
  • 网络policy hysteresis;policy time lag
  1. 内容提要内容提要中国人口政策运行过程具有相机抉择和危机管理等政策属性。当前中国人口政策运行中存在政策失灵、政策时滞和政策博弈等关键问题。

    Chinese population policy operation has some characteristics such as discretion and crisis administration , and has some key problems as policy failure , policy hysteresis and policy game .

  2. 浅析货币政策时滞问题兼论我国货币政策有效性

    Time Lag in Monetary Policy and Validity of Chinese Monetary Policy

  3. 我国财政政策时滞的测算与分析&兼论我国财政货币政策在宏观调控中的相对重要性

    The Measurement and Analysis of Time Lag of Public Financial Policy of China : the Relative Importance of Public Financial Policy and Monetary Policy in Marco-Economic Adjustment

  4. 通货紧缩时期货币政策时滞的存在只是对中央银行提出了更高的要求,并不表示主动性货币政策完全无效。

    The phenomenon of time lag in currency policy does not indicate dysfunction of active currency policy , but rather , a rise in requirement for the central bank .

  5. 与此同时,人们也开始思考,是什么导致了如此之长的货币政策时滞?信用衍生产品是否影响货币政策的传导机制?信用衍生品交易泡沫的破灭引起的金融风暴随即把信用衍生品推到了风口浪尖处。

    At the same time , people started thinking : what led to so long delay of the monetary policy ? Do the credit derivatives affect monetary policy transmission mechanism ?

  6. 我国金融政策作用时滞测算

    Measurement of the Length of the Impact Lags of China 's Financial Policy

  7. 货币政策效应时滞分析&脉冲响应函数与方差分解

    Time Lag Analysis on the Effect of Monetary Policy-Impulse Response Function and Variance Decomposition

  8. 货币政策效应时滞是影响一国货币政策有效性的重要因素之一。

    The effect lag is one of the important factors affecting the validity of the monetary policy .

  9. 我国当前艾滋病防控政府干预的困境主要是公共政策的时滞困境、公共决策的制定与执行困境和行为干预的道德困境。

    Chinese government faces the below difficulties : time lag difficulty of public policies , difficulty of public decisions making and executing , and the moral challenge in high-risk behaviors intervention .

  10. 本文在建立财政支出与各宏观经济变量的向量自回归模型基础上,利用脉冲响应函数和方差分解方法,分析财政支出政策的时滞。

    By establishing a VAR models between fiscal expenditure and other macroeconomic variables , this article ana - lyzes fiscal expenditure 's time lags using impulse response function and variance decomposition .

  11. 我国货币政策外部效应时滞研究

    A Study on the Outside Time Lag in Monetary Policy of China

  12. 中国的财政货币政策存在着时滞效应,不同的工具变量时滞不同;

    A time lag objectively exists and for various tools the lag differs ;

  13. 我国利率政策调控的时滞效应研究&基于交叉数据的实证检验

    Time Lag of Interest Rate Policy in China Based on the New Annual Data and Monthly Data

  14. 本文探讨了货币政策外部效应时滞的形成机制,并从中找出影响货币政策外部效应时滞的主要因素。

    The dissertation explores formation mechanism of the outside time lag in effect of monetary policy , from which we find the main factors affecting it .

  15. 系统地研究货币政策外部效应时滞问题,不但对理论界研究货币政策的效应,而且对今后中央银行选择适当的时机进行宏观调控以提高我国货币政策的有效性有着重要的意义。

    A systematic study on the outside time lag has a theoretical meaning and the important practical value to the increase of the effective adjustment and validity of the monetary policy .

  16. 受信息不对称、机会主义、有限理性以及资产专用性等因素的影响,交易费用可能导致政策失真或时滞等现象的出现。

    Information asymmetry , opportunist , bounded rationality , and specific human capital , which act on transaction costs , may lead to policy distortion or time lags in education policy .

  17. 我国货币政策的内部效应时滞问题研究

    A Study on the Inside Time Lag of Monetary Policy in China

  18. 货币政策的内部效应时滞是影响货币政策实现预期目标的因素之一。

    The inside time lag of monetary policy is one factor that influences the Central Bank to achieve the desired target of monetary policy .

  19. 这一部分主要是对货币政策股市传导效应时滞的含义及其形成机制进行了规范性的分析。

    This part mainly defines the effect time lag of monetary policy transmission in the stock market and gives a normative analysis to the effect time lag formation mechanism .

  20. 我国商业银行的信贷配给呈现关系型信贷配给的特征,具有两方面的作用一是自发抑制宏观经济波动,二是拉长货币政策发挥作用的时滞。

    The paper points out that the credit rationing of ~ China 's commercial banks has two functions , one is to voluntarily balance the macroeconomic fluctuation , the other is to prolong the time lag of monetary policy .

  21. 第六,我国应对金融危机的适度宽松的货币政策对冲了2007年紧缩政策的时滞影响及国际金融危机的初步影响,及时避免了我国经济进一步的下滑。

    Sixthly , Chinese loose monetary policy can decrease the effect of the international financial crisis and the tighten policy in 2007 to prevent the economy to decline .

  22. 紧接着一系列的经济刺激财政计划出台,货币政策也迅速转向,因存在政策时滞,紧缩政策效果并不能迅速消失,扩张政策也未即刻显现,经济并没有迅速回暖。

    As a series financial plan to stimulus economy came out , monetary policy rapidly steered , considering the policy lag effects of tightening policy . But the expansionary policy was not immediately effects , so the economy did not quickly rebound .

  23. 通过运用协整回归、格兰杰因果检验、脉冲响应函数及方差分解等实证分析方法研究表明,信用衍生品的发展弱化了货币政策的效果,增大了货币政策时滞的不确定性。

    By using analysis methods of Regression of cointegration , Granger causality test , Impulse response function and Variance decomposition as empirical studies , we found that the development of credit derivatives weaken the effectiveness and increased the time-delay uncertainty of monetary policy .

  24. 在货币政策实施过程中,由于货币政策的时滞性,这就需要央行在制定政策时更多地依据未来的通货膨胀信息,以此提高货币政策的有效性。

    Because of the time delay of monetary policy , it requires the central bank depend on the information of future inflation to make policy , which enhance the effectiveness of monetary policy .

  25. 本部分在实证结论的基础上提出政策执行建议,包括政策实施、政策时滞及政策搭配等方面。纵观全文,比较详细与科学地分析了货币政策的最终目标效应,得到了较为合理的结论。

    The policy implementation included policy time-delay , collocation and policy implementation . Throughout , this paper make the more detailed and scientific analysis of the ultimate goal of monetary policy effects , and got more reasonable conclusion .

  26. 两者的特点和差异性主要体现在政策调控主体、政策功能、调控方式、政策时滞、政策约束、调控灵活性以及调控工具等七个方面。

    The characteristics and differences between two policies mainly embodies in seven aspects including the policy regulation subject , policy functions , regulation and control methods , policy delay , policy constraints , flexibility and regulation tools .

  27. 货币政策的科学决策主要包括对货币政策取向的决策、货币政策调控力度的决策、货币政策工具运用的决策和货币政策时滞的判断的决策等内容。

    Scientific decision-making includes the decision of monetary policy orientation , of the toughness of monetary policy ; of instruments , and of the time lag judgment .

  28. 货币政策汇率传导途径对增强货币政策有效性的作用主要是:第一,拓宽货币政策作用渠道;第二,减少货币政策传导时滞。

    Exchange rate transmission channel mainly has two functions : first , expand the monetary policy transmission channels .