
  • 网络Project Runway
  1. 要知道,西里亚诺是前真人秀明星,是从电视节目《天桥骄子》(ProjectRunway)(他在该节目的第四季中胜出)真正走出来的唯一设计师,并在纽约时装周(NewYorkFashionWeek)上谋得了一席之地。

    See , Mr. Siriano is a former reality TV star - the only designer to really have emerged from the television show " Project Runway " ( he won the fourth season competition ) and carved out a place on the New York Fashion Week scene .

  2. 还有20世纪30年代穿着华丽长袍的女演员玛丽·德雷斯勒(MarieDressler),以及染着紫发、非常丰满的阿什莉·内尔·蒂普顿(AshleyNellTipton)前不久的视频片段。她是第一位凭借大号系列在“天桥骄子”节目(ProjectRunway)中获胜的设计师。

    There is , as well , the flowery frock worn in the 1930s by the actress Marie Dressler , and a recent video clip of the lavender-coiffed , unabashedly round Ashley Nell Tipton , the first " Project Runway " designer to win with a plus-size collection .

  3. 当然,就像只有我一个人的《天桥骄子》挑战一样。

    Jenny : Yeah . It 's like my own " project runway " challenge .

  4. 而我们亲爱的如影随形的备受真人秀《天桥骄子》诸位设计师爱戴的导师提姆冈恩大叔将会在十月末的一集中扮演他自己!

    Sources confirm to me exclusively that the ubiquitous Project Runway mentor will play himself in an episode set to air in late October .

  5. 如果你看过《天桥骄子》,你很可能梦想过当一名时装设计师,但时尚行业可没那么好混。

    If you ever watched " Project Runway , " you probably dreamed of becoming a fashion designer , but the fashion industry can be a tough one to crack .