
  • 网络Procedural memory;procedure memory;procedural memorie
  1. 程序记忆属于非陈述性的,但在获得过程中既可以是外显的,也可以为内隐性的。

    Procedural memory is nondeclarative but may be either explicit or implicit during acquisition .

  2. 严重情景记忆受损的患者其程序记忆可以完好无损,由此证实程序记忆所依赖的记忆系统有别于情景记忆和语义记忆系统。

    Procedural memory will be intact although episodic memory is severely injured , which confirms the memory system procedural memory depends on is different from those episodic memory and semantic memory depend on .

  3. 再次,当前使用的Excel计算程序记忆、查询和检验功能较差。

    Third , the current use of the Excel program memory , query and poor test functions .

  4. 资料提炼:符合与临床关系比较密切的情景记忆、语义记忆、程序记忆、工作记忆4个记忆系统的文献共183篇,从中选取相关文献23篇。

    DATA EXTRACTION : A total of 183 articles of four memory systems closely related with clinic were collected , and 23 articles were included .

  5. 此二者均是反应联合性学习和程序性记忆。

    The two indexes bothrefiect the associative learning and procedural memory .

  6. 利用MATLAB编写的数值计算程序,对形状记忆合金耗能弹簧进行了实例计算。

    With the numerical method programmed by Matlab a numerical example of shape memory alloy spring was presented to illustrate the correctness of the approach .

  7. 结合基于加工分离程序的手术中记忆测验,利用关联维数(D2)和近似熵(ApEn)非线性指数对所有患者进行了全程脑电实时监测。

    Integrated with intra operation memory test based on process dissociation procedure , the EEG derived parameters correlation dimension ( D 2 ) and approximate entropy ( ApEn ) nonlinear indexes were calculated simultaneously during the whole operation .

  8. 如果程序有好的记忆能力,用户可以在几个方面受益。

    Users can benefit in several ways from a product with a good memory .

  9. 对于暂时式应用程序和独占式应用程序来说,帮助用户最好的方式是让程序具有记忆能力。

    The most appropriate way to help users with both transient and sovereign apps is to give the applications a memory .