
  • 网络natural radiation
  1. 同时,对天然辐射总剂量的求取和Ge心ESR年龄的可靠性等问题也作了一些讨论。

    In this paper , determination of the total dose of natural radiation ( TD ) and the reliability of ESR age are also discussed .

  2. 用4道脉冲幅度甄别器[φ4×4英寸NaI(Tl)为探测器]测量环境天然辐射水平

    Measurement of environmental natural radiation level using 4 channel pulse height discriminator with φ 4 ″× 4 ″ nai ( tl ) detector

  3. 待积有效剂量当量为0.19μSv·a~(-1),仅为ICRP1977年规定的公众年剂量限值的五千分之一和UNSCEAR1982年估算的正常本底地区天然辐射所致剂量的万分之一。

    Because of taking environmental tritium in the area , the annual committed effective dose equivalent was 0.19 μ Sv which is only one five thousandth of annual limited dose to the public proposed by ICRP and one ten thousandth of the natural background estimated by UNSCEAR in 1982 .

  4. 监测了ZF-300型强中子发生器周围的天然辐射本底,及它的电离辐射对周围环境的影响。

    The background of natural radiation of the environment around ZF-300 intensive beam generator was monitored for a long period of time and the influence of the ionization radiation from a intensive beam generator on-the environment was measured .

  5. 安全高效的天然辐射防护剂的开发具有非常重要的现实和战略意义。

    Developing safe and effective radiation protectant is of great importance .

  6. 中国天然辐射本底水平和居民剂量估算

    Estimation of natural radiation background level and population dose in China

  7. 江西省主要建筑类型及建筑材料中天然辐射的研究

    Natural radioactivity of the main buildings and various building materials in Jiangxi

  8. 道路工程建设天然辐射影响评价中的问题

    Some problems for natural radiation impact assessment in road construction

  9. 九江市天然辐射水平调查与评价

    Survey of Environmental Natural Penetrating Radition In Wenchang Bridge Region , Jiujiang City

  10. 佳木斯市天然辐射水平与剂量监测分析

    The natural radiation level and amount of Jiamusi city

  11. 空间光学遥感器天然辐射效应数据库研究

    Research of Space Radiation Database System for Remote Sensor

  12. 燃煤电厂对大气中天然辐射水平的影响

    Effect of the natural radiant level in the atomosphere from coal-fired power plant

  13. 钋是一种具有天然辐射性的金属元素。

    Polonium is a naturally radioactive metallic element .

  14. 在人类所受到的辐射照射中,天然辐射是主要的。

    The natural radiation is the main source of all radiation exposure to the public .

  15. 人类所受辐射照射主要来自天然辐射。

    The major contribution to the various radiation exposure received by mankind comes from natural radiation .

  16. 有关部门加强建材市场各个环节监督,才能减少天然辐射照射。

    Supervision should be strengthened on the construction material market to reduce the natural radiation hazards .

  17. 安徽省天然辐射水平

    Natural radiation level in Anhui Province

  18. 氡气是一种自然形成的气体,是主要的天然辐射来源。

    Radon gas is a naturally formed gas that is the main natural source of radiation .

  19. 报导安徽省天然辐射的空气吸收剂量率和饮食中天然放射性核素的浓度。

    This paper reports absorbed dose rate in air for natural radiation and concentration radionuclides for food .

  20. 用阳江高本底天然辐射地区癌症死亡率资料作健康影响分析

    Health risk assessment based on cancer mortality study in the high background radiation area in yangjiang , china

  21. 有必要控制天然辐射产生的职业照射,如地下矿工和航空机组人员。

    Occupational exposure from natural radiation should be controlled , such as to underground miners and air crew .

  22. 我国已经制定了一些控制天然辐射的专项标准,但没有明确的控制天然辐射的总的原则。

    Some special standards for control of natural radiation have been established , but there are no general principles .

  23. 结论海宁市γ辐射空气吸收剂量率数据显示均在天然辐射本底水平涨落范围之内,海宁市γ辐射吸收剂量率水平属正常地区;

    Conclusion The air absorbed gamma-radiation dose rate in the city of Haining is with the fluctuation range of natural radiation background .

  24. 天然辐射源致阳江高本底辐射地区居民的剂量估算

    The Estimation of Doses to the Inhabitants Arising from Natural Radiation Source in the High Background Radiation Area of Yangjiang , China

  25. 油气藏上方天然辐射场和土壤样品中矿物组合的不均一性综合形成了土壤样品的天然热释光异常。

    The anomaly of soil natural thermoluminescence is caused by the differences of natural radiation and minerals in the sediment over oil reservoir .

  26. 但在某些天气情况下,天然辐射会导致环境辐射水平出现短暂的变化。

    However , under certain weather conditions , there may be short-term variations of the ambient radiation level in Hong Kong due to natural radiation .

  27. 这些结果为推荐我国天然辐射剂量参考值、我国参考人相应参数和辐射监测背景值提供了有用依据。

    These results have provided useful bases for recommending reference dose of related natural radiation exposure , parameters of Chinese Reference Man and background value of radiation monitoring .

  28. 80%的关键居民组所受的剂量小于天然辐射剂量(3mSv·a~(-1))的10%。

    The doses to about 80 % of the critical groups are less than 1 / 10 of those caused by natural radiation ( 3 mSv . a-1 ) .

  29. 寻找安全、有效、稳定、低毒、价廉的天然辐射防护剂,成为辐射防护药物研究的新热点。

    It has been a new hot topic for the medical researches on radiation protection to find out a safe , effective , stable , low-toxic , and affordable natural radioprotective agents .

  30. 辐射剂量估算表明,长江水系后民经本途径产生的最大个人有效剂量当量仅占该地区天然辐射水平的2%左右。

    The estimation of radiation dosage showed that the maximum effective dose equivalent received by local residents from water in Yangtze River area was only about 2 % of natural radiation level in that area .