
  • 网络Bubbling fluidized bed;bfb;bubbling bed
  1. 在鼓泡流化床反应器中进行了神木煤添加CaO的煤温和气化研究。

    The mild gasification of Shenmu coal is investigated in an experimental fluidized bed reactor .

  2. 采用FLUENT软件对侧孔风帽型气固鼓泡流化床进行流场模拟,对比冷态实验结果,找出能够准确描述其流化特性的模型及方法。

    Simulate the fluidized bed with side holes blast cap air distributor by FLUENT software . Find a mathematical model and simulation method to describe the flow characteristics well compare to cold experimental results .

  3. 循环流化床(CFB)煤/焦气化反应的研究Ⅲ.同鼓泡流化床(BFB)气化反应的对比

    Study on gasification reaction of coal and char in circulating fluidized bed ( cfb ) ⅲ comparison on gasification reaction between bubble fluidized bed and CFB

  4. 应用Euler-Euler模型,研究了密相鼓泡流化床的流动非均匀性。

    Then the analysis on heterogonous flow structure of bubble fluidized bed was carried out by using Euler-Euler model .

  5. 对废轮胎在鼓泡流化床热解反应器中热解时硫的迁移行为进行了试验研究,并基于带偏差单元的IRN神经网络对其进行了预测。

    The sulfur transformation during pyrolysis of used tires is studied in BFB reactor , and IRN neural network model is developed to test against observed behavior .

  6. 本文采用欧拉&拉格朗日离散颗粒方法对鼓泡流化床内颗粒以及气泡运动特性进行了直接数值模拟,其中颗粒之间的碰撞采用Tsuji等人提出的颗粒软球模型处理。

    In this thesis Eular-Lagrangian method is performed to investigate the bubbling fluidized bed , the collision of particles is simulated with soft sphere model developed by Tsuji et al .

  7. 本文采用两步共沉淀法制备了高稳NiO-MgO重整催化剂,以鼓泡流化床为重整反应器,对生物质气化粗燃气NiO-MgO催化重整制取合成气性能进行了研究。

    The synthesis gas production via reforming of biomass raw fuel gas was investigated over NiO-MgO catalyst in a fluidized-bed reactor The NiO-MgO catalyst was prepared by the method of two Steps co-precipitation .

  8. 气固鼓泡流化床的流动特性数值模拟

    Numerical simulation for fluid dynamics in a gas-solid bubbling fluidized bed

  9. 煤干燥;鼓泡流化床;数值模拟。

    Coal drying ; Bubbling fluidized bed ; Numerical simulation .

  10. 鼓泡流化床压力波动特性试验研究

    Research on Characteristics of Pressure Fluctuating for Bubbling Fluidized Bed

  11. 高温鼓泡流化床的压力波动

    Pressure Fluctuations in a Bubbling Fluidized Bed at High Temperature

  12. 鼓泡流化床中多组分颗粒分离的软球模拟

    Segregation of Multiple Solid Phases by Soft-sphere Simulation in Bubbling Fluidized Beds

  13. 有复杂反应的鼓泡流化床的数学模拟

    Mathematical simulation of bubbling fluidized bed for complex reactions

  14. 鼓泡流化床流动特性的欧拉-离散单元方法模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Hydrodynamics in a Bubbling Fluidized Bed by Eulerian-Discrete Element Method

  15. 鼓泡流化床宽筛分颗粒气固两相流动的流体动力学

    Hydrodynamics of Gas-Solid Flow in Bubbling Fluidized Bed with Wide Particle Size Distribution

  16. 通过数值计算模拟了大颗粒鼓泡流化床中颗粒的受力情况。

    Experimental studies on erosion of particles in fluidized bed of coarse particles ;

  17. 脉冲鼓泡流化床压力波动特性的模拟

    Modeling of Pressure Fluctuations in Pulsed Bubbling Fluidized Beds

  18. 高温鼓泡流化床的流化行为

    Fluidization Behavior of a High-temperature Bubbling Fluidized Bed

  19. 高温鼓泡流化床流体动力学特性

    Hydrodynamics of Bubbling Fluidized Beds at High Temperature

  20. 生物质鼓泡流化床气化特性的空气当量比影响分析

    Effects of the Equivalence Ratio on Sawdust Gasification Characteristics in Bubbling Fluidized Bed Gasifier

  21. 基于小波变换的鼓泡流化床压力波动特性试验研究

    Test Research on Pressure Fluctuation Characteristics of Bubbing Fluidized Bed Based on Wavelet Transform

  22. 基于耗散结构理论的鼓泡流化床过渡态分析

    Study on transition regimes of bubbling fluidized beds based on the dissipative structure theory

  23. 基于图像法的带埋管鼓泡流化床内气固两相流体动力学研究

    Hydrodynamics of Gas-solid Flow Around Immersed Tubes in Bubbling Fluidized Beds Based on Image

  24. 鼓泡流化床中甲烷催化裂解制氢的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Catalytic Decomposition of Methane for Hydrogen Production in a Bubbling-Bed Reactor

  25. 鼓泡流化床进行生物质水蒸汽气化,制取氢气。

    The bubbling fluidized bed is used to produce hydrogen from biomass steam gasification .

  26. 鼓泡流化床埋管磨损量及其分布的数值研究

    Numerical investigation of abrasion and its distribution on immersed tubes in bubbling fluidized bed

  27. 木屑在鼓泡流化床和循环流化床中气化特性的对比研究

    Comparison of sawdust gasification in bubbling fluidized bed gasifier and circulating fluidized bed gasifier

  28. 鼓泡流化床中气泡特性的图像处理方法研究

    The Application of Image Processing Technology to the Study of Bubble Characteristics in Bubbling Fluidized Beds

  29. 以一个鼓泡流化床为反应器,对生物质富氧&水蒸气气化制取富氢燃气的特性进行了一系列的实验研究。

    The characteristics of biomass oxygen rich-steam gasification in a fluidized bed for hydrogen rich gas production were tested .

  30. 用侧面切圆射流和旋流布风板造成了鼓泡流化床内气固流动的新流型。

    A new flow pattern in gas-solid fluidized beds is developed by using lateral tangent gas jets and a Spiral distributor .