
yīn yuè xué yuàn
  • conservatory;conservatory of music;academy of music
  1. 音乐学院让你有充分的理由任想象力自由驰骋。

    A conservatory offers the perfect excuse to let your imagination run riot .

  2. 辛辛那提音乐学院:演出安排在主校区,通常设在帕特丽夏·科贝特剧院。

    College Conservatory of Music ( CCM ) : Performances are on the main campus of the university , usually at Patricia Cobbett Theater .

  3. 辛辛那提音乐学院举办各种活动,包括由著名乐团“拉萨勒四重奏”、CCM爱乐乐团以及各个音乐家团体通过现代音乐呈现的巴洛克音乐表演。

    CCM organizes a variety of events , including performances by the well-known LaSalle Quartet , CCM 's Philharmonic Orchestra , and various groups of musicians presenting Baroque through modern music .

  4. 我是在美国科蒂斯音乐学院(curtisinstituteofmusic)读的高中和大学。

    I went to the Curtis Institute of music in America for high school and college .

  5. 此外,他曾在纽约茱莉亚音乐学院(JuilliardSchool)跟随罗伯特·马恩(RobertMann)学习。

    He also studied with Robert Mann at the Juilliard School in New York .

  6. PhysiologicalQualityOfAMusician音乐家的生理素质在一次音乐学院的入学考试中,老师问其中一个男孩:“音乐家最重要的生理素质是什么?”

    In an entrance examination of a conservatory of music , a teacher asked one of the boys , " What is the most important physiological quality of a musician ? "

  7. Nathaniel从茱莉亚音乐学院辍学,他完全崩溃了

    Nathaniel dropped out of Juilliard , he suffered a complete breakdown ,

  8. SamLutomia在伯克利音乐学院工作。

    Sam Lutomia works for the Berklee College of Music .

  9. 萨克斯管乐团由音乐学院木管乐器讲师、澳洲大学首位全职古典萨克斯管教师MichaelDuke(迈克尔•杜克)博士进行指导。

    The Saxophone Ensemble performs under the direction of Dr Michael Duke , the Conservatorium 's Lecturer in Woodwind and the first full-time classical saxophone teacher at an Australian university .

  10. RichardWatkins--爱乐乐团前首席号角手--时任皇家音乐学院教授,在他的激发下,英国乐手独霸乐团的铜管乐部。

    Britain dominates the orchestra 's brass section , inspired by Richard Watkins , the Philharmonia 's former principal hornplayer , who is now a professor at the Royal Academy of Music .

  11. 纽约爱乐乐团(NewYorkPhilharmonic)最近与上海交响乐团及上海音乐学院合作,成立了上海乐队学院。其宗旨是培养新一代演奏者,让他们能随乐团到世界各地演出。

    The New York Philharmonic recently helped establish the Shanghai Orchestra Academy , which aims to train and prepare emerging musicians to play with orchestras around the world , with the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and the Shanghai Conservatory of Music .

  12. CNN资深医疗特派员桑杰·古普塔:对何吉米而言,在名校茱莉亚音乐学院学习大提琴只不过是他忙碌人生中的一小部分而已。

    DR. SANJAY GUPTA , CNN SENIOR MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT : For Jimmy Hom , studying cello at the elite Juilliard : Music School is just one part of a busy life .

  13. 2007年,RickAggeler从马萨诸塞州的波士顿伯克利音乐学院毕业。

    Rick Aggeler graduated from the Berklee College of Music in Boston , Massachusetts , in two thousand seven .

  14. 然而,竞争对手LiamHemsworth将会因为本周日的美国乡村音乐学院奖出现在拉斯维加斯。

    However , fellow hunk Liam Hemsworth will be in Las Vegas this weekend for Sunday 's Academy of Country Music Awards .

  15. 现在,他是约翰霍普金斯大学医学院的耳鼻喉科专家和霍普金斯Peabody音乐学院的教师成员。

    He 's now an otolaryngologist at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and a faculty member at Johns Hopkins'Peabody Conservatory of Music .

