
  • 网络Occupational therapist;Occupational Therapy
  1. 在医院,我们这有专门的理疗师和职业治疗师。

    In the hospital , we have specific physical therapist and occupational therapist .

  2. 她的精细运动技能受到影响,所以每两周要看一次职业治疗师和物理治疗师。

    Her fine motor skills were affected so she visits an occupational therapist and physiotherapist every two weeks .

  3. 通过了国家关于职业治疗师的认证检查。

    Completion of the national certification examination may be required .

  4. 欧洲卒中康复:理疗学家和职业治疗师实际在做什么?

    Stroke rehabilitation in Europe : What do physiotherapists and occupational therapists actually do ?

  5. 最佳工作软件工程师保险精算师人力资源主管牙科保健员理财规划师听觉矫正专家职业治疗师网络广告经理计算机系统分析员数学家

    Best Jobs Software Engineer Actuary Human Resources Manager Dental Hygienist Financial Planner Audiologist Occupational Therapist Online Advertising Manager Computer Systems Analyst Mathematician

  6. 职业治疗师评估由于疾病和残疾而造成的人类的身体功能限制,为人们提供治疗从而使他们能够进行日常活动和工作。

    OCCUPATIONAL THERAPISTS assess functional limitations of people resulting from illnesses and disabilities , and provide therapy to enable people to perform their daily activities and occupations .

  7. 白天,瓦妮莎是一位职业治疗师,这意味着,家长们希望她能帮助自己的孩子提高精细动作能力、或解决专注力问题。

    By day , Vanessa is an occupational therapist , which means that she is sought after by parents who want their child to work on fine motor skills or attention difficulties .

  8. 除聘有受过专门训练的教师外,特殊学校还获得教育心理学家、言语治疗师、听觉学家、物理治疗师、职业治疗师、护士和社工等专责人员支援。

    Besides being staffed by specially trained teachers , special schools are supported by specialist staff such as educational psychologists , speech therapists , audiologists , physiotherapists , occupational therapists , nurses and social workers .