
  • 网络basic chemistry;Fundamental Chemistry;general chemistry
  1. 医用基础化学课程CAI课件开发的构想

    The Tentative Conception of CAI Courseware Development in Medical Basic chemistry Courses

  2. Flash在《基础化学实验Ⅰ》课件制作中的应用

    The Application of Flash in the Manufacture of Basic Chemistry Experiment ⅰ Multimedia CAI

  3. microsoftexcel在《基础化学》成绩统计方面的应用

    The Application of Microsoft Excel in the Grade Statistics of the Basic Chemistry

  4. Excel在评定学生基础化学实验成绩上的应用

    The application of the Excel software on assessing the students ' grades of chemical experiments

  5. 首次用Excel处理大批学生基础化学实验数据,并将其编制成利用计算机能实现自动、快速地评定学生基础化学实验成绩的模板。

    The students ' chemical experiment data are handled with the software of Excel first time .

  6. 在基础化学实验中经常会有含I-及I2的水溶液或含I2的CCl4溶液产生,从其中回收I2和CCl4是化学工作者常常讨论的问题。

    Either aqueous solution containing I - and I2 or CCl4 solution containing I2 is often produced in the process of basic chemical experiment .

  7. 基础化学网络教学课件设计与教学实践

    Web-based Teaching Coursewares ' Development and Teaching Practice of Fundamental Chemistry

  8. 地学专业基础化学课程分层次教学研究与实践

    Research and practice in leveled teaching of foundational chemistry in geoscience

  9. 三峡工程基础化学灌浆设计与应用探讨

    Design and Application of Chemical Grout to Three Gorges Dam Foundation

  10. 基础化学教学内容现代化的探讨

    An Exploration on the Modernization of Teaching Content of Basic Chemistry

  11. 加强基础化学实验教学培养学生综合能力

    Strengthening Basic Chemistry Experiment Teaching and Fostering Students ' Comprehensive Ability

  12. 氧化反应在有机化学中是一类非常重要的基础化学反应。

    The oxidation is an important basic reaction in organic chemistry .

  13. 建立基础化学实验新体系的思路与实践

    Thoughts and Practice and Establishment of Basic Chemistry Experiment Teaching System

  14. 非化学专业基础化学实验的教学改革与实践

    Reform and Practice in Basic Chemical Experimental Education for Non-Chemistry Specialty

  15. 基础化学实验教学在农科大学教学中占有重要的地位。

    Reformation and consideration of basic chemistry experiment in normal university ;

  16. 论高校基础化学实验教学的改革

    Discussion on the Laboratory Teaching Reform of Elementary Chemistry in Universities

  17. 哑铃式基础化学实验教学内容体系改革探索

    A Study of Innovations on Contents of the Dumbbell-shape Basic Chemistry Experiment

  18. 浅析基础化学实验内容改革

    A preliminary study on the reform in contents of basic chemistry experiment

  19. 基础化学实验教学应渗透环保意识

    Experiment to Inside Permeate the Environmental Protection Education in the Foundation chemistry

  20. 基础化学实验是为农科院校大一学生所开设的基础课。

    Basic chemistry experiments were set for the freshmen in agriculture universities .

  21. 基础化学实验中心的优化管理与建设

    Exploration on the Optimizing Administration of Laboratory Center of Chemistry

  22. 医用基础化学教学改革初探

    A study into the reform of teaching basic medical chemistry

  23. 基础化学实验课程的改革及考核模式的探讨

    Reform of Fundamental Chemistry Experiment Course and Study on the Check Model

  24. 论医用基础化学课程在医科教学中的作用&兼评统编电大《医用大基础化学》教材

    On Application of Medical Basic Chemistry Course in Medical Teaching

  25. 高师基础化学实验课教学改革初探

    Discussion About Reform of Basic Experiment Instruction in Normal College

  26. 基础化学实验教学改革与效果分析

    Reform on Basic Chemistry Experiment Teaching and Its Effect Analysis

  27. 目的研制适用于医学本科生基础化学辅助教学的网络课件。

    Objective To develop the basic chemistry network course for medical students .

  28. 基础化学实验大学生工程意识的培养

    College Students ' Engineering Awareness Cultivation in Foundational Chemistry Experiment

  29. 预制桩基础化学灌浆补强加固地基的工程特点

    Characteristics of Reinforcement of Prefabricated Pile Foundation with Chemical Grouting

  30. 基础化学课堂教学法的灵活运用

    The Agile Application of Classroom Teaching Method about Basic Chemistry