
  • 网络Flowing Space;Space of Flow;Liquid Space
  1. 新经济背景下出现了两种截然不同又相互依存的空间形式:流动空间和地方空间。

    Against the background of new economy arise two diametrically different , yet mutually dependent space forms : the space of flow and of location .

  2. 从建筑表皮的操作看流动空间的生成

    The Design of Flowing Space Through Manipulation of Architectural Surface

  3. 针对错流超滤的特点,在膜的上层部分引入了流体自由流动空间,用Navier-Stokes方程来描述。

    In the upper layer of the membrane , the free fluid space is introduced and described by the Navier-Stokes equations .

  4. 甘肃省人口流动空间格局和影响因素的ESDA分析

    Analysis of Spatial Pattern and Influencing Factors on Population Mobility in Gansu Province Based on ESDA

  5. 性别移动与上海流动空间的建构&从《海上花列传》中的马车谈开去

    The Gender Move and the Reconstruction of Shanghai Floating Space

  6. 区域流动空间整合与全球城市网络构建

    Integration of Regional Space of Flows and Construction of Global Urban Network

  7. 曼纽尔·卡斯特与密斯的流动空间比较试析

    Analyze of the difference of space of flows between manuel castells and mies

  8. 信息技术、知识资本和网络社会结构等多维因素耦合形成企业组织虚拟化的流动空间。

    The information technique , the knowledge capital , the structure of network society , etc.

  9. 流动空间的非均匀照明辛耘公司照明设计

    Uneven Lighting in Flowing Space

  10. 流动空间

    The Space of Flows

  11. 两极空间是为正向能量切割流动空间的控制区域。

    The space between is the region of domain that carves the space through which the positive energy flows .

  12. 从生长建筑到流动空间:国家地震紧急救援训练基地方案设计

    From growing building to flowing space : schematic design of the rescue training center of the State Seismic Bureau

  13. 感悟廊的传统意境化空间处理,认知廊的理性化流动空间分析,探索库区环境建设的处理手段。

    Exploring measures for environmental construction surrounding reservoirs to realize traditional artistic conception space handling and rational flowing space analyzing of Lang.

  14. 本文将包含多种城市空间要素、由户外媒体和抽象网络结合所形成的流动空间形式定义为广告图像空间。

    The floating space that involved several kinds of elements of city space and shaped by outdoor media and abstract net is defined as advertisement image space .

  15. 其作品特点是整洁和骨架露明的外观,灵活多变的流动空间以及简练而制作精致的细部。

    His work is famous for the appearance which is not only concise but also has exposed skeleton , several of flowing space is flexible and exquisite detail .

  16. 加州大学伯克利校区的社会学家曼纽尔.卡斯特提出全新的流动空间概念,使人很容易联想到20世纪30年代现代主义运动时期密斯。

    Sociologist Manuel Castells in California State University put forward a new concept of space of flows that has an essential difference between the theory of Mies in 20th century 30 ′ s.

  17. 通过表皮操作对流动空间塑造的讨论,以期能够从表皮与空间的关系上重新认识建筑和建筑空间,进而能更深层的理解建筑创作。

    By analyzing the relationships between the manipulation of surface and the creating of flowing space , the paper explores a new way for understanding architecture and some design methods for creating flowing space .

  18. 本文通过对比分析处于两种社会转型时期的流动空间概念、价值取向和设计语汇的阐释,从而对当前的信息社会结构与空间组织有更深刻与清醒的认识。

    The paper contrastively analyzed the two concept of space of flows in the turned period from idea , valuation and design language , which hopes to make us have more levelheaded cognition on the spacial organization in the informational society .

  19. 针对这些异同点,探索出服装艺术在功能拆解、流动空间、造型语言、审美实效、自由表皮等方面对当代建筑艺术创作中借鉴的可能性。

    From these similarities and differences , this article explore the possibility of reference from costume art to contemporary architecture art and artistic creation in the functional space of flows , the modeling language , aesthetics , effectiveness and freedom epidermis .

  20. 企业流动空间既包含了影响企业组织虚拟化的微观因素,也是企业组织结构趋同的强制性力量与规范性压力的源泉。

    The moving space of business organizations includes the microcosmic factors that influence on the virtualization of business organizations . And the same time , it is the source of enforcement and standardization that tend to converge in the structure of business organization .

  21. 通过跨区域地方政策协调,有利于扫清地方体制障碍,创造区域间要素的无障碍流动空间,建立各地区分工协作关系,整合跨区域地方关系。

    It helps to clear away the local system obstacle , to create mobile space for key element among regions , to establish division of labor and cooperative relation in different areas , and to combine the transregional local relation through coordinating transregional local policy .

  22. 云南省流动人口空间结构研究

    Study on the space structure of floating population in Yunnan

  23. 第三部分:昆明市流动人口空间结构研究。

    Part Three : The Research on Spatial Structure of Floating Population in Kunming .

  24. 流动的空间与时间意识。

    Ambulatory consciousness about space and time .

  25. 这个设计被视为流动的空间连续体&所有的角度都是独特的参数。

    The design is conceived as a flowing spatial continuum - all dimensions are equal parameters .

  26. 涡旋流动的空间不稳定性分析

    Spatial Instability of a Swirling Flow

  27. 也就是说家庭出身较低的毕业生阶层流动的空间较大,流动的意愿较强烈。

    That is to say , graduates with lower hierarchy possess larger flowing space and strong will . 4 .

  28. 第四章介绍了求解包含超声速层流、湍流和有限速率化学反应流动的空间推进求解方法,并对开发的空间推进程序进行了严格的验证确认和应用。

    In chapter 4 , the space marching algorithms of supersonic turbulent and chemical reaction flow included their validations are fulfilled .

  29. 对“流动的空间”与“消失的地域”这两种想像及其之间的关系进行反思,以期拓展我们对全球化过程的想像。

    The paper reviews imaginations of flowing space and lost region and their relationship in order to expand that of globalization .

  30. 从物质的生产和流动的空间过程及空间结构向非物质方面的转换;

    A transformation from studies on the spatial process and structure of physical production and flow to studies on nonmaterial aspects ;