
  • 网络Music Foundation;The outline of the Music
  1. 音乐基础训练是提高学生整体音乐素质的基础课程,由于受教学条件的限制和传统教学模式的影响,高职视唱练耳课程教学成效不明显。

    Music foundation training has an important position in higher vocational education , which is a basic course for improving students ' whole music quality . Because of inflation of teaching conditions restriction and traditional teaching mode , teaching effect of course of singing and practice ear is distinct .

  2. 浅谈高职教学中的音乐基础训练的重要性

    On Importance of Music Foundation Training in Higher Vocational Teaching

  3. 开发这套和声基础规范键盘测试的CAT系统正是顺应了这个需要,是信息技术与音乐基础理论教学相整合的一次很好的尝试,也可以说是填补了该领域的一项空白。

    Consequently , we design and develop this system to meet the demands . Although some deficiency and imperfectness , it is really an excellent attempt to integrate the basic music theory into modern computer information technology which can be said to fill up the blankness in this field .

  4. 该节目名为Ishaan和它的音乐基础上通过一个鼓舞人心的旅程属于一个年轻男孩谁发现意识和朋友。

    The show is titled Ishaan and it 's based on an inspirational journey of a young boy who finds friends and a sense of belonging through music .

  5. 浅谈俄罗斯音乐基础教育的特点

    Brief Analysis on the Characteristics of Music Fundamental Education in Russia

  6. 普通高校音乐基础课的设置和教学内容的构建

    Offering and Constructing Basic Music Course in Colleges and Universities

  7. 论音乐基础知识学习与音乐审美教育的关系

    Discussion on the Relation of Music Basic Knowledge Study and Music Aesthetic Education

  8. 调式分析是音乐基础理论教学中的一个难点。

    Mode analysis is a difficult point in teaching about basic music theories .

  9. 中国民族声乐具有丰富的民族音乐基础,民族声乐是世界音乐文化的组成部分。

    Second , the Chinese national vocality is one part of the world music culture .

  10. 建国前的中国音乐基础理论教育以西洋乐理为主,其发展可分为四个阶段:1、西洋乐理在宫廷:鸦片战争前西洋乐理初涉中国;

    Chinese basic music theory education took the Western music theory as main content before established .

  11. 作为音乐基础理论的视唱教学,越来越体现出它的重要性。

    Sightsinging teaching , as the basic theory of music , its importance has been embodied increasingly .

  12. “音值组合法”是《音乐基础理论》课程中一个重要的教学内容。

    The combination notes of values is the important teaching content in the course of music basic theory .

  13. 浅谈高等院校《音乐基础理论》课的性质与教学内容

    A Brief Talk on the Nature and content of the course , THE BASIC MUSICAL THEORY in Colleges or Universities

  14. 固定旋律,固定曲调:与对位声部一起作为一首复调音乐基础的一段素歌旋律,如在15世纪复调音乐中。

    A plainsong melody serving as the basis of a polyphonic composition by the addition of contrapuntal voices , as in15th-century polyphony .

  15. 建国后的中国音乐基础理论教育以九十年代为界,分为两个时期,即建国后至九十年代的缓慢期和九十年代后的蜕变期。

    Chinese basic music theory education after established is divided into two parts : The slow development from established to 1990 's and the change after 1990 's.

  16. 现在,面临这个新的苏格拉底乐观主义舞台境界,歌队和一般悲剧的全部酒神音乐基础将变成甚么样呢?

    What is the view taken of the chorus in this new Socratic optimistic stage world , and of the entire musical and Dionysian foundation of tragedy ?

  17. 音乐基础教育改革师资需求的变化,引发了我们对高师音乐教育原有人才培养模式的反思。

    The urgent demand of music teachers caused by music curriculum reform in basic education has made us reflect on the former training modes of music teachers at teachers ' colleges .

  18. 音程,是音乐基础理论中的一个基本概念,近年来一些乐理书中对其中若干概念的称谓、定义、种类、性质等的解释有值得商榷之处。

    Interval is a basic concept of the basic music theory . In recent years , the definition , classification and nature of some concepts in the music theory books are worth discussing .

  19. 系统分为音乐基础理论知识学习、音乐常识学习、音乐鉴赏、作业管理、用户管理等五大模块。

    The system is divided into five modules such as theoretical knowledge learning module , music general knowledge learning module , music appreciation module , operation management module , and the user management module .

  20. 通过《音乐基础知识》前测与后测的统计分析,各班各表现小组的后测成绩均高于前测成绩,达到显著性差异。

    Through the statistic analysis about the pre-and after-test of music basis , all results of after-test were higher than that of pre-test for each groups of every classes , which showed notable discrepancy . 2 .

  21. 构成音乐基础的音阶上的音构成和弦(即若干同时发响的音),和声与和弦的构成有关,也与伴奏和弦的连接方法及进行规律有关。

    Harmony concerns the building of chord ( tones played together ) derived from the scale on which the music is based , and it also involves the order in which successions of chords accompany the melody .

  22. 对于艺术歌曲作品,进行深入的研究,不但有利于演唱者,对于声乐演唱技能、技巧的发展与进步,而且也会促进其自身的音乐基础知识与艺术修养的提高。

    For works of art songs , in-depth study , not only those who benefit concert for the vocal music skills , skills development and progress , but also promote their own basic knowledge of music and art accomplishments .

  23. 俄罗斯音乐基础教育在世界音乐教育中独树一帜,其成功的经验举世公认,认真分析其特点,对我国中小学音乐教育的改革和发展具有借鉴意义。

    The fundamental education of music in Russia is greatly honored in the world . The analysis of the characteristics of its experience and success will have a great impact on the reform and development of the fundamental music education in our country .

  24. 目前在我国音乐基础乐理的教学中,存在着概念、定义的多样性和不准确性,给教学与实践带来了诸多不便,主要表现在两个方面,即一词多解与定义含混。

    Some ambiguous notions and definitions , present in the teaching of the rudiments of music theory , have brought about to the teaching and practice many trouble which are reflected chiefly in two aspects : multi_definition of certain words and phrases , and the ambiguity of some concepts .

  25. 能演奏一种乐器并不是欣赏音乐的基础。

    Playing an instrument is not essential to enjoying music .

  26. 这是我们音乐的基础。

    That is the foundation of our music .

  27. 夏威夷音乐的基础正是我刚刚描述的钢丝吉他。

    Uh , Hawaiian music was based on the steel guitar I just described .

  28. 我国正史《乐志》书写的形成与其音乐实践基础

    HOn The Chinese Official History Book Annals Of Music And Its Base Of Music Practise

  29. 二胡是最具民族特点的乐器,它有着非常深厚的民族民间音乐文化基础。

    Erhu is a musical instrument with national characteristics , and it has a deep cultural foundation .

  30. 以简单的民间音乐为基础的复杂变化;大量的不同的复杂规则与习俗。

    A complex set of variations based on a simple folk melody ; a complex mass of diverse laws and customs .