
  • 网络political union;political alliance;political coalition;WSPU
  1. 如果没有防御体系,欧洲政治联盟就不完整。

    European political union would be incomplete without a defence element

  2. 德国总理安格拉默克尔(AngelaMerkel)呼吁自己的政党逐步建立更强大的政治联盟。

    Chancellor Angela Merkel has appealed to her party to build a stronger political union , step by step .

  3. 《马斯特里赫特条约》(maastrichttreaty)建立了货币联盟(央行),但没有建立政治联盟(中央财政部)。

    The Maastricht Treaty established a monetary union without a political union a central bank , but no central treasury .

  4. 但该公司在欧洲所面临的难题,只是亚马逊(Amazon)、Facebook和苹果等美国科技巨头,在这个由28个国家组成的政治联盟里,面临的诸多监管难题之一。

    But the pressure the company faces in Europe is just one of the regulatory problems that American tech giants like Amazon , Facebook and Apple are facing across the 28-member bloc .

  5. 她的战术让我想起上世纪80年代的加冕礼理论(coronationtheory):德国央行(Bundesbank)过去常说,可以接受货币联盟,但必须等到建立起全面的政治联盟以后。

    Her tactics remind me of the coronation theory of the 1980s : the Bundesbank used to say that monetary union was acceptable but only after full political union was completed .

  6. 2007年,由数千社会科学家组成的研究网络“世界价值观调查协会”(WorldValuesSurveyAssociation)发现,77%的美国人和41%的加拿大人说,如果组建政治联盟能够提高生活质量,那么他们就会选择组建政治联盟。

    In 2007 , the World Values Survey Association , a research network of thousands of social scientists , found that about 77 % of Americans and 41 % of Canadians said they would opt for political union if it meant a better quality of life .

  7. 欧元有一个共同的央行,但没有共同的财政部&鉴于《马斯特里赫特条约》(Maastrichttreaty)的本意是在不缔结政治联盟的条件下,创建一个货币联盟,这种情况是不可避免的。

    The currency had a common central bank but no common treasury – unavoidable given that the Maastricht treaty was meant to bring about monetary union without political union .

  8. 《纸牌屋》第三季仿佛是戛然而止,弗兰克·安德伍德总统(PresidentFrankUnderwood)在妻子克莱尔(Claire)身后呼唤,她走出白宫,似乎也想走出两人的婚姻与政治联盟。

    The third season of " House of Cards " ended practically in midsentence , with President Frank Underwood calling after his wife , Claire , as she walked out of the White House and , seemingly , away from their marriage and political partnership .

  9. 前欧洲央行(ecb)执行董事会成员托马索帕多阿-斯基奥帕(tommasopadoa-schioppa)最近在为本专栏撰文时指出:“各创始人希望,欧元首先是通向政治联盟的一个步骤。”

    As Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa , a former member of the board of the European Central Bank , recently wrote in these pages : " the founding fathers wanted the euro primarily as a step towards political union . "

  10. 上周,荷兰央行行长魏霖克(noutwellink)成为最新一个提出上述观点的高官他表示,欧元区需要“一个具有政治联盟特征的机制架构”。

    Last week nout Wellink , the Dutch central bank governor , became the latest senior figure to float this idea , when he argued that the eurozone needs " an institutional set-up that has characteristics of a political union " .

  11. 欧洲的政治联盟如今正在获得新的推动力。

    The political union of Europe is gaining new drive today .

  12. 这样一来,即使没有政治联盟,货币联盟也可以存续。

    As such , monetary union could survive without political union .

  13. 没有政治联盟,货币联盟只是一个晃晃悠悠、不伦不类的机构。

    Currency union without political union is an unstable halfway house .

  14. 在欧洲建立一个政治联盟的方案一贯是疯狂的。

    Plans for a political union in Europe were always crazy .

  15. 有关财政和政治联盟的更高目标又如何呢?

    What about the loftier goals of a fiscal and political union ?

  16. 这种做法将严重破坏有关建立政治联盟的想法。

    This approach would severely undermine the idea of establishing political union .

  17. 现在,一些政党正在考虑一起合并成一个政治联盟。

    Now some political parties are considering joining together into a political alliance .

  18. 德国的经济自由主义被政治联盟掣肘;

    Liberalisation in Germany is blocked by coalition politics ;

  19. 不是只图私利的政治联盟。

    Not in political alliance forged for personal gain .

  20. 一些人称其为政治联盟,另一些人则称为经济联盟。

    Some call this political , others economic union .

  21. 这种政治联盟不可能生存。

    This type of political union would not survive .

  22. 结局:这对佳偶在数十年间组成了一对强势的政治联盟。

    The Fallout : The coupling produced a powerful political alliance for decades .

  23. 他们当时就意识到,在没有建立政治联盟的情况下,货币联盟是成不了事的。

    They realised that a currency union could not work without a political union .

  24. 货币联盟要求政治联盟。

    A currency union demands a political union .

  25. 暗中指向建立政治联盟的所有措施都是相互矛盾而危险的。

    All measures that implicitly pre-empt the establishment of political union are inconsistent and dangerous .

  26. 欧洲现在应该寻求建立政治联盟吗?

    Should Europe now seek political union ?

  27. 它们是否准备创建维系单一货币所需的政治联盟?

    Are they ready to create the Political Union needed to sustain the single currency ?

  28. 但这并不是朝着真正的政治联盟迈进。

    But this is not a move in the direction of a true political union .

  29. 建立政治联盟并不是解决方法。

    Political union is not the solution .

  30. 一般来说,几国通婚就构成几国婚姻政治联盟。

    Generally speaking , the political alliance was formed by the kingdoms involved in the marriage .