
  • 网络CFB;CFB Boiler;CFBB;Circulating fluidized bed boiler
  1. 流化床锅炉掺混煤矸石燃烧中的问题分析

    The Problem Analysis of Co-combustion of Coal and Coal Gangue in CFB Boiler

  2. 大型循环流化床锅炉的启动燃烧器应用

    Application of Starting Burners in Large CFB Boilers

  3. 循环流化床锅炉U阀的返料特性研究

    Research of Flow Characteristics of U-valve Used in Circulating Fluidised-bed Combustion System

  4. LD型燃煤脱硫剂循环流化床锅炉应用试验

    Application Test of LD Type Coal-Fired Desulfurizer in the Circulation Fluid Bed Boiler

  5. CPC循环流化床锅炉结渣问题的解决

    Slagging Problem Handling on CPC Circulating Fluidized Boiler

  6. 从美国ABB-CE公司CFB产品看循环流化床锅炉的发展

    Prospects of Circulating Fluidized-Bed Boiler in View from CFB Product of AB B-CE CO. , USA

  7. UG75/5.3M3型流化床锅炉布风板阻力的试验研究

    An Experimental Study of the Air Distribution Plate Resistance of a Model UG 75 / 5.3 M 3 Fluidized Bed Boiler

  8. 应用kε双方程模型对内循环流化床锅炉炉内卧式旋涡分离器冷态气相进行了数值模拟。

    This paper adopts k ε two equations model , completes the horizontal vortices segregator numerical simulation of inter circulating fluidized bed boilers , and the relative vectors are carried out .

  9. 某水泥厂余热电站FICIRC~(TM)循环流化床锅炉结焦原因的分析

    Analysis of the FI CIRC ~ ( TM ) Fluidized Bed Boiler Slagging in Waste Heat Power Station in Cement Plant

  10. 利用该原则和方法对1台420t/h循环流化床锅炉的外置式换热器进行了设计。

    Finally , an EHE for 420t / h CFB boiler is designed using these methods . Figs 3 and refs 11 .

  11. CEMS在循环流化床锅炉上的应用

    Application of CEMS on circulation fluidized bed boiler

  12. U型返料阀(以下简称U阀)虽然在循环流化床锅炉中应用最广泛,但是,各生产厂的U阀结构形式不尽相同,相应的返料特性也不尽相同。

    U valves in applied extensively in the CFB boiler , but the product designed by different factory is different in construction considerably , corresponding the material convey character is also different .

  13. 通过在75t/h循环流化床锅炉上所进行的试验研究,取得了加石灰石脱硫的动态特性。

    Dynamic test on sulfur retention by limestone of a 75t / h Circulating Fluidized Bed ( CFB ) boiler is completed and the available results are obtained .

  14. 300MW循环流化床锅炉两床失稳及翻床的特性分析

    Cause analysis of losing stability and turning over for two beds in a 300 MW CFB boiler

  15. 15MWePFBC-CC中试机组增压流化床锅炉的设计及试运行结果

    The Design Feature and Results of Commissioning Test for The PFB Boiler in The 15 MWe Pilot PFBC-CC Unit

  16. 135MW机组循环流化床锅炉的设备改造和优化设计

    Retrofit and Optimized Design of Circulating Fluidized Bed ( CFB ) Boiler of 135 MW Unit

  17. 宁波50MW循环流化床锅炉设计

    Ningbo 50 MW Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler Design

  18. 循环流化床锅炉技术改造江西125MW机组锅炉探讨

    The Discussion of Circulating Fluidized Bed Technology Retrofit 125 MW Boiler in Jiangxi

  19. 广东新会双水150MW循环流化床锅炉的设计

    Design of One 150 MW CFB Boiler

  20. 介绍了60t/h增压流化床锅炉压力壳的设计结构、锅炉本体的悬吊方法、壳体上局部载荷区的加强、有限元应力计算以及制造工艺特点。

    The design structure of pressure vessel , suspension of boiler proper . strengthen of local load area on shell , FEA calculation and manufacture of 60 t / h PFBC are described in the paper .

  21. 本文就燃料的燃烧、煤粉炉以及循环流化床锅炉的氧化二氮排放量进行说明,并指出应重视和抑止流化床的N2O排放。

    The amount of N2O emitted by fuel burning and pulverized coal-fired boiler as well as CABB has been illustrated in this paper and it was pointed out to pay attention to and prevent the N2O emission .

  22. 目前循环流化床锅炉多数燃用0~8mm的宽筛燃料,而对4mm以下细颗粒煤的燃烧装置研究甚少。

    At present most of CFB boilers burn the fuel of coal particle size from 0 to 8 mm , there lacks the experimental record for coal particle size less than 4 mm .

  23. 通过对燃用褐煤的35t/h煤粉锅炉运行中存在的热效率低、粉尘大的原因分析,提出了把煤粉锅炉改造成流化床锅炉的改造方案。

    He plan , which a pulverized fuel boiler is transformed in-to fluidized bed boiler , is presented based on analysis of low heating efficiency and large dust emission existed in operation of lignite coal-fired of a 35 / h pulverized fuel boiler .

  24. 针对由1台75t/h循环流化床锅炉及其辅助工艺设备组成的热力系统,设计了一套完善的热工自动化系统,并利用基于FF现场总线技术的控制系统方案予以实现。

    In this article one set of thermo control system has been designed for the thermodynamic system which is composed by one 75t / h circulation fluid bed boiler and its assistance process unit , the control system is based on the FF ( Foundation Fieldbus ) technology .

  25. 文章介绍了DG753.82/45015型循环流化床锅炉的结构特性及传热机理,对其运行中的主要问题进行了原因分析,并提出了相应的改进措施。

    This paper introduces the structure features and heat-transfer mechanism of DG75 3.82/450 15 type recirculating fluidized bed boiler , and makes analysis on the reasons of the main problems existing in its operation , and puts forward some corresponding improving measures .

  26. 国内循环流化床锅炉运行中的问题及原因探讨

    Inquiry about problems and reasons during running of domestic CFB Boilers

  27. 循环流化床锅炉耐火耐磨材料的设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Refractory Lining in Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler

  28. 循环流化床锅炉风、水联合冷渣器制造技术

    The Manufacture Technology of Wind-Water Combined Ash Cooler on CFB Boiler

  29. 循环流化床锅炉热效率提高探讨

    Probe into the Thermal Efficiency Promotion of Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler

  30. 75t/h煤矸石低倍率循环流化床锅炉的研究

    Research on 75 t / h Gangue Circulating Fluidized Bed boiler