
  • 网络occupational differentiation
  1. 三是职业分化和社会分层。

    The last is the occupational differentiation and social stratification .

  2. 随着商品经济迅速发展,大批人口涌入哈尔滨,人口结构发生改变,各种行业先后兴起,人口的职业分化也相当明显。

    With the rapid development of commodity economy , large population influx in Harbin , demographic change , the rise of a variety of industries has a population of occupational differentiation is quite obvious .

  3. 另一方面,Logistic模型分析农场劳动力异地转移的动因分析和从农场职业分化角度分析农场劳动力就地转移。本次研究发现失业保险及相关制度对再就业选择的刚性影响;

    Using Logistic analysis model explains the mode of the labor transfer outside place and from the aspect of occupational stratification analyzes the mode of labor transferring in local place .

  4. 当代中国农民的职业分化

    The diversification of peasant occupation of modern Chinese peasants

  5. 职业分化使得农户改变了传统的纯农业生产模式,逐步向兼业化发展。

    Professional differentiation changes the traditional farming production mode and makes it more diversified .

  6. 职业分化与人力资源合理配置

    Occupation Differentiation and Rational Disposition of Human Resources

  7. 教师专业化是社会分化与职业分化的产物。

    Specialization is a product of human societal evolution within the division of occupations .

  8. 城中村的农民分化是以职业分化为基础的。

    " villages in city " the differentiation of peasants is based on vocational differentiation .

  9. 城乡收入的差距是农民职业分化的直接诱因。

    The income difference between urban and rural areas directly results in farmers ' professional differentiation .

  10. 新时期职业分化使同一阶级内部出现不同阶层,形成了十个社会阶层。

    In new period , occupation polarization makes dissimilitude estate in same inner class , shaped ten stratums .

  11. 我国农民的职业分化与养老保障的路径选择&基于年龄分层视角的分析

    Differentiation of Occupation and Selection of Aged Security of Farmers in China & Analysis on Stratification of Age

  12. 土改后冈村农民的两次职业分化表现出非常明显的代际特征,可以概括为从纯农民到手艺人再到打工仔。

    The two differentiation of occupation of farmers in Gang Village after the Agrarian Reform characterize the two generations .

  13. 各区域经济发展的不平衡也是影响农民职业分化的重要经济因素。

    The imbalance of economic development in different areas is also an important economic factor for farmers ' professional differentiation .

  14. 教师的专业发展是一个专业化的过程,是社会发展、职业分化的自然结果和必然要求。

    Teacher professional development is a specialized course , the natural result and requirement of the social development and job division .

  15. 农民工的职业分化与子女教育&以湖南攸县为例

    A Study of Migrant Workers ' Occupational Diversification and Their Children 's Education & Taking Youxian Hunan Provence as an Example

  16. 第二,我国东西部地区农民职业分化的种类、速度、程度、途径都不同。

    Second , the speeds and levels of the occupational peasants differentiation in the eastern are different from its in the western .

  17. 城市化转变型是村民完成了身份转变,社区职业分化缓慢,保留少量农业;

    Type of urbanized change means a complete identity change of villagers , slow polarization of community professions and preservation of a little agriculture .

  18. 摘要农民的职业分化实际上就是农村劳动力从农业向非农产业的转移,是农村现代化的必要前提。

    The occupational diversification of peasants , which is a key precondition of the modernization of rural areas , is actually the laborer transfer from agriculture to non-agricultural industries .

  19. 她们的职业分化不彻底,兼营者的特殊身份使得很多的女性增加在生产时间上的支出来创造社会财富,从而使得闲暇时间减少。

    Their job differentiation is not complete , special concurrently identity make a lot of women to increase expenditure in the production time to create social wealth , which makes leisure time decreased .

  20. 只要充分发挥体育的健身、经济功能,把农村体育改革与农民职业分化和农村城市化紧密结合起来,农村体育工作必然出现新的局面。

    A new situation of the countryside physical culture will surely come so long as the function of both its physical building and economy is well combined with peasant professional transformation and the countryside municipalization .

  21. 专业是社会分工、职业分化的结果,是社会化的一种表现形式,是人类认识自然和社会达到一定深度的表现。

    Profession is the result of social division and vocation , a form of social differentiation and a sign , which shows that humankind has reached a certain profundity in understanding the nature and society .

  22. 问题的症结所在:伴随着农民职业分化的加速,农村人口流动愈发频繁,而我们尚未找到一条行之有效的农民退出机制。

    The crux of the problem is : along with the acceleration of thefarmers ' occupational differentiation , the flow of rural population is more frequent , yet a well-established farmers ' exit mechanism has not been found .

  23. 前者主要表现为农村的职业分化、农村的专业化经营、农村的人力资本变化、农村的家庭结构变化、非均衡发展战略、自然资源禀赋差异、农村内部性别之间的差距等;

    The former is the occupation differentiation , the specialization management , the improvement of the human capital , the change of family structure , the non-balance development strategy , the difference of resource gift and the gap in gender .

  24. 最后,针对这些问题提出合理、有效的治理对策。论文通过实地调研,首先介绍了调查数据的总体概况,如调查对象的性别、年龄、受教育程度、职业分化与群体特征。

    Finally , some reasonable , effective countermeasures are put forward . Firstly , paper introduces the general situation of the survey data by field research , such as the gender , age , education level , occupation differentiation and group characteristics of the investigation object .

  25. 在这个过程中,职业的分化将直接导致农民群体内部的分化。

    During this process , differentiation of vocations will directly result in peasants ? class differentiation .

  26. 农村社会职业的分化和多样化,使农村职业道德建设面临诸多新课题和新要求。

    The differentiation and diversity of rural social occupationsconfront the construction of professional ethics with many new subjectsand requirements .

  27. 那些看重与工作性质相关的工作价值,职业兴趣分化程度高,择业效能高,情绪稳定性高,有明确求职目标的大学毕业生,职业心理适应更好。

    The graduates who valued work-focused values , highly differentiated in vocational interests , had higher career decision-making self-efficacy and high emotional stability , were better psychologically adapted .

  28. 随着人口职业的分化,社会阶层的区别和联系日益清晰,不同阶层之间社会职业、社会地位、生活水平以及思想观念等有着非常大的差距。

    As the population differentiation of professional , social class differences and connections become increasingly clear , between different socio-professional class , social status , living standards and ideas , so has a very large gap .

  29. 城乡二元户籍制度、教育资源的占有和分配、性别的不同、代际的差异、职业的分化,是社会转型中社会不平等的表现机制。

    Urban and rural household registration system , the possession and distribution of educational resources , gender differences , generational differences , occupational differentiation , is a social transformation mechanism in the performance of social inequality .

  30. 但农民工群体并不是钢板一块,而是由于职业特点,分化为务工农民工和经商农民工。

    It has two sub-groups : employed peasant worker and mercantile peasant-worker , the latter of which was ignored for a long time .