
  1. 国际竞争性招标(简写为ICB):指对所有合格的供应商和承包商开放的招标。

    International competitive Bidding - ICB : Bidding open to all eligible suppliers and contractors .

  2. 在BDS中提供了许多国际竞争性招标(ICB)的名称、身份以及号码。

    The name , identification , and number of lots of the international Competitive Bidding ( ICB ) are provided in the BDS .

  3. 浅谈国际竞争性设备招标程序和策略

    Brief Description of Procedure & Measures of Bid for the Internationally Competitive Equipments

  4. 世界银行贷款项目国际竞争性招标采购程序

    Introduction on International Competitive Biding Procurement Procedure for the Loan Project of the World Bank

  5. 论证了文体分析在国际竞争性招标文件汉译中的应用,进一步探讨国际竞争性招标文件的翻译方法。

    The case study demonstrates the application of stylistic analysis to the ICB Documents translation and further explores the translation methods .

  6. 经对招标方式和非招标方式进行研究比较,选用国际竞争性谈判方式进行采购。

    By comparing bidding type with non-biding procurement types , the international competitive negotiation was selected for bidding the EFTF cladding project .

  7. 在第四章中,论文着重论述文体分析在国际竞争性招标文件英汉翻译中的应用,探讨其翻译方法。

    Fourth , the paper puts emphasis on the application of stylistic analysis to the ICB Documents translation , and makes a study of the translation methods .

  8. 国际竞争性投标的策略模型是基于模糊集合论技术建立起来的,是一种非常适用于承包商实际应用的模型。

    The strategy model of international competitive bidding is built on the basis of fuzzy set theory , and it is a very applicable for international project contractors .

  9. 最后,文章将理论与实践相结合,以国际竞争性招标文件中合同协议书样本为例,从文体分析角度,对合同协议书的翻译作了详细的论述。

    Finally , the theory is integrated with practice , and a case study is made . Taking the Contract Agreement of ICB Documents as sample , the translation of the Contract Agreement is elaborated through analyzing its stylistic features .

  10. 在国民素质日益成为国际竞争关键性因素的时代,对提高国民素质有举足轻重作用的高中教育成为各国教育改革的焦点。

    National Quality becomes a key factor in the era of international competition , high school education which is vital to improve the national quality has become the focus of education reform in most countries .

  11. 项目研究的主要内容为国际前沿和竞争性科技难点。

    The primary content which this programme researches is international leading edge and competive technology hard point .

  12. 讨论了在工程制图双语教学课程中,如何结合航海专业国际合作与竞争性强、英语能力要求高、工程制图课时少的特点进行有效教学。

    How to implement an effective bilingual teaching considering the characteristics of navigation major , such as globalization , high english ability requirement , limited course time , etc. , is discussed .

  13. 目前,国有独资商业银行的体制弊端已经严重制约了国有独资商业银行的发展,成为入世后参与国际竞争的制度性障碍。

    At present the system irregularity of the state-owned commercial bank has greatly limited the development of the state-owned commercial bank , which becomes the " systematic " obstacle in international competition after the entrance of WTO .

  14. 现已发展成为以光通信技术研发基地、光电器件生产基地、光纤光缆生产基地、激光技术研发等重点领域为核心的现代产业化基地,已成为我国在光电子产业领域参与国际竞争的标志性品牌。

    Wuhan optoelectronic industries have become the R D base of the optical communication technology , production base of optical devices , production base of the optical fiber and cable , modernized industrialization base with the core of the R D and development of the laser technology and other areas .

  15. 论国际税收竞争与竞争性的中国税制

    On International Tax Competition and the Competitiveness of China 's Tax System

  16. 这种合作也会改变石油生产在国际安全领域的竞争性地位。

    Doing so would also alter the competitive role of oil production in international security .

  17. 我们需要先进的技术来使我们的产品在国际市场上有竞争性。

    We acquire advanced technology to make our products compete successfully on the international market .

  18. 随着我国基本建设项目管理体制改革的不断深入,目前越来越多的建设项目均已实现了国际、国内的竞争性招标。

    With the continue development of the reformation of Infrastructure project management system , more and more construction projects have realized competitive bidding at home and abroad .

  19. 而双赢目标的实现依赖于两个方面:一,中国、东盟经济竞争与互补关系,即中国东盟在对外贸易和国际投资上的竞争性与互补性。

    First , whether the economic relationship between China and ASEAN is competitive or complementary , that is whether China and ASEAN are competitive or complementary in foreign trade and international direct investment .

  20. 汽车行业作为典型的国际性、完全竞争性的成熟产业,体现了一个国家的工业技术水平,汽车工业的发展对提升我国制造业的国际竞争力以及世界经济地位都具有重要的意义。

    As atypical international and competitive mature industry , auto industry represents the industrial technology level of the country . The development of auto industry plays a vital role in promoting the international competitiveness of our manufacturing business and the economic status in the world .

  21. 近年来,中国在基本建设方面,开始利用国际金融组织的贷款进行国际性竞争性招标采购。

    In recent years , in the area of infrastructure construction , China has begun to utilize loans from international financial organizations to implement international competitive bidding procurement .

  22. 随着亚洲开发银行等国际金融组织均加大对我国基础设施项目建设的融资,国际竞争性招标文件翻译就变得举足轻重。

    By far , the international financial organizations such as the Asian Development Bank ( ADB ) has enhanced the financing to infrastructure projects construction in China .