
  1. 这台机器自动循环运转。

    The machine cycles automatically .

  2. 基于PLC的液压自动循环控制系统

    The Automatic Cyclic Control System of Hydraulic Pressure Based on PLC

  3. V型自动循环沼气池的原理与设计

    Auto - circulation of V - type Ferment Pond 's principle and Design

  4. 基于PLC的钻削加工装置钻头自动循环控制电路的设计

    The designing and producing of the automatic circulation circuit of the aiguille in the bore-cut precess equipment

  5. 控制部分采用PLC可编程控制,配合高精度的气动控制元件,动作可靠,全自动循环。

    Control part adopts PLC and high precision pneumatic control control , and it is reliable , and fully automatic .

  6. 介绍了基于PLC控制的铜管校直弯曲切断机的控制系统及其自动循环工艺流程。

    Control system based on PLC control of bending with sizing and cutting machine for copper pipe and its automatic technology have been introduced .

  7. 本文介绍了用PC改造四米龙门刨床工作台的自动循环,点动前进和点动后退,自动进刀和退刀等功能的交流控制系统。

    The AC control system of the 4m planer is retrofitted with PC for table automatic cycle , jogging forward and jogging backward , automatic feed and withdraw .

  8. 文章介绍了为13片硬盘铝基片擦洗机设计的气动系统和电气控制系统,硬盘铝基片擦洗机的自动循环用OMRON200H型PLC控制。

    The title deal with pneumatic system and electric system that are designed for the hard disk scrubber machine . OMRON 200H PLC is used to control the automatic cycle of the scrubber machine .

  9. 该仪器具有自动循环每个电池的端电压,自动均衡充电,实时显示实时评估电池容量、储存、记录和打印当月电池组工作情况与PC通讯。

    This device can equalize automatically the end voltage of battery by circulation examination and equalizing charge . It can show voltage in real time , assesses the capacity , store , and type battery working condition every month .

  10. 提出了1种船型优化的思想方法,力图把CFD计算与最优化理论和方法进行有机结合,进而组成1个自动循环搜索最优船型的数值计算系统。

    The paper puts forward a new method of optimize , combines the CFD theory with optimizing theory and method , and makes up a numerical computing system of automatic circulation searched for the optimum ship type .

  11. 本文采用工控机及光电耦合开关量输入/输出接口板,开发了FMS中底层设备APC的控制系统,实现了该设备在FMS控制器的指令下的自动循环控制

    In this paper , the control system of an APC in a FMS is developed by applying an industrial computer ; the automatic cycling control of the APC under the instruction of FMS controller is thus achieved

  12. 阐述了LO-CAT工艺原理,常规LO-CAT工艺和LO-CATⅡ自动循环工艺流程及其在天然气净化中的应用现状;

    This paper elaborates the technological principle of LO-CAT , the process of conventional LO-CAT and the auto-circulation LO-CAT ⅱ, and their application in natural gas purification .

  13. 给出了功率放大器SI-7300A和SI-7330A的结构框图及主要技术指标,设计了一个用SI-7300A作为步进电机功率放大器的单片机控制自动循环翻转系统。

    The constitution diagram and mostly technique index of power amplifier SI-7300A and SI-7330A is provided , The system of cyclic auto-turn with stepper motor power amplifier SI-7300A is designed , This system is based on singlechip control .

  14. 双泵自动循环互备水压控制系统的实现

    The Realization of The Hydraulic Control System by Automatic Dual-Circulation Pump

  15. 往复自动循环控制电路异常现象分析

    Analysing Abnormal Phenomena of Back and Forth Automatic Circulation Control Circuit

  16. 轻型自动循环柜的设计制造及其应用

    Design and Manufacturing of Vertical Cycling Cabinet - Light load

  17. 设计了一个自动循环翻转广告牌系统。

    The system of cyclic auto-turn for billboard is designed .

  18. 手动或自动循环可调冲程控制。

    Adjustable stroke control on manual or automatic cycling .

  19. 步进式烧结机自动循环运行控制系统

    The Stepper Sintering Machine 's Automatic Cycle Control System

  20. 具有自动循环发送与故障切换功能的控制指令系统

    A System with the Functions of Automatic Recurrent Transmission and Replacement at Breakdown

  21. 可自动循环覆盖以前存储的画面(不再增加图象数据库的大小,您的硬盘空间就不会不够用了。)

    Auto recurrence cover old picture . ( database two-by-twice of your disk space )

  22. 我已经使监控的画面自动循环了

    I just finished looping the security cameras .

  23. 多路电视信号自动循环监视电路

    Multiple TV Signal Automatic Cycle Monitor Circuit

  24. 自动循环电子血压计的独立安全机制

    Independent Automation Cycle Electron Sphygmomanometer Safety Mechanism

  25. 本信用证项下总金额,于每次议付后自动循环。

    The total amount of this credit shall be restored automatically after date of negotiation .

  26. 粗车自动循环加工控制软件的设计

    Control Program Design for Rough Cutting Cycle

  27. loopInterval属性每2.5秒将库中的图像自动循环一次。

    The _loopInterval property automatically loops through the images in the gallery every 2.5 seconds .

  28. 自动循环翻转系统的应用

    The Application of Cyclic Auto-turn System

  29. 自动循环泵保护阀

    Automatic recirculation valve for pump protection

  30. 心电图仪产生的心脏循环的图形记录。自动循环放射性气体色谱仪

    A graphical record of the cardiac cycle produced by an electrocardiograph . automated recycle radiogas chromatograph