
shēnɡ xué jiā
  • acoustician
  1. 微穿孔板吸声结构是由我国的著名声学家马大猷首先提出并因其优良的特性得到广泛应用的一种吸声结构。

    Micro-perforated panel absorber structure , first proposed by famous acoustics Maa , is a widely used sound absorbing structure because of its excellent features .

  2. 蒙娜丽莎的微笑神秘依旧,但日本一位声学家使人们有可能听到她的“真正声音”。

    The Mona Lisa 's smile may always remain a mystery , but it is now possible to hear what her voice would have sounded like , thanks to a Japanese acoustics expert .

  3. 直到近代有了声的理论,声学家开始分析教堂中的声场,根据仪式中的混响要求用现代建材和设备(如扩声系统)等一系列科技手段改善声环境。

    Using modern acoustic theories , architectural materials and equipments acoustic specialists today can analyze sound field and improve the church acoustic environment according to the requirements on reverberation in liturgy .