
  • 网络fund product
  1. 从本质上来讲,国内目前所谓的基金产品设计实际上是基金产品引进。

    The domestic fund product designs are , in nature , fund product introduction .

  2. 我国证券投资基金产品创新必须以功能深化为基础,以结构优化、规模适度、费率降低为手段。

    We must make function deepening the basis for our mutual fund product design and make structure optimizing , size moderating and fee reducing the measures to take .

  3. 从去年夏天开始,以阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroupHoldingLtd.)为首的中国互联网巨头开始在线直销货币市场类基金产品。

    Since last summer , China 's largest Internet companies , led by Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. , have begun selling money market-like funds directly online .

  4. 另有3家持有rqfii牌照的资产管理公司,其基金产品正在等待审批结果。

    Approvals for funds from three further rqfii licensed asset managers are pending .

  5. 而花旗集团(citigroup)等其它银行,则可能提供内部管理的基金产品,但至于它的基金产品是否纳入投资组合,则取决于客户的意愿。

    Others such as Citigroup may offer in-house funds but will leave the decision on whether Citigroup funds are held in a portfolio entirely at the discretion of the client .

  6. 巴克莱资本(barclayscapital)的这份报告凸显出亚洲客户对高收益产品的预期需求,而热火朝天的亚洲理财市场上的这一趋势,可能会给传统共同基金产品提供商带来更大压力。

    The report by Barclays Capital , the investment banking arm of the UK lender , highlights the expected demand for higher margin products in the red-hot Asian wealth management market , a trend that may put further pressure on providers of traditional mutual funds .

  7. 证券投资基金产品创新设计研究

    The Research on the Approach of Innovation of Securities Investment Fund

  8. 三是开放式基金产品效用的预期性和效用实现方式的持续性;

    Expectation on utility and continuity on achieving way of open-fund ;

  9. 二是开放式基金产品的虚拟性,即价值形态的虚拟性、产品形态的虚拟性和运动形式的虚拟性;

    Imaginary on value-form , product-form and motion-form of open-fund ;

  10. 我国证券投资基金产品细分市场研究

    Research on Market Segmentation of Investment Fund in China

  11. 契约型房地产投资信托基金产品设计研究

    The Contract Governance Studies on the Product-Designing of Contractual Real Estate Investment Trusts

  12. 论开放式基金产品设计与营销

    On Designing and Marketing of Open-end Funding Products

  13. 对基金产品十分了解。

    Fund products are all too familiar .

  14. 我们有20个人专门负责外部基金产品,而且这是个非常详尽的程序。

    We have 20 people focusing on external funds and it 's a very detailed process .

  15. 基金产品的营销也不轻松。

    Marketing brings its own challenges .

  16. 在投资者对此类基金产品的需求出现放缓的情况下,日本股票型基金不太可能恢复往昔盛况。

    A slower demand for such funds is unlikely to cause a renaissance in Japanese equity funds .

  17. 开放式基金产品的特性表现为:一是开放式基金产品价值的不确定性和预期性;

    The Special Characteristic of open-fund is : ( 1 ) non-determined on the value of open-fund ;

  18. 全球经济一体化和自由化的发展,使投资基金产品和业务跨越了国界。

    The development of global economic integration and liberalization has made investment fund products and business across national boundaries .

  19. 我们还提供一系列的共同基金产品,以及资金管理和资产分配计划。

    We also offer a full line of mutual fund products as well as money management and asset allocations programs .

  20. 香港已经有一个新兴的人民币计价债券市场,那里的资产管理公司都在计划推出债券基金产品。

    Hong Kong already has a fledgling renminbi-denominated market and asset managers on the ground are planning bond fund products .

  21. 结果,富兰克林邓普顿成为最后一家排队申请注册整整一个系列基金产品的外国基金管理公司。

    As a consequence , Franklin Templeton was the last foreign fund manager to queue with a whole series of funds .

  22. 外国基金产品能否获准在线销售也存在巨大的不确定性。

    There is also a lot of uncertainty [ over ] whether foreign products will be allowed to be sold online .

  23. 基金产品严重同质化和其他金融机构发行的替代型产品,使基金管理公司的营销工作陷入了前所未有的困境。

    Serious homogeneity of funds and alternative products issued by other financial institutions , are making an unprecedented difficulties for fund marketing .

  24. 证券投资基金产品的创新对基金业的发展有着重要意义。

    The innovation of products of securities investment fund plays a very important role in the development of fund industry in China .

  25. 在他们的投资组合中,高达20%至30%的资产可能是大宗商品、私人股本和对冲基金产品。

    As much as 20 to 30 per cent of their portfolios might be in commodities , private equity and hedge funds .

  26. 表面上看,对于已在中国推出基金产品的投资管理公司而言,现在应该是大好时光。

    On the face of it , these should be great times for the investment management companies that have launched funds in China .

  27. 而营销是为基金产品赋予差异化特色的关键元素,因为监管层对基金管理公司能够面向零售客户发售的资产类型有着限制。

    But marketing is a critical differentiator because of the regulatory limits on the types of assets that can be offered to retail investors .

  28. 凭藉简单好用的特性和强大的营销实力,这些基金产品吸引了数以亿计的人民币资金。

    The ease of use for Chinese investors and the widespread advertising capabilities have led Chinese to pour billions of yuan into the funds .

  29. 因此,市场已经大幅前进,私人银行已投入大量资金,用于产品开发和提供全面的对冲基金产品。

    Given this , the market has moved on and significant sums are being invested in product development and providing the full range of hedge funds .

  30. 在上世纪90年代,自有基金产品的销售让位于一个开放式销售架构,相关投资平台出现,投资人得以接触到成百上千的基金经理人。

    Selling proprietary products gave way to open architecture in the 1990s , with investment platforms set up that provide access to hundreds of fund managers .