
ɡǔ bāo
  • swell
  • swelling
  1. 采用高速摄影双测技术对尖山铁矿山头硐室大爆破过程进行现场实测,描述了岩石鼓包、抛掷等现象。

    The Tunnel blasting in the hilltop of Jianshan Iron Mine is measured really by highspeed photography in site , and the swelling and throwing phenomena of blasting rock is described .

  2. MARK-IV型造气炉在运行过程中发生严重鼓包变形,需更换内夹套。

    Mark IV gasifier was seriously bulged and the internal jacket had to be replaced .

  3. 前言:本文重点介绍了如何减少VDSS钢板点焊时容易产生的两种主要焊接缺陷:鼓包和气孔;

    This paper particularly introduces how to reduce two main welding defeat made in resistance spot welding for VDSS : blistering and gas expulsion holes .

  4. 在铁路东、西两侧形成NE向的张裂陷和NW向的地震鼓包。

    There occur a NE-trending tensional graben and a NW-trending seismic drumlin on the east and west sides of the railway respectively .

  5. 各变量的当地误差估算器定义在二阶非连续鼓包(bump)函数的空间中。

    The local error estimators respectively for velocity , density and Lagrange multiplier , are defined in the space of discontinue quadratic bump functions .

  6. 燃油锅炉改油气混烧炉内燃烧过程及NOx生成的数值模拟卧式燃油锅炉炉胆鼓包事故分析及防范

    Numerical Simulation of Gas / oil Co-combustion Process and NOx Formation ; The Horizontal Type Oil Burning Boiler Stove Gallbladder Drum Wraps up Accident Analysis and Keeps Watch

  7. 应用LS-DYNA程序,建立分离式钢筋混凝土模型,使用流体&固体耦合方法对表面鼓包运动进行数值计算。

    A separable reinforced concrete numerical model and fluid-solid interconnection method were used to predict the development of surface bulge in LS-DYNA .

  8. 以非连续二阶鼓包(bump)函数空间为速度、压强误差的近似空间,该估算基于求解当地单元上的广义Stokes问题。

    This estimate is based on solving a local generalized Stokes problem , using the space of discontinue quadratic bump functions to approximate both velocity and pressure errors .

  9. 300MW机组锅炉水冷壁钢管鼓包的原因分析

    The Analysis of Bloating Behavior in Steel Tube of Boiler Water-cooled Wall for 300 MW Unit

  10. 通过大量CFD试验,针对RAE2822翼型设计了一种特定外形的激波控制鼓包并确定了其具体安装位置。

    A specific shape and fixe position of shock control bump is designed for RAE2822 airfoil by testing many CFD solutions .

  11. 聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)衬里防腐管道、设备在实际生产应用中,PTFE衬里层极易出现鼓包、内瘪或断裂泄漏等现象,从而影响了这种新型材料的声誉与广泛应用的前景。

    In the practical production application of PTFE liner anticorrosive pipe and device , the PTFE liner will expand , shrink , rupture or leak , thus influence the new material 's reputation and wide use .

  12. 乐富豪专业很荣幸能为您带来的所有新的麦克风鼓包,KMD的7包。

    Wharfedale Pro are proud to bring you their all new drum microphone package , the KMD-7 pack .

  13. 阐述了将DZL型热水锅炉锅筒排污管改为吸污引射两用管的具体方法,此方法能有效地预防锅筒底部水渣沉积和锅筒鼓包、破裂等问题的发生。

    This article illustrates the detail method to change the sewage discharge pipe of DZL type hot water boiler barrel to sewage induction and spraying pipe .

  14. 原油芳烃馏分的UCM鼓包幅度明显大于饱和烃馏分的UCM鼓包,暗示了芳烃化合物的降解速率平行甚至超过饱和烃的降解速率。

    The magnitude of " UCM " hump existed in the aromatic fraction is apparently larger than that of " UCM " hump existed in the saturated fraction , which implied that the biodegradation rate for aromatic hydrocarbons is parallel or even exceed that of the saturated hydrocarbons .

  15. 采用HDS-1型快速数字闪烁测氡仪,对温泉水库坝址区活动断裂(带)或破碎带以及地震鼓包等进行了氡气测试。

    Using HDS-1 fast data flashing Rn measure instrument , the gas radon was measured in the active fault ( zone ) or broken zone and earthquake swell of the Wequan reservoir dam location .

  16. 卧式水火管热水采暖锅炉锅筒鼓包原因及防治

    Swelling on drum of horizontal water-fire tube boiler and preventive measures

  17. 鼓包运动和抛掷堆积颗粒堆积问题

    Bulging movement and throwing stack in explosion problem of particle packing

  18. 液化石油气球罐内壁鼓包分析

    Analysis for Inside Hydrogen Bulge of Spherical Liquified Petroleum Gas Tank

  19. 钢管内表面鼓包形成原因分析

    Cause Analysis of Umbos on Inner Surface of Steel Pipe

  20. 脱硫装置氨结晶罐鼓包原因分析

    Blistering reason analysis of ammonia crystallizing pot in desulphurizing equipment

  21. 另外,也没有人对鼓包型角变形进行研究。

    So it is important to make precise calculation and further study .

  22. 锅筒鼓包爆裂事故原因分析与预防措施

    Analysis of Causes of Boiler Explosion Accident and Preventing Measures

  23. 钢丝绳芯胶带鼓包问题探讨

    Discussion on the problem of lump with steel cable wick magnetic tape

  24. 机械锁紧鼓包型抽芯铆钉研制与应用

    Development and Application of Mechanical Locked Spindle and Bulbed Rivet

  25. 合成变换炉氢鼓包检测与安全运行分析

    Detection and Safety Operation Analysis of Shift Converter Hydrogen Corrosion

  26. 变电站线夹鼓包开裂原因分析

    Analysis of Causes of Substation Cable Cleat Swelling and Cracking

  27. 露天台阶深孔爆破鼓包发展过程的摄影观测

    Photo observation on instantaneous movement of rocks in pit bench longhole blasting

  28. 670t/h炉水冷壁管鼓包原因分析

    Analysis of Water Wall Tube Swelling of 670 t / h Boiler

  29. 2A14铝合金搅拌摩擦焊焊缝表面鼓包原因分析

    Analysis of Bubbling on the Surface of FSW Welding Seam

  30. φ2200变换炉鼓包变形的安全分析

    Safety Analysis of φ 2200 Revolving Furnace Bulge Deformation