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gǔ chuī
  • advocate;preach;trumpet;propaganda;drum into;advertise;play up;inflate;build-up;proclaim far and wide
鼓吹 [gǔ chuī]
  • (1) [advocate;proclaim far and wide]∶宣扬,使众人知道

  • 鼓吹六经

  • (2) [preach;play up]∶吹嘘

  • 鼓吹种族优劣论

鼓吹[gǔ chuī]
  1. 这是个很容易激起公愤的话题。你怎么能够鼓吹贩卖象牙?

    It 's a very emotional issue . How can you advocate selling the ivory from elephants ?

  2. 于是,孟家学文的儿子跑到秦国,向秦王鼓吹“仁义”。

    Thereupon , the son of the Meng family who studied liberal arts went to the State of Qin to advocate " benevolence7 and righteousness " .

  3. 我们一直坚持不懈地鼓吹要更改法律。

    We have argued consistently for a change in the law .

  4. 政府万万不可听信那些鼓吹减税的动听言辞。

    The government must resist the siren voices calling for tax cuts .

  5. 他发表演说时热烈鼓吹自己的思想。

    He delivered his speech with evangelical fervour .

  6. 他谴责他称为幼稚愚蠢的改革者鼓吹不缴纳税款。

    He denounced what he called toytown revolutionaries advocating non-payment of taxes

  7. 大西洋两岸都在大肆鼓吹贸易保护主义。

    Shrill voices on both sides of the Atlantic are advocating protectionism .

  8. 这个政府不应鼓吹自己的民族。

    This government shouldn 't propagandize its own people .

  9. 他们鼓吹能颠覆英国社会结构的政治学说。

    They propagated political doctrines which promised to tear apart the fabric of British society .

  10. 任何人都不应大肆鼓吹化学武器。

    Nobody should be trumpeting about chemical weapons

  11. 报刊继续大力鼓吹沙文主义。

    The press continued its jingoistic display .

  12. 他认为那些鼓吹完全自由市场经济的人对经济只是一知半解,完全没有顾及到可能产生的社会后果。

    He dismissed advocates of a completely free market as economic troglodytes with no concern for the social consequences .

  13. 他鼓吹军事实力主义。

    He preached a gospel of military strength .

  14. 西莉亚尽管私下鼓吹,却没有积极参与妇女解放运动。

    Despite her private advocacy , celia took no active part in women 's lib .

  15. 传教士们多年来一直鼓吹加以查禁,当地报界也终于进行了报导。

    The missionaries had been agitating against it for years , and at last the local press took it up .

  16. 他们称这将有助于鼓吹他们在战争中的成果。

    They say it will let them tout progress in the war .

  17. 这些误入歧途的人到处鼓吹暴力

    These misguided people go around preaching up violence .

  18. 他们正在鼓吹实行自治。

    They are agitating to assert autonomy .

  19. 微软还一直鼓吹要支持基于ATOM的feed。

    Microsoft is also touting support for ATOM-based feeds .

  20. 他们也鼓吹,你可以使用任何的NetPC机,而且仍能访问定制化的环境。

    They also preach that you can use any NetPC machine and still have access to your customizable environments .

  21. 芯片制造商英伟达(NVIDIA)最近在该公司于加利福尼亚召开的GPU技术大会(GPUTechnologyConference)上大力鼓吹实时面部渲染技术。

    Chipmaker NVIDIA ( NVDA ) recently touted real-time face-rendering at its GPU Technology Conference in California .

  22. n.战士,勇士;鼓吹战争的人勇士们仅用他们的长矛无法击败敌人。

    warrior The warriors couldn 't defeat their enemy only with their spears .

  23. 曾鼓吹放松监管的美国共和党总统候选人约翰麦凯恩(johnmccain)也已经偃旗息鼓。

    John McCain , the US Republican presidential candidate who is historically an advocate of deregulation , has also piled in .

  24. REST风格的Web服务鼓吹者抱怨SOAP过于复杂,不利于XML有效载荷,并且没有充分利用Web的基本功能。

    Advocates of REST style for Web services complain that SOAP is complex , stunts its XML payload , and doesn 't take enough advantage of the fundamental strengths of the Web .

  25. 凯恩斯学派认为,降低政府开支将不可避免地阻碍GDP的增长。虽然这种说法的支持者在不停地鼓吹这种观点,但眼下这一点远不确定。

    But the Keynesian argument that lower government spending automatically hampers GDP growth , right now , is far from the sure thing its champions keep trumpeting .

  26. 并成为Hitler所鼓吹的变革主题的大力推广�她用广角镜头

    becoming a tireless promoter of his campaign for change . Her pioneering use of the wide-angle lens

  27. 麻省理工斯隆管理学院高级讲师,组织学习协会(SocietyforOrganizationalLearning)创始人彼得o圣吉鼓吹领导层分权以提高生产率,并把系统理论应用到了组织文化之中。

    Peter Senge , a senior lecturer at MIT 's Sloan School of Management and founder of the Society for Organizational Learning , promotes decentralized leadership for enhancing productivity , and applies systems theory to organizational culture .

  28. 第三个黑即是白观点,见于咨询顾问乔丹??科恩(JordanCohen)在《哈佛商业评论》网站上发表的一篇文章。该文章鼓吹的是另一股新潮流。

    The third idea is another new trend being pushed in an article by consultant Jordan Cohen on the HBR website .

  29. 例如,他们将明白许多养老金顾问鼓吹的长线持有(buyandhold)策略为何是一场灾难,甚至在股市泡沫顶峰时期也是如此。

    They would then understand , for example , why the buy and hold strategy advocated by many pension advisers , even at the peak of the stock market bubble , was such a catastrophe .

  30. 欧盟委员会发言人彼得?鲍尔(PeterPower)说,我们面前尚未看到保护主义的回潮。欧盟委员会是欧盟的执行机构,通常鼓吹自由贸易。

    ' We 're not yet seeing a protectionist backlash this time around , 'says Peter Power , a spokesman for the EU Commission , the bloc 's executive branch , which is generally an advocate of free trade .