
yīn liànɡ tiáo jié
  • volume control;modulation
  1. 并且它附带有静音和音量调节功能,收到由FPGA送来控制数据后进行音量调节和静音控制。

    And it comes with mute and volume control which receiving the control data from the FPGA .

  2. 右下脚音量调节功能。

    Right lower leg volume control .

  3. 用户可以操作触摸屏来对MP3文件进行下载、选择、播放、暂停和音量调节。

    Users can operate the touch screen to download , choose , play , pause and adjust volume of music files .

  4. 据此结果设计的级差音量调节电路,已成功地应用于AA800与AAC1000型的语言学习系统。

    The circuit design of range volume adjuster based on this study has been successfully applied to the AA 800 and AAc 1000 type language learn - ing system .

  5. 主控制板包括电源电路、视频切换电路、VGA切换电路、音频切换电路、数控音量调节电路、设备电源管理电路以及通信电路,由CPU来控制各电路的操作。

    The power circuit , audio / video switching circuit , VGA switching circuit , digital volume tune circuit , devices ' power control circuit and communication circuit are included in the main control circuit . The operations of these circuits are all controlled using CPU .

  6. 级差音量调节电路设计&场效应管的新应用

    Circuit Design for a Range Volume Adjuster A New Application of Fieldistor

  7. 收音机的音量调节器调整斜度、音调或者音量。

    Adjust the pitch , tone , or volume of .

  8. 为所有文件添加音量调节值(慢速)

    Add volume leveling values for all files ( slow )

  9. 电阻网络在集成电路电子音量调节中的应用

    Application of Resistance Network in the Electronic Volume Adjustment of the Integrated Circuit

  10. 这种影响包括音量调节和每个音域详细的调整。

    The effect includes volume adjustment and detailed adjustment of each tone range .

  11. 难道要一直紧盯手机屏幕关心音量调节吗?

    So , have to be always paying close attention to your ringer volume ?

  12. 收音机的音量调节器

    The volume control of a radio

  13. 例外的是控制元件测试。在此过程中仍可以操作音量调节器。

    By way of exception the test of the control-unit , the volume regulator can be adjusted .

  14. 支持随机播放和顺序播放,对音量调节和歌词显示也做一定探索。

    Random broadcast and order playback support for volume control , and lyrics display also do must explore .

  15. 这些参数通常包含音量调节、图像调节、多人游戏设置、难度以及开始关卡。

    Those parameters often include sound volume , graphic options , multiplayer options , difficulty and starting level .

  16. 当音量调节操作时,则在开环形式下完成默认音量的采样更新。

    While volume adjusting is evoked , default volume is collected under the mode of open loop control .

  17. 例如我们可以认为它是一个音量调节旋钮,现在它已经无法再进行调节了。

    Think of it as a volume knob , for example , that can 't be turned any further .

  18. 使用时先选择该项,激活右边的滑动条,然后用左箭头或右箭头来进行音量调节。

    Select it to activate the slider bar on the right , then use the leave and right arrows to adjust the volume .

  19. 提出了一种采用数字电路技术,替代原来的模拟元器件控制音响的声道选择和音量调节的音响控制器。

    In this article an audio controller , which uses digital circuit technology instead of original analogue components to control channel selection and volume adjustment , is proposed .

  20. 终端即客户端,其提供的服务有:签到、投票、显示、选择、语种选择、申请发言以及音量调节。

    The terminal in system is the user , whose function providing service includes signing-in voting , displaying , selection , language-selecting , applying speaking , volume adjustment .

  21. 这些可以帮助考生习惯磁带中的声音,考官可以将音量调节到适合大家的最舒适的程度。

    This helps to get them accustomed to the voices on the cassette , and to allow for adjustments to the volume to a comfortable level for everybody .

  22. 对于听力损伤的次要角色,您会确保为声音输出提供音量调节功能,为视频剪辑提供字幕,等等。

    For a secondary persona with hearing impairment , you would ensure that you have provided volume adjustment capability for sound output , subtitles for video clips , and so forth .

  23. 边界值是约束如果可以放松一个单位(如果音量调节旋钮可以再调节一点点)目标函数可以改进的值。

    The marginal is the value by which the objective function would improve if the constraint were relaxed by one unit ( if the volume knob could turn a little more ) .

  24. 在音量调节方面采用开关音量调节技术,不管输出多大的功率,功率放大器始终工作在开关状态,从而提高功率放大器的效率,大大减小散热片的体积,有利于缩小报警器的体积。

    In the part of switch volume regulating , the power amplifier is worked at switch-state , which can increase the efficiency of high-power amplifier and decrease volume of radiator , consequently decrease volume of the alarm .

  25. 来自5路不同信源的音频信号,进入音频信号处理模块,来完成音频信号音量调节、各路信源切换、高低音设置等任务;

    The audio signal from five different of signal sources , input the audio Signal process module , which finish the audio signal volume regulate , all the signal sources switch , treble / bass set etc task .

  26. 在荧屏上很可能不大能看清楚皮带的一些细节,比如这有个过渡系统,这上有个火焰,这上有个爵士歌手、音量调节器、钢琴键盘、十进制表。

    Probably on camera you can 't really see the detail of some the belts , like there is a transit system , there 's flames , there 's a belt with jazz singers on it , volume control , piano keys , metric tables .

  27. 每当一个参与者离开酒吧,音量被重新调节,然后随机选取下一个研究对象。

    After each participant left the bar , sound levels were again manipulated and another random drinker observed .

  28. 用户使用设备的音量按钮来调节设备所能发出的任何声音,包括歌曲,应用程序的声音和设备的声音。

    Users use the device 's volume buttons to adjust the volume of all sounds their devices can play , including songs , application sounds , and device sounds .

  29. 在酒吧老板的帮助下,研究人员对酒吧音乐的音量大小进行了调节,并记录了顾客在不同音量环境下的饮酒量和饮酒速度。

    With help from the bars'owners , the team turned the music up and down and then recorded how much and how fast people drank .

  30. 一种利用说话人识别技术的广播音响自动音量控制系统,通过识别出说话人的变更或语音的突变,从而给出在不同情况下音量的不同调节速度,有利地改善了伴音大小不一的现象。

    An automatic volume control system used in the audio system of broadcast is introduced . In this system , different adjusting speeds are provided according to the alteration of speakers by using the technique of speaker recognition .