
gǔ yuè
  • Drum music;strains of music accompanied by drumbeats
鼓乐 [gǔ yuè]
  • [strains of music accompanied by drumbeats] 本指弹奏乐器。亦指敲鼓声和奏乐声,泛指我国民族音乐

  • 鼓乐大作

  • 鼓乐喧天

鼓乐[gǔ yuè]
  1. 鼓乐喧阗。

    Drums and gongs made a terrible racket .

  2. 他与担任欧达达经理和制作人的妻子阿米娜·艾迪(AminaAddy)住在美国。他在纽约萨拉托加斯普林斯(SaratogaSprings)的斯基德摩尔学院(SkidmoreCollege)教授鼓乐。

    Living in the United States with his wife , Amina Addy , manager and producer of Odadaa , he teaches drumming at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs , New York .

  3. 我们探访了古寺院的庭院与庙宇,此时僧侣们正用号角、鼓乐以及小法号(kangling,用人的大腿骨做成,吹奏哀乐之用)举行法会。

    We explored the courtyards and temples of the ancient monastery as monks performed rituals with horns , drums and a mournful pipe called a kangling , made from human thigh bones .

  4. 现场鼓乐齐奏、龙师共舞/舞狮庆祝。

    It was welcomed by banging drums and dragon and lion dancers .

  5. 我喜欢非洲鼓乐的令人兴奋的节奏。

    I like the exciting rhythm of African drum music .

  6. 流传于甘肃境内的鼓乐舞对全国鼓文化的影响

    Drumbeats Music Dance from Gansu and its Impact on Drumbeat Culture Nationwide

  7. 大型首创原创现代鼓乐曲目《风尚男子蓝光鼓》。

    The first large-scale original pieces of modern music , Blue-ray Water drum .

  8. 黄河水给予了黄河人豪迈的气魄,各种鼓乐活动异彩纷呈。

    The Yellow River water gives its drum playing people courage and generosity .

  9. 配色,鼓乐处理、分散经营的经验是首选。

    Color matching , drum handling , and disperser operation experience is a preferred .

  10. 包括绛州鼓乐在内的山西晋鼓,早在新石器时代就已有之。

    Including Jiangzhou drum music , the Jin drum in Shanxi existed as early as the Neolithic .

  11. 不同的表演曲目使乐手或鼓或舞、演奏的鼓乐时而深邃悠远、时而激情四射。

    The performers of the Philharmonic Society have the fine basis in percussion music and the profound accomplishment in dancing .

  12. 虽则天气不稳定亦间中下了大雨,但亦无阻一班集体鼓乐的爱好者前来参加。

    A lot of drumming enthusiasts came to participate the Drum Circle whatever the bad weather and sudden heavy shower !

  13. 这是一个盛大的场面,旗帜到处飘扬,鼓乐齐呜,人人都很兴奋。

    This was a great occasion , there were flags everywhere , the band was playing , and everybody was most excited .

  14. 开封盘鼓,又称为开封大鼓,是流传于开封城镇的一种民间鼓乐舞。

    Kaifeng , drum set , also known as Kaifeng drums , is popular in the Kaifeng town a civil Drum Dance .

  15. 绛州鼓乐演奏技术丰富,风格独特,是山西鼓乐演奏的代表鼓种;

    With the various playing skill and the individual style , the Jiangzhou drum music was a representative one in Shanxi drum performance .

  16. 吉祥物头顶上的花椒把,用一个活泼跳动的音符来表示,意在标示这是一场鼓乐文化盛会。

    Put pepper on the mascot head , with a lively beat to note that this is intended to mark a drum cultural event .

  17. 兰州太平鼓是西北地区特有的民间艺术之一,是集鼓乐、健身、娱乐、军事为一体的传统娱乐项目。

    Peace Drum , one of the characteristic arts in the northwest , is a traditional recreation which includes drum music , body-building , entertainment and military affairs .

  18. 文章以纳格拉鼓乐的结构为研究对象,用实例找出此乐种构成形式,并对与此相关内容进行了考证式的研究。

    With Nagra music as object of research , this article aims to find out medley construction of the music and makes textual research on the content related .

  19. 山西是鼓的发源地之一,也是我国鼓乐品种繁多、艺术水平发展较高的地区之一。

    The Shanxi area was one of cradles of drum in China , and with varieties drum music , it was also an area of developed high drum music art .

  20. 最近一年来扮演“军长”是约翰•安吉利斯,现年32岁,具有鼓乐和音乐教育的背景,他已参演这个节目5年了。

    John Angeles , a 32-year-old performer with a background in drumming and music education , has been playing sarge for one year and has been in the show for five .

  21. 彩莲船、荷花灯、蚌壳精、舂糍粑、挂灯笼、贴春联、放鞭炮、鼓乐声声、龙腾狮舞,一个个喜庆的场面,一幅幅美丽的画帘。

    Colorful water lily boat , lotus flower lamp , red lantern , spring festival couplet , firecracker , drum and music , etc , compose a festive and joyful scene !

  22. 另一首《江河水》是50年代初由王石路等人根据辽宁鼓乐同名笙管曲牌改编成的双管独奏曲。

    Another one of this type , River Waters , was adapted by Wang Shilu and others in the early 1950s from a wind orchestra qu tune of the same name from Liaoning Province .

  23. 国外对于战鼓乐上没有研究,国内对于战鼓乐的研究也只处于介绍阶段,没有较为深入的研究性的文章,只有一些地方县志、刊物有零星的记载。

    Abroad for " war drum " no study , home for the war drum research is also at the introduction stage , no more in-depth research articles , only some local county annals , publications are scattered records .

  24. 它历史悠久,品种繁多,发音高亢嘹亮,情绪多表现慷慨激昂,在以前经常出现在一些吹歌会、秧歌会、鼓乐班和地方性的曲艺、戏曲的伴奏之中。

    It has a long history , wide variety , high-pitched sound . It is usually used to express generosity and passion , and often performed in some song balls , Yangko council , drums classes and folk opera accompaniment .