智能控制系统。

    The intelligent controller system is given which is mainly composed of MT8880 ( DTMF encoder and decoder ) and SCM .

  14. 双音多频(DTMF)是一种在话音信道用音调来表示数字的方法,它可以用来在模拟话音信道传输信令,因此在通信中有广泛的应用。

    Provide ( DTMF ) is a voice channel and tone to represent Numbers method , which can be used to transmit analog voice , so in communication has been widely used .

  15. 它是一种基于DTMF(双音多频)信号的远程智能控制器。它具有振铃检测和模拟摘机,DTMF信号解调和133秒无响应自动挂机的功能。

    It is a kind of long-distance intelligent controller based on the DTMF signal with multiple functions such as shake-bell examination , pick-up simulation , DTMF signal demodulation , hang-up after no - answer , etc.

  16. 介绍一种基于STD总线的多路DTMF(双音多频)通信电路的构成、工作原理及软件设计。

    The make up , principle and software design of a multi loop DTMF ( dual tone multi frequency ) communication circuit based on STD bus is described , which with STD module can be used as star type distributed remote data communication system .

  17. 在传输网络中,音频适配器采用双音多频芯片MT8880实现数据格式的转换功能,对讲机则完成对转换后的音频信号收发功能;

    In the transmission network , the audio adapter adopts MT8880 to transform the data format and the wireless interphone is to transmit and receive the audio signal .

  18. 利用单片机实现对双音多频编/解码器的控制

    Control for coder / encoder of DTMF with single chip microcomputer

  19. 双音多频信号的实时数字滤波译码

    Real-Time Digital Filter and Decoding of Dual Tone Multifrequency Signal

  20. GB/T12198-1990电话用双音多频式按键号盘测试方法

    Methods of measurement for pushbutton dialer with DTMF

  21. GB/T12197-1990双音多频式按键电话机测试方法

    Methods of measurement for pushbutton telephone with DTMF

  22. 双音多频信号产生及解码的研究

    The Generation and Detection of DTMF Signals

  23. 双音多频:电话系统拨号时通过按键按下的事件来通讯。

    A method used by the telephone system to communicate the keys pressed when dialling .

  24. 给出了双音多频发送电路的分立元件实现方法。

    The realization of the DTMF circuit using discrete components was presented in this paper .

  25. 双音多频信号的软件解码

    Decoding of DTMF signal with software

  26. 如果您行动不便,可能会意外地多次按动某个键GB/T9034-1988双音多频式按键电话机技术要求

    If you have motion disabilities , You might accidentally press a key too many times Performance requirements of pushbutton telephone with DTMF

  27. 利用双音多频编解码技术实现了电话远程控制家用电器的智能控制系统。

    This paper presents the design and implementation of a system that performs remote control of household appliances using personal communication terminals and a household gateway .

  28. 判定成功后由双音多频模块和语音模块通过电话线路即时拨号报警,报警信号传输准确、及时。

    If an alarm signal is acquired successfully , an accuracy and in-time alarm signal is sent out by a dual tone multi-frequency model and an audio model through public telephone lines .

  29. 介绍了目前传输远方跳闸信号的使用技术和现状,并在此基础上提出了一种新型的双音多频式远方跳闸信号传输接口装置的原理方案。

    The status quo of technique used for the transmission of remote trip signals ard introduced . Based upon this , a principle scheme of new type dual-tone multi-frequency transmission interface device for remote trip signals is put forward .