
ɡǔ mó yán
  • myringitis;tympanitis
  1. 慢性肉芽性鼓膜炎(附29例诊疗总结及文献复习)

    Chronic granular myringitis ( A report of 29 cases and literature review )

  2. 耳内镜下治疗大疱性鼓膜炎16例临床分析

    Clinic analysis of 16 cases of bullous myringitis treated by otic endoscope assisted

  3. 伴外耳道真菌病肉芽性鼓膜炎41例

    Granular myringitis with otomycosis in 41 cases

  4. 急性大疱性鼓膜炎的临床报告

    Clinical report of acute bullous myringitis

  5. 对贵刊刊登的《应用转移因子治疗大疱性鼓膜炎》的临床验证

    A clinical verification of transfer factor in treating bullous myringitis published by New Drugs and Clinical Remedies Q & A on Sex

  6. 现代药理研究表明,金莲花具有抗菌、抗病毒等活性,广泛用于治疗感冒、发烧、慢性扁桃体炎、急性鼓膜炎、尿路感染和其他炎症。

    Modern pharmacological studies suggest that it possesses antimicrobial and antiviral actions and has been used widely to treat cold , fever , chronic tonsillitis , acute tympanitis , urinary tract infection and other inflammations .

  7. 如果鼓膜由于中耳炎而完全损坏,那么治愈这种损伤是不大可能的。

    Healing of the tympanum by scaring is improbable if the membrane is totally destroyed by otitis media .