
  • 网络organ;Electronic Organ
  1. 那位著名的歌唱家由他的同伴担任电子风琴伴奏。

    The well-known singer was accompanied at the electronic organ by his companion .

  2. 那位着名的歌唱家的小学老师用电子风琴为他伴奏。

    The well-known singer was accompanied at the electronic organ by his school teacher .

  3. 电子风琴的音色滤波器

    Tone Filters for Electronic Organs

  4. AfterTouch(触后响应)的演奏技巧对于电子管风琴的艺术表现力来说,无疑是不可或缺的。

    Performing technique of After Touch is undoubtedly indispensable to art expressiveness of electronic organ .

  5. 连音奏法与非连音奏法在电子管风琴演奏中的运用

    Application of Legato and Non-legato Playing Methods in Electronic Organ Playing

  6. 一种仿真的电子管风琴。

    ( music ) an electronic simulation of a pipe organ .

  7. 管弦乐作品在电子管风琴上的演奏,是将一个由众多人演奏的乐谱缩编到一个人演奏的乐谱并进行演奏的过程。

    Playing orchestral works on electronic organ is the process of adapting the score played by many people as one played by single people .

  8. 传统体育养生手段对大学生抑郁症辅助治疗的研究电子管风琴乐曲中辅助声部的制作手段之探究

    The Study on Adjuvant of Chinese Physical Health Methods on College Students ' Depression A Probe into Auxiliary Voice Production Means in the Electronic Organ Composition

  9. 本文结合了电子管风琴乐器本身的特点,主要针对在演奏过程中较常见的两大类奏法&连音奏法与非连音奏法的应用进行了细致阐述。

    This paper , combined with the characteristics of electronic organ , describes in detail the legato and non-legato playing methods commonly applied in the process of playing .

  10. 其次,基于笔者多年的实践经验,对电子管风琴的音色处理技术进行了较为深入的研究,并在理论上总结出较为系统的学习方法。

    Second , the writer explores the ' timbre disposal ' technique of electronic organ based on practical experience for a long time , and summarizes a systemic learning method in theory .

  11. 电子钢琴、风琴和排钟的箱

    Chest for electronic pianos , organs and carillons