
zì yóu chǎng
  • free field
自由场[zì yóu chǎng]
  1. V型拱坝峡谷地震自由场分析及地表风化层的影响

    Analysis of free field motions on arch dam canyons and the effects due to existence of weathered rock strata

  2. 本文也给出了从自由场算符乘积展开(OPE)方法和一般OPE方法对xp重新标度的理解,指出它很可能是光锥展开系数中的一种高阶效应而不属于高挠度效应。

    Understandings of this x_p rescaling from both the free field operator product expansion ( OPE ) and the ordinary OPE are also given , indicating that it is likely a higher order effect in the coefficient functions ; i.e. , it does not belong to the higher twist effect .

  3. 不同透水条件下半空间自由场对入射P1波的散射

    Scattering of P_1 Waves in a Layered Half-Space under Different Saturated Conditions

  4. PA2自由场听力计筛查婴幼儿听力障碍的研究

    Study on Screening Infant Hearing Loss by the Pediatric Audiometer 2

  5. 在应用应力和位移的连续条件之前,用有限的Fourier级数来近似自由场运动。

    Finite Fourier series have been used to approximate the free-field motion before the application of the continuity of stresses and displacements conditions .

  6. 数值结果表明,凸起地形对入射SV波具有显著的放大作用,该放大作用可达自由场的4倍以上。

    It was shown that , a hill greatly amplifies incident plane SV waves , and the maximal amplification may reach 4 times of that for free-field response ;

  7. 短时信号分析法测量自由场斜入射反射系数

    Short-Time Signal Analysis Method of Measuring Reflection Coefficients at Oblique Incidence

  8. 花岗岩中化爆的自由场应力波传播规律分析

    Free-field stress wave propagation induced by underground chemical explosion in granite

  9. GB/T4963-1985自由场纯音标准等响线

    Normal equal-loudness contours for pure tones under free field listening conditions

  10. 测试平台对自由场影响的初步实验研究

    Preliminary Experimental Investigation of Influence for Free Field by Measuring Plate

  11. 硬岩中地下爆炸的自由场位移衰减规律

    The free - field displacement of underground explosion in hard rock

  12. 试验时,测量了自由场压力和壁压。

    When testing , free-field pressure and wall pressure were measured .

  13. 在自由场测点上安装三分向仪器用于记录结构的地震动输入;

    Generally , on the free-field size tri-axial instruments are installed ;

  14. 土中自由场应力与结构表面压力测量的差异

    The difference between measurements of stress in soil and pressure on wall-surface

  15. 拱坝河谷自由场反应

    Free field response to P and SV waves for arch dam canyon

  16. 自由场结构体声辐射研究

    Research on acoustic radiation of a body in free field

  17. 直接电流注入与自由场照射之间等价性的评估

    The Equivalence between Radiated Electromagnetic Fields and Direct Current Injection

  18. 复指数模型参数法在自由场斜入射测量中的应用

    The Use of Complex Exponential Parameterization at Oblique Incidence in Free Field

  19. 水下爆炸中自由场压力和船体壁压的测量与分析

    Measurement and analysis of free-field pressure and ship hull pressure underwater explosion

  20. 该模型采用自由场方式输入地震。

    The earthquake free-field input technique is also implemented in this model .

  21. 采用有限元模拟自由场地震响应的探讨

    Some discussion on FE simulation of free field seismic response

  22. 采用近场误差策略的自由场局部有源噪声控制

    Active Noise Control Using Near-Field Strategy in Local Free Space

  23. 自由场材料声学参数测量误差校正方法

    Correction for free field measurements of material 's acoustic parameters

  24. 航弹冲击引起的遮弹层下自由场应力确定

    Determination of Ground Shock in Soil Under Blast Layer Due to Bomb Impact

  25. 砂土地基自由场离心机振动台模型试验

    Dynamic centrifuge model test of an unconfined sandy foundation

  26. 消声水池的设计及其自由场测量实验

    Design of an Anechoic-water-tank and Its Free Field Measurement

  27. 砂土自由场地震响应的离心机试验研究

    Centrifuge modeling of seismic response of free sand ground

  28. 拱坝自由场地震输入和反应

    Earthquake input and free-field motion response of arch dams

  29. GB/T3223-1994声学水声换能器自由场校准方法

    Acoustics & Free-field calibration method of underwater sound transducers

  30. 多孔硬岩中爆炸自由场岩体破坏的模拟实验研究

    Model experiment research on free field failure under explosion in porous hard rock