
  • 网络blowing device
  1. 如果确实形成冷凝,可以使用加热器、热灯和鼓风装置加以控制。

    If condensation does form , you can control it by using heaters , heat lamps , or blow off devices .

  2. 介绍了利用可乐瓶制作的储气、抽气及鼓风装置及利用一次性注射器制作的固-液反应控制器的制作、使用方法。

    This article introduces the facture and application methods of the settings of storing-gas , pumping-gas and blasting made with Cola-bottles , and solid-liquid reaction controller made by one-off injectors .

  3. 当车间底漆涂装之前,应用真空清洁器、鼓风装置除去表面的灰尘、残砂、碎钢粒以及其他污染物。

    Before shop primer is applied , dust , sand residue , crushed steel shot or grit and all other contaminants must be removed from the surface using a vacuum cleaner , air blower , etc.

  4. 肋板鼓风冻结装置中食品冻结时间的研究

    Research on the Freezing Time of Foods in Air Blast Plate Freezer

  5. 工艺流程中减少了鼓风曝气装置,占地面积小,处理效果好,可用于中低浓度的有机废水处理。

    This bioreactor has the advantages of small occupancy and good treatment effect . It can be used to treat organic wastewater with middle or low concentration .

  6. 分析了鼓风炉加料装置的工况条件及存在的问题,对加料装置的下部漏斗及结合面等进行改造,延长了其使用寿命。

    After analysis of operating conditions and problems in the feeder of imperial smelting furnace , the lower hopper and faying face of the feeder has been modified , thus extending its service life .

  7. 均匀送风鼓风炉及流体装置概述对均匀沙流体起动风速的研究

    Reviews of the Furnaces and Fluid-Equipments Threshold wind-velocity for single size sand