
  • 网络occupational annuity;occupational pension
  1. 企业年金(在国外又成为超级年金、职业年金、私人养老金计划,等等。)

    Private pension ( abroad has become superannuation , occupational pension . Enterprise Annuity , and so on . )

  2. 同时,在充分借鉴国内外年金投资实践经验的基础上,提出了适合职业年金发展的投资策略。

    At the same time , the full pension investment from home and abroad based on practical experience , made for the development of occupational pension investment strategies .

  3. 对我国职业年金制度的设计包括其应遵循的原则、内容的设计以及相关方面的建议。

    The design of the systerm includes the principle , content and relative suggestions .

  4. 职业年金制度采取分类模式是一个非常重要的部分,它关系到改革是否能顺利进行,是解决过渡时期非常重要的手段。

    Classification model of the systerm is an important part . It influences the implement of the reform and is the main means in the transition period .

  5. 接着,论文分析了我国教师职业年金制度的经营模式,并探讨了税收政策对职业年金发展的重要影响。

    Then , paper analysis of the teaching profession of our business model of the pension system and tax policy on the development of occupational pension a significant impact .

  6. 年金制度具体设置上,应选择建立全社会统一的基本年金制度,并辅以公务员职业年金。

    Specific settings on the pension system should be selected to establish the basic unity of society as the whole pension system , supplemented by the Civil Service Occupational Pension .

  7. 随着各国公共养老保险制度改革进程的深化,尤其是经济转轨国家面临的共同问题,包括职业年金和商业年金在内的补充养老保险重新成为国际社会保险领域的试点和前沿课题。

    With the deepening reform process of the public pension system , especially the common problems facing in countries with economies in transition , the supplementary pension including occupational pension and insurance contracts pension , becomes a pilot area of social security and cutting-edge topics .

  8. 信托型职业年金是基金积累型养老金,在受益人退休时以账户积累资金购买商业年金的方式给付养老金,这意味商业年金在未来的职业年金市场将大有可为。

    Trust-based occupational pension is the accumulation of pension funds , the beneficiary in order to account for the accumulation of retirement funds to purchase a commercial annuity pension payments manner , it will mean that business in the future of occupational pension annuity market will be promising .