
xī chǔ
  • 吸收储蓄 attract savings
  1. 香港金管局(hkma)正在讨论中的其它建议包括,将银行分支机构中的吸储活动与投资销售活动分离开来。

    Other proposals from the Hong Kong Monetary Authority under discussion include the separation of deposit-taking activities from investment-selling activities in bank branches .

  2. 第二个建议是由我的同事约翰凯(JohnKay)等人提出的,他们支持狭义银行在该模式下,吸储机构将是安全的,而金融体系内的其余机构将几乎不受监管。

    The second , from my colleague , John Kay , among others , is in favour of narrow banking , under which deposit-taking institutions would be safe but the rest of the system would be little regulated .

  3. 但吸储大战也使放贷银行陷入两难境地。

    But the scramble for deposits also poses a dilemma for lenders .

  4. 吸储银行不应该从事这些业务。

    Deposit-taking banks should not do them .

  5. 许多读者质疑,银行为何偏离其吸储和放贷的使命如此之远?

    Many readers have asked why banks wandered so far from their mission of taking in savings and making loans .

  6. 许多银行仍是“大而不能倒”,银行活动中赌博的一面仍与平常的吸储业务相混淆。

    Many banks are still " too big to fail " and the casino side of their activities remains mixed up with the mundane business of deposit-taking .

  7. 但在通胀率高出利率上限近3个百分点的情况下,许多储户寻求更高的回报率,这迫使银行想出新的吸储办法。

    But with inflation nearly 3 percentage points above the rate ceiling many depositors want better returns , forcing banks to come up with new ways to retain deposits .

  8. 银行家们长期以来一直担心,银行在吸储方面竞相支付高息,会导致它们在放贷方面竞相降低门槛。而追逐收益的储户被认为是一种危险的资金来源。

    Bankers had long feared that competing for deposits by paying high interest rates triggered races to the bottom in lending , while yield-chasing depositors were seen as a dangerous source of funds .

  9. 现代的商业银行是一个提供多元金融服务的投融资中介,吸储放贷是商业银行最原始的业务,不是商业银行的全部。

    The modern commercial bank is a firm providing multiple financing intermediary and financial services , loan and deposit are the most original commercial bank business , not the whole function of commercial banks .

  10. 要让吸储银行远离市场,就有必要创建独特的交易银行,让聚焦客户的零售和商业银行以中介而非主要参与者身份与它们打交道。

    To keep deposit-taking banks out of markets , it would be necessary to create distinct trading banks and for customer-focused retail and commercial banks to deal with them as agents rather than principals .

  11. 实践证明,这种形式在问题的解决上确实有一定作用,但小额借贷公司不能吸储的政策规定,又成为桎梏其发展的一大绊脚石。

    Practices prove that the policy indeed have some effects . But micro-finance companies are not allowed to take in savings , which then becomes a big obstacle to the development of this institution .

  12. 金融中介资产转化的功能主要是通过各种金融工具、提供各种服务,将吸储的货币资金贷放给需求者,使其向投资转化,最大限度地使金融资源产生增值的功能。

    The asset conversion function of financial intermediaries is to lend the savings from the suppliers to the demanders , through various financial tools and service , in order to maximize the value-added functions of financial resources .