
bào fù
  • retaliate;revenge;report;vengeance;get even with;pay back;take vengeance on;settle a score with;make reprisals;get own back
报复 [bào fù]
  • (1) [report]∶回复;报告

  • 回书报复元帅

  • (2) [make reprisals;retaliate]∶古时指报恩或报仇,现指报积怨、愤恨

  • 打击报复

  • (3) [get even with]∶跟某人算账

  • 报复了折磨他的人

  • [revenge] 报积怨、愤恨的行为或实例

  • 图谋报复

报复[bào fù]
  1. 我若磨我闪亮的刀,手掌审判之权,就必报复我的敌人,报应恨我的人。

    When I sharpen my flashing sword and my hand grasps it in judgment , I will take vengeance on my adversaries and repay those who hate me .

  2. 以吉它为代表的下层黑人借助于暴力报复整个白人社会,以求摆脱种族主义者的压迫,也被证明是死路一条。

    The lower-class representative Guitar resorts to violence to take vengeance on all the whites as the way out of racism , which also proves to be a dead end .

  3. 他因受他们的虐待而痛加报复。

    He exacted a terrible revenge for their treatment of him .

  4. 他发誓要对背叛他的人进行报复。

    He swore to wreak vengeance on those who had betrayed him .

  5. 他们因为害怕报复而不想作证。

    They did not want to give evidence for fear of reprisals .

  6. 他们的首领遭到暗杀,他们为了报复,枪杀了十名人质。

    They shot ten hostages in reprisal for the assassination of their leader .

  7. 她发誓一定要报复他们所有的人。

    She vowed to be revenged on them all .

  8. 我发誓,我总有一天要报复他的。

    I 'll get my own back on him one day , I swear !

  9. 他指责她存心报复。

    He accused her of being vindictive .

  10. 我不是来寻报复的。

    I 'm not out for revenge .

  11. 枪击事件可能是对逮捕嫌疑恐怖分子进行的报复行动。

    The shooting may have been in retaliation for the arrest of the terrorist suspects .

  12. 他们在谋划进行报复。

    They were meditating revenge .

  13. 他第一次能够直言不讳而不怕家人遭到报复。

    For the first time he was able to speak freely without the fear of reprisals against his family .

  14. 为了报复,她砸了前任男友的家。

    She took revenge on her ex-boyfriend by smashing up his home

  15. 并非所有的报复行为都同等恶劣。

    Not all acts of vengeance are of equal gravity .

  16. 总有一天我会为此报复你。

    Some day I 'll pay you back for this !

  17. 由于害怕报复,目击者不愿作证。

    Witnesses are unwilling to testify through fear of reprisals .

  18. 他发誓要报复对自己不忠、爱偷东西的妻子。

    He vowed to wreak vengeance on his unfaithful , thieving wife .

  19. 他被图谋报复的妻子拿刀捅死了。

    He was stabbed to death by his vengeful wife

  20. 武装部队保持高度戒备,以防发生任何报复行动。

    The armed forces were on high alert to guard against any retaliation .

  21. 他发誓要报复每一个参与了这起谋杀的人。

    He swore vengeance on everyone involved in the murder

  22. 任何敌对行为都可能招致报复,进而使联合国部队卷入战斗。

    Any hostilities could result in retaliation and further embroil U.N. troops in fighting .

  23. 有人担心一些西方人质可能会受到报复性杀害。

    There were fears that some of the Western hostages might be killed in reprisal

  24. 如果这些禁令被置之不理,他们可能会采取报复措施,对其他商品进行制裁。

    They may retaliate with sanctions on other products if the bans are disregarded .

  25. 《星期日信使报》指责她企图报复她以前的情人。

    The Sunday Mercury accused her of trying to revenge herself on her former lover

  26. 报复的欲望有时会压倒一切。

    The desire for revenge can be overpowering .

  27. 有人在谈论实施报复性封锁,阻止供应物资通过。

    There 's been talk of a retaliatory blockade to prevent supplies getting through .

  28. 为了报复,克里斯蒂给他朋友寄了一封长信,细述卡尔完全不称职。

    Christie retaliated by sending his friend a long letter detailing Carl 's utter incompetence

  29. 他成了英国国民保健制度下所谓追查报复检举者行动的典型牺牲品。

    He has been a prominent victim of alleged witch-hunts against whistle-blowers in the NHS .

  30. 你的报复心怎么那么强?

    How can you be so vindictive ?