
  1. 苏南现象与中国二胡艺术发展的四次超越&纪念刘天华先生诞辰110周年断想

    On Four Jumps in Developing of Chinese Erhu Art Phenomenon

  2. 浅议刘天华的音乐美学思想

    On Music Idea of Liu Tian Hua

  3. 试析华彦钧二胡曲的艺术特征华彦钧与刘天华比较

    Artistic Features of Hua Yanjun 's Er Hu Music A Comparison Between Hua Yanjun and Liu Tian hua

  4. 刘天华是我国著名的民族音乐作曲家、演奏家、教育家、革新家。

    Liu Tianhua , was one of the most outstanding national composers , performers , educators and reformers .

  5. 之后,一代民族音乐先驱刘天华,中西合璧改革传统乐器二胡,使之正式登上高等学校音乐殿堂,于是,二胡教材随着专业二胡学派的不断形成而逐渐发展起来。

    Then Liu , Tianhua , the pioneer musician of Chinese music reforms Erhu by combining Chinese music and Western music , which renders the teaching of Erhu become a specialty in University .

  6. 刘天华为二胡艺术在新世纪全面、迅速、高水平的发展揭开了历史新篇章,提升了二胡的历史地位和改变其社会功能,为二胡开辟了更广阔的艺术天地。

    Art for the Erhu Liu Tian-round in the new century , rapid , high level of development has opened a new chapter of history , upgrading the status and history of the erhu change their social function , for the erhu open up a broader art world .