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  • fluidization
流态化[liú tài huà]
  1. 熔融还原中流态化CA过程动力学

    The Research of Carbon-adhering Dynamics in Fluidization during smelting Reduction

  2. 中浓纸浆悬浮液的流态化研究及CFD模拟

    Fluidization Investigation and CFD Simulation of Medium-Consistency Pulp Suspensions

  3. 卡克水流现象的临界判别条件通过分析,确定自回归阶数n的阈值,实现流态化过程监控。

    Flow patterns were identified by threshold of order n.

  4. V型流化床最小完全流态化速度的研究

    Study on the minimum full fluidizing velocity in v - bed

  5. 附碳(CA)澳矿流态化预还原的热力学性质

    The Thermodynamics Properties of Carbon-adhering Australia are during Fluidized Pre-reduction

  6. MC型密相流态化气力输送试验装置

    Model MC test device for dense-phase fluidized transportation

  7. 流态化合成氮化硅的鼓泡床热模试验与CFD模拟研究

    Study on the Thermal State Experiment and CFD Simulation of Bubbling Fluidized Bed of Synthesis of Si_3N_4

  8. 实验结果表明,搅拌桨的转动对最小流化速度没有影响,但使B类和D类颗粒呈现了A类颗粒特有的散式流态化现象。

    Experimental results show that the minimum fluidization velocity has no effects on the rotation of stirrer blades , while particle B and D appear inherent particulate fluidization of kind A.

  9. 液-固流态化系统固体颗粒特性研究(1):颗粒的初始流态化速度v(mf)

    Particle characteristics in a solid-liquid fluidization system ( 1 ): incipient fluidization velocity of particles v_ ( mf )

  10. PTA粉料流态化输送系统简介

    PTA farina fluidization conveying system

  11. 液体的超声蒸发PDC的超声检测振荡流态化现象及应用

    Oscillating Fluidization and Its Application

  12. 用流态化工艺制备WC-Co粉末

    Preparation of WC-Co powder by the fluidization technology

  13. 循环流态化(CirculatingFluidization)作为一种高效无气泡的气、固接触技术,是当代流态化技术研究中最活跃的领域之一。

    Circulating fluidization , as an efficient and bubble-free contacting technology for gas and solids , has been one of the most active fields in fluidization research .

  14. 根据白砂糖颗粒的固有特点及其流态化特性,首次应用马尔科夫(Markov)过程建立了描述白砂糖流态化的随机数学模型。

    A stochastic mathematic model described in white sugar fluidization was first set up using Markov process according to the characteristics of the particles and specific properties of fluidization for white sugar .

  15. 实验结果表明:三相流态化反应器脱硫效率随着循环倍率、烟气喷射速度、浆液pH值、浆液浓度、反应温度、有无添加剂而发生变化。

    The results indicated that the desulphurization efficiency differed with the change of circulating rate , the jet velocity of flue gas , the pH value and concentration of slurry , the temperature of reactio and the use of additive .

  16. 气固循环流态化是一种高效的气固接触技术,在工业上有广泛的应用,但过去的研究大部分集中在对FCC颗粒(A类)。

    Gas-solid circulating fluidization , as a high efficient gas-solid contact technology , is widely used in process industries . However , most previous investigations focused on the FCC particles ( Geldart A ) .

  17. 结合PAN基碳纤维预氧化工艺要求与流化床结构设计特点,介绍和分析了流态化预氧化炉关键部件的结构设计方法和要求。

    According to the preoxidation character of PAN based carbon fiber and considering the features of structure design of fluidized bed , design method and demand for key parts was introduced and analyzed in this paper .

  18. 采用CO2气体对CaCO3脱硫剂浆液进行活化,以提高CaCO3与SO2的反应活性,从而使基于流态化的半干法烟气脱硫过程取得更高的效率。

    CaCO_3 desulfuration agent slurry is activated by gas CO_2 to enhance the reaction activity of CaCO_3 with SO_2 , thus achieving a higher efficiency of the flue gas desulfuration process based on a fluidized semi-dry method .

  19. 采用HP88型聚丙烯酸酯类多孔高分子载体对污泥实行固定化培养,以流态化方式进行生物膜SBR废水处理试验研究。

    Employing HP-8-8 polyacrylic resins as a porous multimolecular carrier for fixed cultivation of sludge , experimental investigation of wastewater treating was carried out by means of fluidization with biofilm sequencing batch reactor ( BSBR ) .

