
róng rén
  • magnanimous;tolerant towards others;broad-minded;tolerate towards others
容人 [róng rén]
  • (1) [broad-minded]∶有意容忍、宽容或宽恕违背传统的社会或道德行为的小事

  • (2) [tolerate towards others]∶对别人采取宽容态度

容人[róng rén]
  1. 他往往不能容人。

    He is intolerant towards others .

  2. 他们认为他为人蛮横无理,性情暴躁,不大能容人。

    He was seen as truculent , temperamental , too unwilling to tolerate others .

  3. 容人已经到了,领他们上楼吧。

    The visors have arrived ; show them up .

  4. 耶和华阿、你是我们的神、不要容人胜过你。

    O lord , thou art our god ; let not man prevail against thee .

  5. 当你批评时,你只显示出你自己的不能容人。

    When you criticize , you are only pointing out beliefs in yourself that cannot accommodate the other behavior .

  6. 在谢尔顿看来,似乎在他的乐观哲学中存有一点感动的混乱成份&其中有慈悲也有不容人之量,有真理也有拾人牙慧的东西。

    There seemed to Shelton a touching muddle in his optimism & a muddle of tenderness and of intolerance , of truth and second-handedness .

  7. 东吴大都督周瑜,精通兵法,才智超群,只是肚量狭小,不能容人。

    Zhou Yu , chief commander of Wu , Was talented and proficient in strategies and tactics but was narrow-minded and intolerant of others .

  8. 耶户说,若合你们的意思,就不容人逃出城往耶斯列去报信。

    And Jehu said , if this is your desire , let no fugitive depart from the city and go and tell it in jezreel .

  9. 雅量容人,推功揽过,能屈能伸。“原谅失败者之心,注意成功者之路”,处事方圆得体,待人宽严得宜。

    " Heart failure forgive , pay attention to the road to success ", a radius of decency of doing things , treat people well .

  10. 这条隧道的高度可容人直立,隧道的拱形顶部用混凝土加固,并已经铺设好电线和电话线。

    The tunnel is tall enough to stand in , concrete arches reinforce the ceiling and it 's wired for electricity and has a phone line .

  11. 但督如得在所有情下容人在上述日期和根本例付予人退休金的日期之,行使或撤先前作出的,均於公平者,可如此地行事。

    Provided that the governor may , if it appears to him equitable in all the circumstances so to do , allow him to exercise the option or revoke an option previously exercised at any time between that date and the actual date of award of Pension under the ordinance .