
  • 网络sound designer;Sound Editor;sound effect master;Foley artist
  1. 白天他则做音效师(这里也有译为音频工程师、音响工程师)。

    By day , he works as an audio engineer .

  2. 音效师一天的生活,挺辛苦。

    Day in the life of a sound man , it 's tough .

  3. 还有什么其他手段或是方式是音效师在使用的呢?

    But what are some other tools or hacks that sound designers use ?

  4. 工业的声音被我的偶像之一,大卫·林奇,和他的音效师艾林·斯普莱特所采用,

    they 've been used by one of my heroes , David Lynch , and his sound designer , Alan Splet

  5. 他让我吃惊让摄像师吃惊让音效师吃惊他让控制室里所有人都吃了一惊

    And he surprised me , he surprised the camera guy , he surprised the sound guy , every one in the control room

  6. 我正在制作一部广播纪录片,所有制作人都长相出众,甚至整天与按钮打交道的音效师都长得非常养眼。

    I am in the process of making a radio documentary and all the producers are gorgeous , and even the sound technicians - who commune with buttons all day - are perfectly agreeable to look at .

  7. 所以情况经常会像他在费城的最近一次讲座这样,听众们对他的第一条评论是:“我们听不清!”范德科尔克请求音效师帮他调高音量,并向与会的200来人承诺,他会尽可能地大声。

    As is often the case , the first audience comment at a recent lecture he gave in Philadelphia was " We can 't hear you ! " Van der Kolk asked a sound technician to turn up the volume and promised the 200 or so attendees that he would speak as loudly as he could .