
  • 网络Allowable stress method;AISC-ASD;Allowable stress design
  1. 目前,水利水电工程启闭机的设计、校核仍采用容许应力法,探讨可靠度理论在该领域内的应用有重要的现实意义。

    At present , the design and the check of the gantry hoist still adopt the allowable stress method . There are important realistic meanings to probe into the application of the reliability theory in this field .

  2. 对铁路轨道结构(包括钢轨、轨枕、道床和路基)的设计方法进行了对比。各规范钢轨设计方法基本相同,均采用容许应力法,但钢轨应力计算方法不同。

    Methods for track designing are almost the same in different standards , as they all use allowable stress method , but stress calculation methods are different .

  3. 型钢混凝土(SRC)柱截面承载能力计算主要有基于钢筋混凝土柱承载能力计算模式、钢结构柱容许应力法和叠加原理的型钢混凝土柱计算方法。

    The calculation methods to calculate load-bearing capacity of steel reinforced concrete ( SRC ) column are mostly based on calculation of the bearing capacity of reinforced concrete column , the allowable stress law of steel column and the superposed method .

  4. 本文提出了矩形截面钢筋混凝土双向偏心(斜偏心)受压构件近似的应力计算方法(容许应力法)。

    This Paper Presents an approximate method of stress analysis for eccentrically loaded reinforced concrete rectangular compression member .

  5. 本文在全面介绍加筋混凝土结构设计计算中两种极限状态主要内容的基础上,对两种极限状态计算中的区别和联系加以分析,并与容许应力法做以比较。

    The paper analyzed the difference and the relation in the calculation of two limited states and compare with permissible stress method .

  6. 目前国内钢管混凝土拱桥设计、钢管混凝土拱肋承载力的评定,大多采用容许应力法进行强度验算。

    Allowable stress is widely employed in China to verify the strength in the evaluation of the bearing capacity of arch ribs of steel-tube reinforced concrete .

  7. 以钢结构设计原理中的极限状态设计法或容许应力法为基础,阐述了预应力加固钢结构的分阶段加固设计计算原理和方法。

    Based on limit-state design method in steel structure design principle , the principle and method of phased strengthening design of steel structures strengthened by prestressing is represented here .