
  • 网络audio oscillator
  1. 他们只得到了一台双线示波器,还有一台惠普音频振荡器。

    All they could obtain was a double-beam oscilloscope and an audio-frequency Hewlett-Packard oscillator .

  2. 多年来,惠普音频振荡器被用于设计、制造以及维护电话、音响、收音机以及其他音响设备。

    Through the years , HP oscillators were used to design , produce and maintain telephones , stereos , radios and other audio equipment .

  3. 房子有一间车库——这间车库后来成为了硅谷的标志之一——在这里,他们敲敲打打,制造出了自己的第一件产品:一台音频振荡器。

    The house had a garage - an appendage that would prove both useful and iconic in the valley - in which they tinkered around until they had their first product , an audio oscillator .