
  1. 这种情况是不可持续的,澳新银行(ANZBank)大中华区经济研究总监刘利刚表示。

    This is not sustainable , said Li-Gang Liu , head of China economics at ANZ Bank .

  2. 据澳大利亚和新西兰银行集团(AustraliaandNewZealandBankingGroup)的大中华区首席经济学家刘利刚估计,中国企业的实际贷款利率高於10%的年率。

    Li-Gang Liu , the chief economist for greater China at the Australia and New Zealand Banking Group , estimates that real borrowing rates for Chinese companies are over 10 percent per year .

  3. 发达经济体的需求是个好兆头,澳新银行(ANZ)经济学家刘利刚在报告中写道。

    Demand from the advanced economies bodes well , Li-Gang Liu , ANZ economist , wrote in a report .

  4. 然而,澳新银行(anz)经济学家刘利刚表示,物价的潜在趋势显示,通胀正在加速。

    However , Liu Ligang , an economist at ANZ , said the underlying trend showed that inflation was accelerating .

  5. 澳新银行(anz)经济学家刘利刚表示,最新措施的风险大于上世纪80年代的改革开放。

    Liu Ligang , an economist at ANZ , said the risks of the latest measure were greater than those attached to the 1980s opening .

  6. 以刘利刚为首的澳新银行集团(ANZ)分析师在一份报告中写道:受二三线城市积压的大量库存的拖累,全国性的楼市复苏仍将是个漫长而艰苦的过程。

    A nationwide property market recovery will remain a prolonged and strenuous process , dragged by large inventory overhangs in second and third-tier cities , Australia and New Zealand Banking Group analysts led by Liu Li-Gang wrote in a note .

  7. 刘利刚在一份报告中写道:由于中国经济继续放缓,以及通缩风险日渐增大,我们预计中国货币政策会进一步放宽。

    As the economy continues to slow and the risk of deflation looms large , we expect monetary policy to ease further , wrote Mr Liu in a report .