  16. 本周末,福尔斯备受赞扬的排演剧目《送冰的人来了》(TheIcemanCometh)在布鲁克林音乐学院(BrooklynAcademyofMusic)闭幕。他说这是一份“非凡的”礼物。这项资助不是该剧院主动申请的。

    Mr. Falls , whose acclaimed production of " The Iceman Cometh " closes this weekend at the Brooklyn Academy of Music , called the gift , which the theater had not solicited , " extraordinary . "

  17. 与其他在费城颇具声望的柯蒂斯音乐学院(CurtisInstitute)学习钢琴的学生一样,郎朗有了自己的一间公寓,他与父亲合住,公寓里还有一架7英尺斯坦威钢琴(Steinway)。

    Like other piano students at Philadelphia 's prestigious Curtis Institute , Lang Lang was given an apartment of his own , which he shared with his father , with its own seven-foot Steinway .

  18. SAMLUTOMIA:“我开始与伯克里音乐学院的学生和教员讨论,他们的反应都非常积极。后来我们就开始收集乐器。”

    SAM LUTOMIA : " I started talking with students at Berklee College of Music and members , and they all responded . And we started collecting instruments . "

  19. AkheylahHunter:“我们在不同的地方演出,例如伯克利音乐学院。我们进行旅行,我们会去HouseofBlues,我们也登台演出,真的非常有趣。”

    AKHEYLAH HUNTER : " We performed in different places like at Berklee College of Music . We go on trips , like we went to the House of Blues and we went on stage and we performed , and it was very fun . "

  20. 因为首先,我在美国度过了我的少年时期,我意思是说,我那时在Curtis音乐学院学习。

    LANG LANG : You know , that 's the last thing I want to do because , first of all , you know , I grew up as a teenager in America . I mean , I studied at Curtis .

  21. 黄欣在休斯顿大学学习时,师从弗莱德·莱克(FredellLack)。16岁时,他被克利夫兰音乐学院的大学预科班录取,后跟随唐纳德·维勒斯汀(DonaldWeilerstein)学习。2002年,黄欣获得音乐学士学位。

    He commenced studying with Fredell Lack at the University of Houston and at 16 he enrolled in the precollege program at the Cleveland Institute of Music , where he studied with Donald Weilerstein and earned a bachelor 's degree in music in 2002 .

  22. 婚礼上还有现年19岁来自伦敦皇家音乐学院的学生ShekuKanneh-Mason,他是一名获奖的大提琴手。

    They 'll also have Sheku Kanneh-Mason , an award-winning 19-year-old cellist who is a student at London 's Royal Academy of Music .

  23. 尽管拥有柯蒂斯和朱利亚音乐学院(julliard)等名校,但郎朗表示,音乐教育的危机出现在美国,而非中国。

    In spite of such fine schools as the Curtis and the Julliard , the crisis in music education , Lang Lang says , is in the US , not in China .

  24. 五岁的孩子在塔什干国家音乐学院弹奏钢琴。

    Five year old playing the piano at Tashkent State Conservatory .

  25. 李彬,1996年以优异成绩毕业自中国天津音乐学院,主修钢琴。

    Li Bin graduated with honours from Tianjin Music School in1996 .

  26. 她获得皇家音乐学院的学籍

    She is awarded a place at The Royal College of Music

  27. 第48届美国乡村音乐学院奖获奖名单:

    Winners at the 48th Annual Academy of Country Music Awards :

  28. 欧洲音乐学院和中学协会

    European Association of Music Conservatories , Academies , and High Schools

  29. 肖邦曾在著名的华沙音乐学院学习音乐。

    Chopin studied music at the celebrated Warsaw 10 ) Conservatory .

  30. 变成了一个迷人,博学,优秀的受过朱丽亚音乐学院教育的音乐家

    to the charming , erudite , brilliant , Juilliard-trained musician .