
  1. 并指出它在水声技术中的应用前景。

    It is pointed out the application in underwater acoustic technique .

  2. 水声技术-电子技术与海洋开发

    Underwater Sound-Electronics , Tools for Ocean Exploitation

  3. 水声技术得到了长足的发展,但同时也面临着新的挑战。

    Underwater acoustic technology has made great progress recently , but it also faces new challenges .

  4. 在渔业生产和调查中,水声技术是目前最有效的方法。

    The underwater acoustic technology is the most efficient approach used in fishery production and survey .

  5. 随着水声技术的发展,水下武器对抗也日趋复杂。

    With the development of underwater acoustic technique , the underwater warfare becomes more and more complicated .

  6. 将矢量水听器和光纤水听器结合而成的光纤矢量水听器是水声技术中的新概念。

    It is a new conception for combing vector hydrophone and fiber-optic hydrophone and into fiber-optical vector hydrophone .

  7. 所以被动目标检测和识别是现代水声技术重点研究领域之一。

    So the passive target detection and identification is the important research part in the modern acoustic technique field .

  8. 水声技术的不断发展对水下设备的接口能力提出了越来越高的要求。

    The ability of managing interfaces is of greater significance for underwater equipments as underwater acoustic technique develops rapidly nowadays .

  9. 水声技术是海洋资源开发的有效手段,在军事上也具有重要作用。

    Underwater acoustic technology is an effective tool to exploit ocean resources , and plays an important role in military .

  10. 随着水声技术的发展,水声应答器作为一种不可缺少的实验设备得到了广泛的应用。

    With the development of underwater acoustic technic , the acoustic transponder has got widespread application as an indispensable experimental equipment .

  11. 随着水声技术的发展,要求水声换能器朝着低频、宽带、大功率的方向发展。

    With the progress of underwater acoustic technology , the underwater acoustic transducers are required developed towards low-frequency , broadband and high power .

  12. 在超声及水声技术中,换能器是核心元件之一,它是一种能量转换的器件。

    In the underwater sound and ultrasonic technology , the transducer is one of the key components . It is an energy transformation device .

  13. 随着现代水声技术的发展和声纳设备性能的不断改进,对声纳阵元的性能要求正逐步提高。

    With the development of the technique of modern underwater acoustics and the improvement of sonar equipment , the requirement for performance of sonar elements is increasing .

  14. 随着科学技术的发展,水声技术在海洋资源的开发与利用中扮演着越来越重要的角色。

    With the development of science and technology , the acoustic technology plays a more and more significant role in the exploitation and utilization of marine resources .

  15. 本文涉及的海洋探测技术包括:海洋环境自动观测技术,海洋遥感技术,水声技术,水下工程探测技术,海洋地质和地球物理勘探技术。

    Some marine survey technologies are discussed including automatic marine environmental observation , ocean remote sensing , marine acoustics , underwater survey , geological oceanography and geophysics exploration .

  16. 当前,海洋科学研究的主要手段是水声技术,随着水声技术的发展,各类水声设备不断更新。

    At present , the main means of the marine scientific research is acoustic technology , and with the development of acoustic technology , various types of acoustic equipment are constantly updated .

  17. 水声技术中要完整地描述声场信息,不仅需要声场的标量信息&声压,还需要声场中的矢量信息,如声压梯度、质点振速和加速度。

    Underwater Acoustic Technology for describing the sound field signals not only need scalar information-sound pressure in the sound field , but also need vector information in the sound field , such as sound pressure gradient , particle velocity and acceleration .

  18. 随着水声技术的不断发展,换能器作为声纳系统的重要组成部分,在水下工程中的应用越来越广泛,工作深度越来越大,换能器内外压力平衡的要求也来越高。

    With the development of the technology of remote sensing underwater , as the key part of the sonar system , transducer is used much more deeply in wider field , so it is necessary to equalize the pressure of the inner and outer of it .

  19. 矢量水听器检测技术是近年来新兴的水声技术之一,它在弱信号检测、低噪声目标测量领域有着广阔的应用前景,被称为二十一世纪的水声技术。

    The detection technique of underwater target with vector transducer is one of the rising techniques in the underwater engineering . It is often called " Acoustic technique in the twenty-one century " for it 's widely prospect in weak signal detection and low noise measurement .

  20. Pattern时延差编码四信道水声通信技术研究

    Study of 4-channel underwater acoustic communication based on pattern time delay shift coding system

  21. 基于FPGA的水声通信技术研究与实现

    The Underwater Communication Technology 's Research and Realization Based on FPGA

  22. 基于MIMO-OFDM的高速水声通信技术研究

    High-Speed Underwater Acoustic Communication Technique Based on MIMO-OFDM

  23. 水声定位技术在海洋资源的勘探、开发中发挥着重要的作用,水声定位技术联合水声测距技术、GPS定位技术、空间定位技术实现海洋目标定位。

    Underwater acoustic positioning technology is very important to prospecting and development for sea resource . It combines acoustic ranging technology , GPS technology with space positioning technology to position ocean targets .

  24. 水声探测技术在舰船RCS测量中的应用矢量传感器的复声强法定向技术研究

    The application in RCS test of ship with water-sound detection technology Study of Direction Estimation Based on Intensity Measurement Using Acoustic Vector Sensor

  25. 采用FSK调制的直接序列扩频水声通信技术

    A Simple , Reliable and Robust Direct-Sequence Spread-Spectrum ( DSSS ) Underwater Acoustic Communication Receiver Based on FSK Modulation

  26. 水声通信技术是解决水下信息传送和处理的关键技术,它广泛应用于水下自治机器人(AUV)、水下通讯网路,遥控,和目标检测等领域。

    Underwater acoustic communication technology is the key for solving the transmission and processing of underwater information , and it 's widely used in the fields of AUV , underwater communication network , telemetry , and target detection .

  27. 渤海BZ-34油田海底管线敷设中的水声定位技术

    The application of underwater acoustical positioning technology to pipeline laying of sea floor in bz-34 Bohai oil field

  28. 母船和潜器水声通信技术研究

    A Study of Underwater Acoustic Communication Between Surface Ship and Vehicle

  29. 超同步周期水声定位技术研究与实现

    Analysis and implementation of cross sync-period underwater acoustical positioning for underwater targets

  30. 基于声矢量传感器的水声通信技术研究

    The study of underwater acoustic communication technology based-on the acoustic vector sensor