
  • 网络national literature;kokubungaku;American Literature
  1. 其主要表现为净土信仰的流行、造型艺术的繁荣以及国文学的隆盛。

    Japanese national culture is mostly represented as the popularity of the worship of Pure Land Buddhism , the flourishing of the plastic arts and the prosperous of the national literature .

  2. 屈原是我国文学史上第一位爱国诗人。

    Qu Yuan is the first poet of Chinese literary history .

  3. 50年代前期我国文学理论教材建设概论

    On Compilation of Our Country 's Literary Theoretical Textbooks before the 1950s

  4. 当前我国文学理论创新的话语策略

    A Discourse Strategy of the Theoretical Innovations in the Current Chinese Literature

  5. 共和国文学范式的嬗变&现实主义长篇小说叙事50年

    The Evolution of the Literary Models of the Republic

  6. 古代文学是我国文学发展史上的瑰宝。

    Ancient literature is a rarity in the history of our literature development .

  7. 新时期30年我国文学理论流派的萌芽与雏形

    On the Rudimental Schools of Chinese Literary Theory in the " New Era "

  8. 北平师范大学文学院国文学系毕业。

    He graduated from the Chinese department of Literature Istitute of Beijing Normal University .

  9. 奠定了民间文学在我国文学史上不可替代的地位。

    Establishing the important position of classic literature on our country 's literary history .

  10. 五四前我国文学观念的论争和现代化之首演

    The Pre-May-4th Arguments in Literary Conception and the First Posture of Modernism in China

  11. 试论我国文学旅游资源的概念及分类

    A Brief Look at the Definition and Classification of Literature Tourism Resources in Our Country

  12. 游戏精神是当今我国文学艺术理论界普遍关注的一个重要的美学命题。

    Play-spirit is one of the most prevalent topics among the contemporary literary art theories .

  13. 李白是我国文学史上具有传奇色彩的诗人。

    LI Bai is a great poet full of legend in China 's literary history .

  14. 我国文学批评理论的本土化建设问题是一个重大的时代命题。

    Theory of localization of building our literary criticism is a major proposition of the times .

  15. 史家意识与异国对象&中国学术视野里的奥国文学之成立

    Historian Consciousness and Object of Foreign Country : Tenability of Austrian Literature in Chinese Academic Vision

  16. 建国十七年我国文学作品插图剖析

    The Illustration Dissect of Chinese Literature at the Early 17 Years of Foundation of Our Country

  17. 登高文学一直以来都是我国文学史上的重要内容。

    The Climbing Literature has always been an important part in the history of our literature .

  18. 《西游记》是我国文学史上一部伟大的神魔小说。

    " Journey to the West " is one of the greatest supernatural novels in Chinese literature history .

  19. 魏晋南北朝是我国文学史和艺术史上一个重要的变革时期。

    Wei-Jin and Southern-Northern Dynasties is an important period of changing in the history of literature and art .

  20. 同时提出确立研究者明确的史家意识,并以此来统合奥国文学研究。

    It also points out the researchers ' historian consciousness , with which the Austrian literature studies will be unified .

  21. 结构主义文论的文本研究取向正好可以弥补我国文学理论批评在文本研究方面的缺失和不足。

    The tropism of context study in structuralism just makes up the gap existing in the context study in Chinese context study .

  22. 本文分析了目前我国文学术语中文译名的翻译中所存的在的问题,并就其规范化提出了一些建议。

    This paper analyzes the problems in the Chinese translation of literary terms , and brings forward some suggestions about its standardization .

  23. 三十年代的新感觉派与八十年代中期的前先锋派均是我国文学史上的两个现代主义文学流派。

    Both neo-sensationalists in the 30s and avant-garde in the 80s are two schools of modernists in the history of Chinese literature .

  24. 他怀着一腔创世情怀,力图通过翻译媒介来塑造我国文学甚而人学、历史的新格局。

    He , with creation feelings , attempts to innovate Chinese literature , and even Chinese humanity history formula through translation media .

  25. 朱淑真是我国文学史上有名的女诗人,她的诗词感情沉痛。

    Zhu shuzhen , a well-known poetess in the history of Chinese literature , expressed deep feeling of grief in her poems .

  26. 要取得我国文学的全面发展,那么对于少数民族文学的发展绝对不容忽视。

    In order to obtain the all-round development of Chinese literature , the development of the minority literature absolutely can not be ignored .

  27. 香港文学是我国文学的重要组成部分,成果可观,又以散文为丰。

    The literature of Hong Kong is an important component part of chinese literature , its results is very rich , especially prose .

  28. 以唐诗宋词为代表的古诗词作品是我国文学宝库中的珍品。

    The ancient Chinese poetry represented by Tang poems and Song ci is a literary treasure of China and the whole of mankind .

  29. 可以看出,扬雄的这些意识对我国文学理论的发展所起的作用是巨大的。

    It can be seen , Yang Xiong played a great role in the subsequent development from these awareness to the integral literary theory .

  30. 文如其人在我国文学批评史上是一种由来已久的观念,并且被大多数论者所接受。

    " The style is the man " in Chinese history of literary criticism is an age-old concept , and accepted by most scholars .