
diàn zǐ yuè qì
  • Electronic musical instrument;electronic instruments
  1. MIDI可让电子乐器和合成器交流,这意味着,用户可在一台合成器或电脑上控制多台电子乐器。

    MIDI allows electronic instruments and synthesizers to communicate , meaning a user can control multiple electronic instruments from one synthesizer or computer .

  2. 顾名思义,MIDI是电子乐器之间用来传输信号的一种数据接口标准,它是一种国际通用的技术协议(MIDI协议)。

    As the name suggests , MIDI is one kind of data interface standard used for the transmitting signals between the electronic instruments , it is one kind of international general technical agreement ( MIDI agreement ) .

  3. MIDI使得人们能够使用多媒体计算机和电子乐器。

    MIDI enables people to use ( 66 ) computers and electronic musical instruments .

  4. ToshioIwai设计的酷炫电子乐器,

    Toshio Iwai 's Tenori-On musical instruments ,

  5. 现在英语正来自计算机爱好者和电子乐器吟唱者。

    Now it is arising from computer hackers and rap artists .

  6. 电子乐器和计算机之间交流的标准协议。

    A standard protocol for communication between electronic musical instruments and computers .

  7. 电子乐器音色制作软件和数据接口

    Electronic instrument timber synthesis and data interface

  8. 其特点是层层加深的音场,利用钢琴,电子乐器,创造大气环境。

    It features lush pads , dream piano and electronic sounds to create atmospheric environment .

  9. 是另一个使用电脑和电子乐器的现代作曲家,他也自己发明了一种电子乐器。

    Is another modern composer who used computers and electronic instruments , including one he invented , in many compositions .

  10. 其次所有的音乐组合都开始使用全套电子乐器和电子扩间技术。

    The second thing that happened was that all the musical groups began using the full range of electric instruments and the technology of electronic amplifiers .

  11. 现在该说说电子乐器了。除哈蒙德电风琴,这类乐器全是靠变换无线电真空管振荡而发声的。

    Now we finally come to electronic instruments . In these instruments sounds are produced by varying the oscillations of radio tubes with the exception of the Hammond organ .

  12. 一种电子乐器,常用一键盘演奏,它把简单的波形合在一起以便产生复杂的音响,如其它各种乐器的音响。

    Music An electronic instrument , often played with a keyboard , that combines simple waveforms to produce more complex sounds , such as those of various other instruments .

  13. 键盘电子乐器经历了从传统键盘乐器到电子键盘乐器的成功转型,它无论从音色、音律及其性能各方面都会成为未来键盘乐器市场首选和主流的乐器。

    Keyboard electronic musical instrument has transformed successfully from traditional keyboard to electronic keyboard . It will become a preferred and mainstream instrument because of its timbre , melody and performance .

  14. 该法院对禁止服刑犯人拥有电吉他、键盘或其他电子乐器的禁令。尽管宪法规定囚犯有权在狱中用音乐表达自己,但该法院认为这一禁令并不与之冲突。

    In1995 , when the ban went into effect , the only instrument allowed in the Cumberland prison was the harmonica , but inmates who already had a guitar or electronic keyboard were allowed to keep them .

  15. 如果你肯多付出一点点额外的心思来为电子乐器的录音找出一个更为合适的方法,那么你便能使合成器音轨在整体的声音感觉上产生惊人的不同。

    If you are willing to pay a little bit extra to the minds of electronic music recordings to find a more appropriate method then you have to make synthesizers sound to the overall feeling of the voice produced startling different .

  16. 设计中运用的新型键盘电子乐器是这样的:它取消了键盘上的黑键,即每个8度音内只有7个琴键,这样大大减少了琴键的数量。

    IIn my design I use the new keyboard electronic instrument , which is as follows : it cancelled all black keys , that is , there are only 7 keyboards in every 8 range compass . This method reduces the number of keyboards sharply .

  17. 制造业者电子的音乐乐器和数位录音的产品。

    Manufacturer of electronic musical instruments and digital recording products .

  18. 本文结合了电子管风琴乐器本身的特点,主要针对在演奏过程中较常见的两大类奏法&连音奏法与非连音奏法的应用进行了细致阐述。

    This paper , combined with the characteristics of electronic organ , describes in detail the legato and non-legato playing methods commonly applied in the process of playing .

  19. 由电子产生声音的乐器。

    A musical instrument that generates sounds electronically .

  20. 虽然这是标准装备,有些乐队也会增加诸如电子琴的其他乐器。

    Although this is the standard setup , bands have been known to incorporate other instruments such as electronic keyboards .

  21. 另外,因其具有高的导电导热性,而在电子工业领域以及乐器、装饰品等领域得到了广泛的应用,但是其低强度以及相对较差的耐磨、耐蚀性,限制了其更广泛的应用。

    In addition , Cu-Ti alloy is well used in the electronics industry as well as musical instruments , accessories and other fields because it has higher thermal and electrical conductivity . But its broader application is limited by its low intensity and relatively poor wear and corrosion resistance .

  22. 你还记得那时候大家都有些厌倦电子音乐的嘈杂声而拔掉电子乐器回归到原声状态吗?

    Do you remember when everyone got a bit tired of electronic clutter and went unplugged and acoustic ?

  23. 电子音乐是在音乐的自由期间使用电子乐器创作而成。

    Electronic music is a loose term for music created using electronic equipment .

  24. 双排键电子琴是一种集编曲、演奏为一体的高级电子键盘乐器。

    Electone is an advanced electronic musical instrument which could arranger and play .