
liú qì
  • hooliganism;rascally behaviour
流气 [liú qì]
  • (1) [hooliganism]

  • (2) 不正派的作风

  • 举止流气

  • (3) 流氓习气

流气[liú qì]
  1. 一些流里流气的小青年常到酒吧捣乱。

    Some young hooligans often come to the bar and make trouble .

  2. 他很引人注目,因为他穿著一件流里流气的衣服。

    He stood out because he wore a foppish clothes .

  3. 他戴着一顶流里流气的帽子使他很容易被发现。

    He wore a foppish hat , making him easy to find .

  4. 流气正比探测器用在大型X射线荧光光谱仪上,主要用来测量软X射线。

    The gas flow detector for X-Ray spectrometer detects mainly soft X-rays .

  5. 软X射线流气正比计数管

    Flow Proportional Counter for Soft X - Ray Detection

  6. 扰流气对TRIP增益发生器影响的数值分析

    Numerical investigation of jets ' influence on TRIP gain generator

  7. 通过采用计算流体力学(CFD)的方法,对微通道平行流气冷器内部流量分布特性进行了仿真研究。

    Using computational fluid dynamics ( CFD ) simulation , flow distribution in a gas cooler with micro-channel parallel flow is studied .

  8. 提出将湍流气团扰动波前的方法引入光强匀滑系统,代替的是多维SSD的功能。

    Turbulent air mass will make the wave before the introduction of light intensity smoothing system to replace the multi-dimensional function of SSD .

  9. 利用流气式正比计数管监测X射线强度,测得了KodakSWR底片对以上四种能量的X光的响应曲线。

    The X-ray intensities were monitored by proportional counters , we obtained sensitivity curves of Kodak SWR X-ray film for these different energy X rays .

  10. 以空气和SO2混合气体作为模拟烟气,以Ca(OH)2悬浮液作为吸收剂,在一个新型撞击流气液反应器中进行了湿法脱硫试验研究。

    An experimental investigation on the wet desulfuration was conducted in a new type impinging stream reactor with air and SO_2 mixed gas as simulation fume and Ca ( OH ) _2 suspended liquid as adsorbent .

  11. 在外环流气提式气液反应器内,分别以空气和质量分数5%羧甲基纤维素(CMC)水溶液为气相和液相,对液相局部动力学进行了系统研究。

    A gas-liquid external loop airlift reactor was employed to investigate the liquid phase local hydrodynamics using air and5 % ( mass ) CMC water solution as gas and liquid phases , respectively .

  12. 基于Lighthill波动方程的轴对称射流气动声场的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of the sound field generated by axisymmetric jet based on the Lighthill acoustics equation

  13. 选择典型的局地环流气象场作为高分辨化学模式的输入场,模拟得到不同气象条件下广州地区地面O3浓度的分布。

    The main circulation meteorological fields are chosen as the input field of a high-resolution chemical model . The surface ozone concentration distribution are obtained under different meteorological conditions .

  14. 用大容积(φ60mm×80mm)的圆柱型流气式组织等效正比计数器测定了~(252)Cfα粒子的微剂量谱和径向剂量分布。

    Microdosimetric spectra and radial dose distribution of 252 Cf a particles were measured by a large volume cylindrical flowing tissue-equivalent proportional counter ( TEPC ) .

  15. 建立了流气式系统捕集和化学转移法测量6LiAl合金靶片在中子辐照过程中的渗漏氚和辐照后靶片中总氚量的方法。

    The method of tritium measurement for irradiated ~ 6Li-Al alloy target by neutron is studied . The measurement is concerned in both the leakage tritium during neutron irradiation and the produced total tritium in the target .

  16. 高压电源输出在0~19kV之间可调。射线源工作真空度为1×10-4Pa,利用流气式正比计数器测到了铜kα谱线,并且进行了连续4h的运行。

    High voltage supply are tunable in the range of 0 ~ 19 kV . X-ray source is stably runing for four hours at work vacuum of 1 × 10 - 4 Pa. At last , k α line spectrum is detected by the flow-gas proportional counter .

  17. 按照EJ/T586-91标准和客户合同技术要求,对我们自主生产的大面积流气式正比计数管进行了物理性能测试。

    According to EJ / T586-91 standard and the customer technique request , we carry on physical characteristic test to the big area of gas-flow proportional counter produced by ourself .

  18. 将4π流气式正比计数器放于HPGe探测器上,插入井型NaI(Tl)探测器井中,实现了β射线探测效率、活度和γ分支比的同时测量。

    We place the 4 πβ counter onto the HPGe detector and into the well of NaI ( Tl ) detector for carrying out the measurement of β - ray detection efficiency , radioactivity and γ - ray emission probability all the time .

  19. 涡旋管内强旋湍流气固两相流的数值模拟

    Simulation of strongly swirling gas-particle turbulent flows in a vortex tube

  20. 过渡流气动力特性的加权平均计算法

    Weighted average method for evaluating the aerodynamic properties of transition flow

  21. 大功率氧煤燃烧器内湍流气固两相流动数值模拟

    Numerical Modeling of Turbulent Gas-Particle Flows in A High-Output Oxygen-Coal Combustor

  22. 流气式气体探测器气密性的测量

    The measurement of gas tightness of gas detector with flow mode

  23. 突扩回流与大速差射流回流湍流气-固两相流动的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Sudden-Expansion and Large-Velocity-Difference-Jet Recirculating Gas-Particle Turbulent Flows

  24. 轴对称旋转流气固分离理论与技术

    Theories and Technologies of Gas-Solid Separation in Symmetrical Swirling Flow

  25. 把气体变成液体的装置。程序变流气相色谱法

    An apparatus that converts vapor into liquid . programmed flow gas chromatography

  26. 强旋湍流气相燃烧数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Strongly Swirling Turbulent Flow with Gas Combustion

  27. 气液两相流气相目标识别研究

    Study on Bubble Identification in Gas-Liquid Tow - Phase Flow

  28. 撞击流气化炉内气粒两相流动的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of gas-particle two-phase flow in impinging streams gasifier

  29. 多孔介质燃烧室内湍流气液两相流的数值研究

    Numerical study on turbulent two-phase flow in a porous media combustion chamber

  30. 超声波内环流气升式反应器在含酚废水处理中的应用研究

    Study of Ultrasonic and Internal Loop ALR Degradation of Phenol in Wastewater