
  • 网络The Language of Music
  1. 他的天才拓宽了音乐的语言,他的人品高尚。

    His genius enlarged the language of music , and his character was noble .

  2. 我在语言上的确没什么天赋,除此之外,汉语还是一门类似音乐的语言。

    I don 't really have an ear for languages and , on top of that , Chinese is a musical language .

  3. 这是一种在遣词造句方面颇具特色的语言,韵律的运用就是特色之一,这些特色使其有别于造型艺术和音乐的语言。

    It is a language with characteristics on diction , which make it different from sculpt or music . The usage of rhythm is one of its characteristics .

  4. 歌唱是音乐化的语言艺术。

    Singing is the musical language arts .

  5. 这一次,我的确可以和她开始讨论一下音乐层面的语言。

    For the first time , I think I can converse with her on a musical level .

  6. 衬词作为一种音乐化的语言,在民族音乐表现中,有它一定的艺术内涵和审美内涵。

    As a musical language , they have certain artistic connotations and aesthetic connotations in the performance of national music .

  7. 作为一门综合艺术,昆曲艺术的本质属性是戏曲声胜,是音乐化的语言。

    Kunqu art , as a comprehensive art , its essential characteristic is the singing variations , the musical language .

  8. 诗歌的语言是介于日常语言和音乐之间的语言,绝不是有韵的散文。

    Poetry is by no means a rhyme prose . Poetry is the language between language of everyday and music .

  9. 诗歌用简练、形象、富有节奏感和音乐美的语言创造出独特感人的情境,集中地反映了现实生活,抒发了作者的思想感情。

    Poetry by refining , image and full of sense of rhythm and music beautiful language to create a unique mood of moving , to reflect real life , and expresses the feelings of the author .

  10. 布莱德·欧文:有时候,音乐是最好的语言

    Brad Owen : Sometimes , Music is the Best Language

  11. 有人说音乐是天使的语言,真是妙不可言。&卡莱尔

    Music is well said to be the speech of angels . & Thomas Carlyle

  12. 数学是科学的语言,音乐是感情的语言。

    Mathematics is the language of science . Music is the language of emotions .

  13. 人们称音乐为世界的语言。

    Music has been called the universal language .

  14. 不可言说的言说&对音乐感性体验的语言描述

    The Speech to not be Spoken & the description in word to musical esthetic experience

  15. 以音乐为背景的语言诱导对服刑人员焦虑矫治研究

    Effect of Language Introducing Based on a Background Music on Anxiety for Serve a Sentence Personnel

  16. 英诗是极富音乐美的形象语言,而构建英诗音乐美的基石是节奏。

    English conventional poems are melodious and the rhythm functions as the cornerstone that constructs its verbal music .

  17. 第四部分从中国合唱音乐中的民族语言韵味审美进行研究,论述了中国合唱音乐中的民族语言韵味审美的特点。

    The fourth part , national language and Chinese chorus appreciation , focuses on the aesthetics of national language .

  18. 结论:以音乐为背景的语言诱导能降低保险业务员的抑郁程度。

    The therapy of language induction based on background of music can reduce the level of depression in insurance sellers widely .

  19. 然而,由于说唱俚语是一种融合了黑人音乐文化的新兴语言变体,前人对它的研究寥寥无几。

    However , little research has been done in the field of this jumped-up language variety for its special combination with the black music culture .

  20. 目的:探讨以音乐为背景的语言诱导对抑郁的影响,完善这种心理治疗方法。

    AIM : To explore the effect of language induction based on music on depression , and to make this new method of psychotherapy better .

  21. 目的探讨和研究以音乐为背景的语言诱导对服刑人员焦虑的影响及治疗机理。

    Objectives To explore and research the effect of a kind of therapy defined as language introducing based on background music on anxiety for prisoners .

  22. 采用团体综合心理治疗,选择以音乐为背景的语言诱导催眠疗法,使受治疗者放松紧张的情绪,进入治疗状态。

    We adopted group therapy . Firstly , we chose language induction based on background music for hypnotherapy , and placed the clients at ease and into therapeutic state .

  23. 音乐是生命的语言,是生命最原始的旋律,而古典音乐是音乐中的经典,是生命精神的集中。

    Music is the language of life and the most primitive melody , but classical music is " classical " music and the focus of the spirit of life .

  24. 第一部分主要从:中国合唱音乐中的民族语言特质的综述中研究了民族语言与合唱艺术的关系及民族语言在中国合唱发展中的纵观,总括性地探讨了民族语言对合唱艺术的影响。

    The first one , a general survey , deals with the relationships between language and chorus , and between national language and Chinese chorus , globally touching upon the theme .

  25. 方法:随机抽取101名保险业务员人作为研究对象。用以音乐为背景的语言诱导方法,对业务员进行集体心理治疗,治疗前后用抑郁自评问卷评价结果。

    METHODS : Totally 101 insurance sellers selected randomly , received the psycho therapy of language induction based on background music , and were measured with the self rating depression scale ( SDS ) before and after treatment .

  26. 音乐是人类特殊的语言。

    Music is a special language of human being .

  27. 音乐是人类的通用语言。

    Music is the universal language of mankind .

  28. 音乐是人类灵魂的语言。

    Music is the language of soul .

  29. 音乐是天使们的语言。

    Music is the speech of angels .

  30. 如果音乐不是世界的通用语言,那么人们为什么创音乐?

    If music isn 't the world 's common language , then why is it still worth making ?