
  • 网络blast volume;volume of blast
  1. 污水处理过程中鼓风量自动监测系统

    The Automatic Measuring System of Blast Volume In Sewage Treatment

  2. 试验结果表明,煤种的不同组成决定了空气煤气中CO,H2,CH4含量的不同,鼓风量影响着空气煤气的组成。

    The results show that air gas composition is affected by coal kind and air blast velocity .

  3. 常规的饱和温度控制采用PID控制来调节蒸汽阀门的开度,但是饱和温度不仅受到阀门开度的影响,同时还受到汽包内蒸汽压力、鼓风量的影响。

    PID control is often adopted for industrial process control ; however , the saturation temperature is affected by several factors , such as the steam pressure in drum and the gas-amount of blast .

  4. 生产实践表明,催化剂载体Al2O3滚球成型过程中各种因素都对最后成球品质有着重要的影响,其中水量的控制、滚球转速和鼓风量是最关键的因素。

    It is shown that many factors have influence on the quality of the final product , especially the amount of water , rotating speed and the amount of wind .

  5. 对气化炉炉内温度和鼓风量之间的关系进行了实验研究。

    This paper studies the relationship between the in-stove temperature and blasting air for upward ventilating biomass - gasification stove .

  6. 旋转闪蒸干燥机分级器半径、鼓风量及引风量的最佳匹配

    The Analysis of the Best Match on the Radius of Classifier , Blasting Capacity and Induced Draft Capacity is Spin Flash Dryer

  7. 目的是以炉膛温度为主调参数,排烟温度为副调参数寻找鼓风量和进煤量的最佳配比来间接控制燃烧热效率。

    It is according to the charactor of the boiler 's combustion , and ained to control the combustion efficiency indirectly , through searching the best air coal ratio .

  8. 测量了干熄炉内焦炭床层的阻力损失,研究了鼓风量、焦炭直径以及形状因子对阻力损失的影响。

    The resistance loss on coke bed in CDQ chamber is measured , the influence of inert gas cooling quantity , coke size and shape factor on resistance loss is studied .

  9. 为了避免作为随机搜索的遗传算法在搜索过程中引起鼓风量的混乱,寻优过程离线进行,寻优结果数据提供给专家系统,最后由专家系统提供最佳鼓风量。

    To avoid air-blowing confusion during the random search of genetic algorithm , the optimization seeking is processed off-line and the optimal results are fed to expert system , with which expert system decides the optimal air blowing quantity .

  10. 该高新技术采用局部增氧,所需富氧量仅为所需空气量的1%~3%,而原来鼓风量和引风量均显著下降。

    A technology of local oxygen-increasing is used in this high technology , the amount of oxygen-enriched air is only about 1-3 % of the amount of air needed , but the original amount of blast and suction will observably be reduced .

  11. 实验结果表明:在鼓风量较小的情况下,炉内温度随鼓风量的增加而显著提高,但当鼓风量达到一定值后,炉内温度的提高变得缓慢。

    The results of the experimentation indicate that at the situation of small blasting air amount , the in-stove temperature increases notably with the increase of blasting air quantity , but the increase of the in-stove temperature begins to slow when the blasting air reaches a certain amount .

  12. 有些情况下,鼓风装量工艺不能清洗。

    In some cases e.g.blow-fill-seal processes rinsing cannot be applied .

  13. 有些情况下,鼓风装量工艺不能清洗。顶风航行,在困难情况下工作

    In some cases e.g. blow-fill-seal processes rinsing cannot be applied . sail against the wind

  14. 现场应用效果表明该系统能够克服多种扰动,实现溶解氧的稳定控制,降低鼓风曝气量,达到了节能减排的目标。

    By the analysis of the operating data , we can find that the system can overcome various disturbances , realize DO stability control and reduce the amount of aeration . And the target of energy saving is achieved .