
  • 网络music historiography;historiography of music
  1. 论音乐史学的学科体系构架

    On the Academic System of Music Historiography Aesthetics of Science of History

  2. 音乐史学的基础性研究工作;

    Fundamental research on music historiography ;

  3. 美国南加州大学音乐史学系主任B·西姆斯博士(B·Simms)1986年出版了一本书《20世纪的音乐&风格与结构》。

    Doctor Bryan R. Simms , currently associate professor and chairman of the department of music history at the University of Southern California , published his work Music of the twentieth Century : Style and Structure in 1986 , and Tonality in Transition is the chapter 1 of it .

  4. 半世纪以来的中国古代音乐史学研究

    On Historiography Studies of Chinese Ancient Music in Half a Century

  5. 中国音乐史学研究的现状与方法

    On the Situation and Approach of Chinese Music History Study

  6. 音乐史学与民族音乐学论域的交叉

    Intersection between the Domains of Music Historical Science and Ethnomusicology

  7. 长此以往中国梦&对盛宗亮的音乐史学研究

    Chinese Composer Sheng Zhongliang : His Long-Term Chinese Dream-A Perspective of Music History

  8. 中国古代音乐史学源远流长,成就斐然。

    China 's ancient music historiography is of long standing and well established , and has splendid results .

  9. 本文是关于中国音乐史学在近代形成与发展过程的历史研究。

    This thesis focuses on the process of forming and developing of Chinese musical historiography in modern times .

  10. 本文从音乐史学的角度,对《战地新歌》的历史渊源进行初步的分析和认识。

    From the angle of musical historical science , the thesis primarily analyzes the historical originof 《 New songs in battlefield 》 .

  11. 打谱的过程,涉及到音乐史学,版本学、文献学、乐律学、历史学、指法翻译及琴谱考证等诸方面的问题。

    This process involves the fields of music historiography , edition , literature , tone-system , historiography , fingering translation and textual research .

  12. 本文对中国古代音乐史学界旷日持久的“徽”字之争,进行了综述性整理。

    The article is the summary of the twelve-year discussion of the word " Hui " in the study of China ancient music history .

  13. 通过对现有资料的梳理和分析,在前人研究的基础上,运用音乐史学、音乐社会学以及宗教文化学的研究方法对其进行系统研究。

    Through the survey and analysis of current materials , on the basis of others'researches , to study it systematically by way of music historicology , music sociology and religious culturology .

  14. 在研究方法上,主要运用的是音乐史学的研究方法,同时与传播学的研究方法相结合,对西域乐舞传入中原的文化传播作分析和研究。

    In terms of research methods , this paper , by using the combined methods of music history and spreading , analyses and studies how music and dance of the western regions spread to the central plains .

  15. 本文的写作是以历史文献为基本依据,运用和借鉴音乐史学、音乐文化学等学科的研究方法,力图对宋代五礼仪式音乐的类别及特征进行较为全面的分析总结。

    The dissertation is writer on the base of historical literature with the combination of such research methods as music histories and music culture in an effort to analyze comprehensively the categories and features of Five-ritual music of Song Dynasty .

  16. 主要运用音乐史学的研究方法,同时与传播学的研究方法相结合,对笛属乐器的历史作多方面的分析和研究。

    As the research objects , with the method of music history , combining with the research method of musical instruments articulation and communication , the paper makes analysis on and research into the history of flute family instruments from different perspectives .

  17. 音乐史学是介于音乐学和历史学之间的分支学科,研究中国古代音乐史学的发展历程,揭橥其发展规律,对于中国古代音乐史、史学史和文化史的研究均具有重要意义。

    Music historiography is a branch discipline between musicology and history . It has profound significance to study the development course of China 's ancient music historiography and reveal its rule of development to the research on China 's ancient music history , historiography history and culture history .

  18. 同样是采用音乐史学的研究方法,结合历史文献对于奚琴传出朝鲜半岛的时间、途径,以及奚琴在朝鲜半岛的发展演变,逐渐成为朝鲜民族代表性乐器的过程进行考察梳理。

    The same is the use of music history research methods , combining with historical documents for Xi Qin was the Korean Peninsula time , pathways , and Xi Qin in the Korean Peninsula has evolved , becoming the Korean minority representation of musical instrument of carding process .

  19. 他博学多才,既是东汉末年有名的儒家学者,又是多才多艺的文士,于辞章、数术、天文、音乐、史学、文学无一不通。

    He was not only a famous Confucian scholar , but also a versatile classic in Cizhang , Shushu , astronomy , music , history and literature .

  20. 乐府学本有专门之学,与诗经学、楚辞学、词学、曲学,构成了完整的中国音乐文学史学,然而学界对乐府学的关注却远远不够。

    Yuefu study is one part of the historical study of Chinese mu-sical literature , which also includes the studies on The Book of Songs , The Poetry of Chu , lyrics and melody .

  21. 河南音乐文物及其史学价值

    Musical Relics Found in Henan Province and Their Historical Values

  22. 第四部分江文也钢琴作品的历史贡献及意义简要论述了江文也的钢琴音乐创作的史学价值和现实意义及其在我国钢琴音乐发展史上的地位。

    The fourth part " Historical Contribution and significance of Jiang 's piano works ", briefly discussed the historical and realistic values of piano musical creation of Professor Jiang and his position in the piano musical history of China .

  23. 文章针对《黄钟》2002年第2期刊登的3篇重写音乐史文章,就音乐史学的建设问题,阐述了作者的一些想法和观点。

    There were three treatises on re write music history published in Huang Zhong , 2nd volume 2002 . The writer made some different ideas and thoughts on this issue .

  24. 研究唐代宫廷音乐和道教音乐具有重要的史学意义和学术价值。

    Study music and Taoist music tang court has important historical significance and academic value .

  25. 音乐史料的收集与整理对于音乐史学研究者是一个复杂而又艰巨的工作。

    Those who work in music history should try to gather genuine , objective and complete documents and give fair evaluation to restore the true aspects of historical figures .

  26. 中国近现代音乐史研究的史料工作应该是音乐史学研究的重要问题。

    The historical materials should be one of the important issues in the research of Chinese modern musical history .

  27. 这一理论揭示出了中国音乐史中音乐形态的发展规律,使中国音乐史学研究走向科学化,并预示着未来中国音乐史科学发展的新趋势。

    The thesis shows the laws of the development of music forms in music history . It makes the research of Chinese music history scientific , and promises the new trend of the development of Chinese musical history in the future .

  28. 文章按照撰写的体例及特点,将中国音乐史文献归纳为七大类,一方面想引起学术界的关注,另一方面是涉足音乐史学的研究者提供一些基础性的参考与参照。

    The author divides them into seven categories to provide researchers involved in music history with some basic information and reference , and to attract attention to such academic phenomena .

  29. 站在新的角度重新审视亚洲各国的音乐个性和共性特征,寻找亚洲各国音乐事业在发展过程中的相互依存和联系,应该是音乐史学研究的一个重要课题。

    It is a greatly important problem that observing music individuality and commonness of each and every countries of Asian from the new angle and finding the interdependency and contact between different Asian countries in the development of music career .