
It is pointed out the application in underwater acoustic technique .
Underwater Sound-Electronics , Tools for Ocean Exploitation
Underwater acoustic technology has made great progress recently , but it also faces new challenges .
The underwater acoustic technology is the most efficient approach used in fishery production and survey .
With the development of underwater acoustic technique , the underwater warfare becomes more and more complicated .
It is a new conception for combing vector hydrophone and fiber-optic hydrophone and into fiber-optical vector hydrophone .
So the passive target detection and identification is the important research part in the modern acoustic technique field .
The ability of managing interfaces is of greater significance for underwater equipments as underwater acoustic technique develops rapidly nowadays .
Underwater acoustic technology is an effective tool to exploit ocean resources , and plays an important role in military .
With the development of underwater acoustic technic , the acoustic transponder has got widespread application as an indispensable experimental equipment .
With the progress of underwater acoustic technology , the underwater acoustic transducers are required developed towards low-frequency , broadband and high power .
In the underwater sound and ultrasonic technology , the transducer is one of the key components . It is an energy transformation device .
With the development of the technique of modern underwater acoustics and the improvement of sonar equipment , the requirement for performance of sonar elements is increasing .
With the development of science and technology , the acoustic technology plays a more and more significant role in the exploitation and utilization of marine resources .
Some marine survey technologies are discussed including automatic marine environmental observation , ocean remote sensing , marine acoustics , underwater survey , geological oceanography and geophysics exploration .
At present , the main means of the marine scientific research is acoustic technology , and with the development of acoustic technology , various types of acoustic equipment are constantly updated .
Underwater Acoustic Technology for describing the sound field signals not only need scalar information-sound pressure in the sound field , but also need vector information in the sound field , such as sound pressure gradient , particle velocity and acceleration .
With the development of the technology of remote sensing underwater , as the key part of the sonar system , transducer is used much more deeply in wider field , so it is necessary to equalize the pressure of the inner and outer of it .
The detection technique of underwater target with vector transducer is one of the rising techniques in the underwater engineering . It is often called " Acoustic technique in the twenty-one century " for it 's widely prospect in weak signal detection and low noise measurement .
Study of 4-channel underwater acoustic communication based on pattern time delay shift coding system
The Underwater Communication Technology 's Research and Realization Based on FPGA
High-Speed Underwater Acoustic Communication Technique Based on MIMO-OFDM
Underwater acoustic positioning technology is very important to prospecting and development for sea resource . It combines acoustic ranging technology , GPS technology with space positioning technology to position ocean targets .
The application in RCS test of ship with water-sound detection technology Study of Direction Estimation Based on Intensity Measurement Using Acoustic Vector Sensor
A Simple , Reliable and Robust Direct-Sequence Spread-Spectrum ( DSSS ) Underwater Acoustic Communication Receiver Based on FSK Modulation
Underwater acoustic communication technology is the key for solving the transmission and processing of underwater information , and it 's widely used in the fields of AUV , underwater communication network , telemetry , and target detection .
The application of underwater acoustical positioning technology to pipeline laying of sea floor in bz-34 Bohai oil field
A Study of Underwater Acoustic Communication Between Surface Ship and Vehicle
Analysis and implementation of cross sync-period underwater acoustical positioning for underwater targets
The study of underwater acoustic communication technology based-on the acoustic vector sensor