
shēng chuán bō
  • acoustic propagation
声传播[shēng chuán bō]
  1. 柴油机微粒过滤器的压降与声传播特性研究

    Study on Pressure Drop and Acoustic Propagation Characteristics of Diesel Particulate Filter

  2. 战场声传播效应分析

    Analysis of the Acoustic Propagation Effects in the Battlefield

  3. 海洋声传播二维PE算法对海底边界条件的改进处理

    Research on Improvement of Bottom Boundary Condition Expressions in 2D PE Method of Ocean Sound Propagation

  4. 东海PN断面黑潮区域声传播数值模拟

    Numberical simulation of acoustic transmission in Kuroshio zone at the PN section in East China Sea

  5. 把粮食介质看成准颗粒物质并利用均匀化方法(homogenizationmethod)对粮食中声传播的特性进行理论研究。

    The main studies are as follows : ( 1 ) The sound propagation characteristics in grain are theoretically studied by treating grain as quasi - . granule medium and using homogenization method .

  6. 声传播速度最高达5010m/s,这是蓝宝石衬底上制备的ZnO基SAW器件文献报道中速度较高的。

    The SAW propagation velocity is up to5010m / s , which is one of the highest speed reported in the literature of ZnO-based SAW devices on the sapphire substrates .

  7. 1956年Biot提出流体饱和多孔介质声传播理论,奠定了该声学分支的理论基础。

    Biot ( 1956 ) established a fundamental theory of acoustic wave propagation through a fluid saturated porous elastic medium .

  8. 利用BELLHOP声学模式模拟东海PN断面黑潮区域的声传播,比较夏季和冬季的接收信号。

    Acoustic transmission in Kuroshio zone at the PN section in East China Sea is simulated with BELLHOP model .

  9. Kraken海洋声学模型及其声传播与衰减的数值试验

    Kraken Marine Acoustic Model and Its Numerical Experiment for Acoustic Propagation and Decay

  10. 等截面管道声传播问题的算例表明:达到同样精度时本文格式CPU的时间只是〔4〕的到。

    Keeping the same accuracy , examples in the problems of sound propagation in uniform lined ducts show that the CPU time required by this method can be two to three times less than that given in reference [ 4 ] .

  11. 采用摄动法将具有线性温度梯度介质中的声传播方程化为Helmholtz方程,然后用边界元法进行计算。

    Bu using the perturbation method , the sound wave propagation equation in the medium with a linear temperature gradient is simplified into Helmholtz equation , which can be computed numerically with the boundary element method .

  12. 饱和流体多孔介质中声传播的Biot理论在地震勘探、声波测井资料解释中具有极大的应用价值。

    Biot theory on acoustic wave propagation in fluid-saturated porous media is of great importance to data interpretation in seismic exploration and acoustic logging . The article gives a review of the Biot theory , J. G.

  13. 根据海洋声场与内波场的关系,建立了内孤立波特征参数反演模型,结合从SAR图像中提取的孤立子内波部分参数,利用声传播损失的信息进行孤立子内波振幅的反演。

    A characteristic parameter inverse modeling of internal soliton was established based on the relation between the ocean acoustic fields and internal waves . Combined with some parameters of internal waves obtained from SAR image , the amplitudess of internal solitons was inversed by the information of sound transmission loss .

  14. 利用2001年3月东海PN断面“973”调查获得的CTD数据,用数值模拟方法研究了PN断面黑潮区域海底起伏对声传播的影响。

    Based on the CTD data collected on PN section in the East China Sea during March of 2001 , the numerical simulation method is used to study the effect of sea-bottom undulation on sound propagation on PN section in the Kuroshio area .

  15. 与动态光弹法、施利仑(Schlieren)法等声传播显示方法相比,该方法不仅能够同时显示不同时刻固体、液体中的声场,而且还适应于非透明固体;

    Compared with Schlieren method and dynamic photo-elastic method , this method can not only show the sound field distribution in liquid and solid at different time moments , but also can be applied to non-transparent solid .

  16. 本文根据流体饱和多孔介质中声传播的Biot理论和多孔介质界面上的六个边界条件研究了平面声波斜入射于多层水平板状多孔介质时的反射和透射。

    Based on the Biot theory of sound propagation in fluid-saturated porous medium we have studied in this paper the sound reflection and transmission on multilayered porous media , in which the adequate boundary conditions across interfaces are taken into account .

  17. 本文对广义相积分简正波方法(WKBZ)进行了推广,使之适于处理双轴海洋声道中声传播问题。

    In this paper , the generalized phase-integral ( WKBZ ) normal mode approach is extended and applied to dealing with the sound propagation in two-axis underwater channel .

  18. 在含气孔粘弹媒质中非线性声传播特性

    The propagation of longitudinal acoustics wave in viscoelastic medium containing micropores

  19. 多分散颗粒悬浊液声传播衰减模型研究

    Study on sound propagation attenuation model in suspensions of polydisperse particles

  20. 管内声传播计算的一种差分方法

    A Finite Difference Method for Computing Sound Propagation in Lined Ducts

  21. 存在高温气流时管道中的声传播

    Propagation of Sound in Pipes with Gas Flow of High Temperature

  22. 有流条件下环形管道中的声传播特性

    The sound propagation in an annular duct with a mean flow

  23. 管道声传播数值计算与实验结果比较

    Numerical solution compared with experimental result for sound propagation in ducts

  24. 亚、超音喷管中声传播的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Sound Wave Propagation in Subsonic and Supersonic Nozzle

  25. 室内障碍物对声传播作用的计算机模拟研究

    Study on effects of indoor barriers upon sound propagation with computer simulation

  26. 负跃层浅海声传播的一个新现象&远程传播中的海底散射波

    Sea-bottom scattering waves in sound propagation at shallow water with a thermocline

  27. 深海声道中声传播会聚区研究

    A Research of Sound Propagation Convergence Zones in Deep Ocean

  28. 管壁上缝隙对管内声传播的影响

    Effect of wall aperture on sound propagation within a tube

  29. 海底声学特性水平变化引起的异常声传播

    Anomalous sound propagation due to the horizontal variation of seabed acoustic properties

  30. 声呐浮标遥测水下声传播衰减

    Measuring transmission loss of underwater sound with a telemetry sonobuoy