  20. Froude准数和颗粒动能随时间的周期性脉动较好地反映了流化床内节涌流态化的气泡行为。

    The pseudo-periodicity of Froude number and particle kinetic energy against time reflects exactly the gas-solid heterogeneous flow structure and motion of large gas bubbles in slug fluidized bed .

  21. 采用喷雾式流态化液氮速冻及缓冻,研究了冻结速率对松茸多酚氧化酶(PPO)及过氧化物酶(POD)活性的影响。

    Applying to slow freezing and liquid nitrogen quick freezer by the fashion of spray and flowed state , the effect of freezing-rate on polyphenoloxidase ( PPO ) and peroxidase ( POD ) activity in Tricholoma matsutake was studied .

  22. 利用计算机模拟三相流态化下固定化细胞降解废水中的表面活性剂十二烷基苯磺酸钠(LAS)的动力学过程,包括固定化细胞颗粒内的反应-扩散过程。

    The computer simulation is carried out for the degradation of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate ( LAS ) in waste water in a three phase fluidized bed reactor , and reaction diffusion processes in the immobilized cells are revolved .

  23. 本文介绍了V型内循环流化床中颗粒动力特性的试验研究结果,包括颗粒内循环的运动轨迹,床层内压力分布特性及流态化速度等。

    This paper presents the results of an experimental study on the dynamic characteristics of particles in a V type inner circulating fluidized bed , including the kinematic trajectory of the particle inner circulation , the distribution feature of the bed layer inner pressure and fluidization speed , etc.

  24. 方法采用共沉淀和微流态化两步法制备紫杉醇隐形脂质体,用两亲性聚乙二醇二硬脂酰磷脂酰乙醇胺(PEGDSPE)修饰脂质体膜。

    METHODS The paclitaxel stealth liposomes were prepared by coprecipitation and microfluidization in two steps . The amphipathic polyethylene glycol distearoyl phosphatidylethanolamine ( PEG DSPE ) was added to modify the quality of liposomes membrane .

  25. 为了制备TiO2-ZnS复合粒子,采用流态化化学气相沉积(CVD)法,探讨了其包覆工艺,借助SEM、XRD、EPMA等测试手段研究了复合粒子结构和包覆过程特征。

    Ultrafine powders coating in fluidized bed reactor by chemical vapor deposition ( CVD ) method to synthesize TiO_2-ZnS composites were studied . Simultaneously SEM 、 XRD 、 EPMA etc were successfully used to study the structures of composite particles and the characteristic of coating process .

  26. 因此对流态化炭粉末爆炸特性的研究是CH4-CO2重整反应安全技术领域的主要课题之一。

    Therefore , the research of fluidized carbon powder explosion research is one of the main topics of CH4-CO2 reforming reaction in its security field .

  27. 综合微波和流态化技术的优点,设计了微波流态化床反应器(MFB),并利用MFB进行了几丁质脱乙酰反应的研究。

    Combining the advantages of both the microwave and fluidization technology , a microwave fluidized-bed reactor ( MFB ) was developed . Studies on its use in the deacetylation of chitin were carried out .

  28. 分别在直径为114mm和244mm的流化床中,采用压力探头和光导纤维探头考察了湍动流态化的上、下限及实验判别准则。

    By using pressure probes and optical fiber probes , the upper and lower limit of gas velocity and the criteria of discrimination of the turbulent flow regime have been investigated in fluidized beds of 114 mm and 244 mm i.d.

  29. 在不同床径(φ57139280和475mm)的气-固流化床中对鼓泡流态化向湍动流态化的流型转变进行了研究。

    Investigation on the transition from bubbling to turbulent fluidization based on computer analysis of the pressure fluctuation was conducted in gas-solid fluidized beds with different diameters ( 457 , 139 , 280 and 475mm ) .

  30. 本文对非金属导体流态化电极进行研究,并应用于处理含铜废水,可将铜离子浓度降到1ppm以下。

    This paper studies the fluidized bed electrode made from non-metal conductor which has been applied to treating the waste water containing copper ion . This method can make the copper ion density lower to 1 ppm .