
  1. 在报纸编辑工作中,任何一篇稿件都不是孤立的,它们与外界环境有着密切的联系,并与外界环境构成一个更大的系统。

    In the process of newspaper editing , any article has a close relation with the outside environments , and form a larger system .

  2. 于是凯瑟琳回到华盛顿,在她父亲的报纸做编辑工作。

    Then Katherine returned to Washington and got a job , editing letters in her father 's newspaper .

  3. 我辞掉了报纸编辑的工作,在我父亲那年二月去世之后,我决定去旅行。

    I quit my job as a newspaper editor after my father died in February of that same year , and decided to travel .

  4. 我在这家报纸的编辑部工作。

    I am on the editorial staff of the newspaper .

  5. 起先,报纸的编辑和工作人员以为大多数读者会选的两个人是耶稣基督和莎士比亚。

    The editor and staff of the newspaper at first thought that the two figures most of their readers would choose would be Jesus Christ and Shakespeare .

  6. 摘要对当前我国专业体育报纸编辑的现状、工作规范和操作制度等方面的问题进行了研究,并据此提出了高校体育新闻专业体育编辑培养的课程设置与规格要求等问题。

    This paper analyzes the present condition , standard and operation system of the sports newspaper editing in China and puts forward curricular establishment and requirements for sports journalism editing in the institutes and universities .

  7. 把握好了期刊编辑和报纸编辑的不同特点,就能显示出他们各自的优势,有助于我们对音乐类期刊、报纸编辑工作的理解,从而更好地指导音乐编辑实践。

    Having a good grasp of the different characteristics of editing work of journal and newspaper , can show their respective strengths , which will help us understand editorial work of music journal and newspaper , and better guide the practice of music edit .