
  • 网络audible and visual alarm;Sound And Light Alarm;ZHS-A
  1. 就目前应用于程控装置中的声光报警器的现状,提出一种利用可编程控制器处理声光报警信号的新方法。

    In view of the present status of sound and light alarm devices , the authors propose a new way which uses the programmable logic controller to process the sound and light alarm signals .

  2. 如启动声光报警器、自动拨叫设定好的多组报警电话,若与小区报警中心联网即可以将信号传送至小区报警中心。

    If activated sound and light alarm automatic dialling good set multiple alarm calls if the police and district centres networking signal that can be transmitted to the police district centre .

  3. 该文叙述了多路声光报警器的组成、原理及应用。

    The paper introduces the compose , theory and application of annunciator of multiplex sound and light .

  4. 公司所提供的产品包括:气体报警仪系列、个人防护用品系列、声光报警器系列、其他报警设备系列等。

    The company offers products include : gas alarming device series , of personal protective equipment series , sound-light alarm series , other alarm equipment series , etc.

  5. 介绍了烟火型声光监视报警器发火及传火机构的可靠性设计;

    This paper introduces the reliability design of firing element and fire transfer device in the pyrotechnic acoustooptic surveillance warner .