
  1. 所以microRNA的调控符合进化的需要。(2)MicroRNA对细胞周期的正调控机制研究。现有认识来看,一般认为MicroRNA是与它的目标基因配对后通过抑制其表达来行使调控的。

    So the emergence of microRNA-regulation meets the requirements of evolution . ( 2 ) The mechanism of microRNA ' positive regulation on cell cycle ; Now it is believed that microRNAs function through base-paring with its target genes to repress its expression .

  2. 用含有一些基因的不同基因片断组装混合配对基因可以为这一问题的解决提供帮助。

    Assembling mix-and-match genomes with lots of different combinations of cassettes that each contain but a handful of genes should shed light on the question .